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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. well,.. we're up to 6 people!!! so i'm happy that it isn't just me trying to sculpt*G*
  2. just got home,.. (is my friday),.. so not bad. contemplating grilled cheese and soup for dinner. i'm a man of simple tastes. how's it with you?
  3. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner* priviet comrades,...
  4. names update,.. Webmonkey Mako Cloudfang Edonil Mister Monkey Jack ---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ---------- if anyone else wants to try their hand at this,.. just copy and paste the list and add your name at the bottom. thanks.
  5. Its a 6 month project,... to give the new people time to refine their sculpting techniques. It goes until june 30th. So not just a holiday project. Theme will be given in january. But you're welcome to join *grin*
  6. So far I have,... (in no particular order),... Webmonkey Mako Cloudfang Edonil Mister Monkey 5 people so far,.. already more then I figured *grin* feel free to add your own name to the list if you wish to sign up.
  7. welcome aboard!!! but anyways kids,... it's sleepy-time for me once again,.. g'night all. *spins a web and swings off into the night*
  8. will probably do monsters/demons for the first one,.. and perhaps chrono-faux for the second,.. after people have had a chance to get their feet wet,.. so to speak.
  9. seems like the vote so far is for monsters,..
  10. yes,.. yes we do *grin* and you're welcome to join us too. yes, 6 months,.. starts in january and goes until june 30th. I figure that should give everyone enough time to work out something to present.
  11. me thinks we have an edonil hiding and not saying anything,...
  12. i'm always down to see what you've come up with. but yeah,.. we all still hate you *grin* ---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ---------- Toshiro on a pogo-stick? *L*
  13. maybe monsters/demons with a twist,... like "flying" or something. So you have to sculpt how your monster flys. Does it have wing,... use magic,.. some mechanical contraption? Might add some other dimension to the sculpt,... ---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ---------- monkey>> exactly why i thought of monsters/demons for the first time out. because it makes it easier to sculpt. could be anything really. though,.. i'm not likely to allow someone to just throw down a mis-shapen glob of putty and call it a "blob-monster". a bit more talent will be required then that*L*
  14. I had an idea for a theme involving the monsters/demons, (comes with a bit of a story) but thought it might be too complex. Was also thinking "Chrono-faux",.. basically taking any given malifaux character, and spinning the time wheel forward (to see what the character/faction might look like in say,.. another 100 years,... or backwards,.. and put them all in say,.. midevil armor or the like. Thoughts? ---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ---------- well monkey,.. you're more then welcome to join in. and feel free to throw out some input as to what you might like to try to sculpt. or might like to see from others.
  15. still debating on the subject matter for the sculpting competition,.. should i throw out a specific faction? or just a model type? any thoughts? I'm leaning towards "monsters/demons" being the theme. Could be a failed experiment, or something that was summoned, or resurrected,.. has lot of possibilities.
  16. also says,.. "keep out of bright lights, don't get wet, and never, ever, feed after midnight",.. hrmm,.. who'd a thunk it??
  17. *checks mako's label too* Hey!!! look here,.. it says he comes with kung-fu action grip!!!
  18. it goes,... to work mostly,... over, and over again,...
  19. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner* 'evenin' gents,..
  20. *L*,... it hasn't even started yet, and already the smack talk is starting,..*L*
  21. Welcome aboard!!! Glad to see someone new trying their hand at it. And no worries,.. while Mako's stuff is likely to stomp us all,.. my own creations are,.. well,.. underwhelming*L* So there's a good chance that even as a newbie you can beat me at least *grin*
  22. Agreed. As proof that you sculpted it as opposed to buying it somewhere. WIPs encouraged. I'll leave this up and see if we can get 5 or 10 people. If so, then i'll post the first theme in early january.
  23. Either,... probably something in a Malifaux theme for the first one,.. just to keep it simple. Though I'd have to throw in a twist of some kind of course. ---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ---------- Of course,.. in the end. A fully painted fig would be nice to see. And maybe a small bit of fluff on your creation, detailing his/her history and what faction(s) he would best fit into and why. (and if you wanted to go even further, you could design your own stat card) Though this is by no means required,..
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