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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Exactly why I was thinking only once or twice a year. Gives everyone 6 months or so to complete their work. Which,.. even for the slow and untalented like myself gives plenty of time. And maybe get some others to try their hand at it, and possibly get help and pointers from the forum along the way.
  2. I was just curious how many people on this forum sculpt their own figures? And of those,.. who would be interested in competing in a challenge? Sort of like a painting challenge,.. but with clay instead. I was thinking that ocassionally (once or twice a year) I'd throw out a challenge/theme, and then see what the sculpters come up with. No prizes or anything,.. just for fun. Thoughts?
  3. Resurrects thread,... just to see what the new people to the forums have to offer,..
  4. arms done up to about the wrist. sleeve done on the one side,.. just gotta do the other side now. next up,... hands (which might be problematic) and head,.. (which is definitely going to be troublesome)
  5. Anyways guys,.. 'tis bedtime for me once more. I have that pesky work thing on the 'morrow. I'll see you guys later. g'night all. *spins a web and swings off into the night*
  6. yeah,.. there are some things that you just can't "un-see" *L* *hands Shine some mental bleach * Not sure this'll help,.. but,....
  7. Whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is your own affair. I'm not here to judge,...
  8. Thanks for the vote of confidence,... it helps a lot. And I really do appreciate the help.
  9. you should play the mannequin,... a sentient one,.. and the showgirl is actually the puppet.
  10. Psst,.. only crazy people think they're getting saner,...
  11. Should be a "shambling" clockwork gremlin. Carries a small bag of tools everywhere he goes,... because his pieces keep falling off and he constantly has to keep putting himself back together. But on the plus side,.. has repair skills that are through the roof stat wise. Could be both amusing and useful, given the right circumstances.
  12. not to your level by any stretch,.. but it is vaugely resembling a human being, so i'm happy enough with it so far.
  13. so,.. if the game is malifaux based,.. do we have to choose a faction to base the characters off of? I have a few ideas,... hrmm,.. what to do,...
  14. yes,... we travel in packs *grin* or are those called families?,.. what exactly is the correct term for a group of monkeys? ---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ---------- what sort of factions/character types are allowed?,... anything dis-allowed?
  15. one of these days, I'm gonna have to get in on a game session with you guys.
  16. *swings in on my web and takes up my usual spot up in the corner* Hey guys,...
  17. Alright,.. got the shoulder strap done. (might need a little fine tuning) and a rough shape blocked out for the left arm. Thoughts on shaping the arm? And what of the sleeve? Still trying to determine exactly how the fabric would fall. Especially in the crease of the elbow where it's likely to bunch up the most.
  18. I think the backside of the jacket may be a bit too thick though. Especially around the shoulders. I'm gonna try to thin that out a bit before baking.
  19. Undershirt and torso section of jacket added. Next up,... sleeves and arms,...
  20. Basic torso form and musculature formed and represented. I didn't go into full sculpting detail, seeing as how the shirt and jacket layers are going to cover it all. Neck is more or less done. Any thoughts on what to pay attention to or areas to spend more time on? If not,.. then I think a quick bake before layering on the torso's clothing.
  21. ok,.. thinned the shorts out some,.. baked the fimo from the waist down,.. and filed for shape on the legs and such. (Still not perfectly happy with the feet, especially the toes. But for a first time sculpture, I'm trying to look past it. But I always was my own worst critic *grin*) Now I've got the blob that is to be the torso in position and roughly shaped. In this case, there's going to basically be a t-shirt and a jacket over the torso. So is it worth taking the time to sculpt out the underlying flesh? or just the shoulder muscles and collar bone sections, as that's what is going to be see peering out from the top of the shirt around the neck line? Thoughts on my next move?
  22. Just pulled the sculpt from the oven. 220 for 30 min. Gotta let it cool now and see how stiff the putty has become. From here, scraping, filing and sanding as directed until I get it smoothed. Then,.. onto the top half!!!
  23. I always preferred role-play over roll-play. Though,.. that isn't to say that an occasional combat scene isn't nice.
  24. flip a coin?,.. paper, rock, scissors?,.. I'm sure we can come up with something
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