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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Alright guys,.. bed time once more. Got work in the morning. The weekend was far too short. ---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ---------- *swings off into the night*
  2. Ed>> $120 Mako>> Maybe you just gotta make a new appointment with the eye doctor,.. time to up the prescription I think,.. ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ---------- Woo-hoo,.. 2,000 views!!! *and the peasents rejoice*
  3. Why are you painting your trousers?? Wouldn't painting the figure be better? Or is the eyesight just so bad that you're missing it by that much??? ---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ---------- Yes, the left leg and hands and body flesh are all done with the compressor. It's nice to not worry about running out of air.
  4. yay!!! a few new pics are up. I didn't get as far as I would have liked. But still, not bad for a days work.
  5. ok,.. a whole day spent painting,.. and here it is. Not too shabby,.. the purple still needs the highlights done though. And haven't added the arms yet. Also, trying out a sheer stocking type effect down the center of the corset. Haven't decided if I like it or not. I could always change it to black easily enough. Thoughts?
  6. I've been painting too. Should have a few more pics up before the end of tonight,..
  7. *swings in* It's been quiet this weekend,...
  8. alright, here's a shot of the first arm,.. the other one is drying at the moment, but pretty much looks like the same thing, only in reverse. Next up,.. the main body. Here's a before picture. I'll try to get it done and the arms glued to it by the end of the evening.
  9. Thanks!!! Well,... bottom half is mostly done (a few finishing touches aside). Next up,... hands and arms.
  10. then do we get to make fun of him during his absence???
  11. Again,.. crappy pics, but the sun's gone down and the flash isn't doing me any real favors. I'll take some more tomorrow. But for now, here you go,... All in all, I'm really enjoying the airbrush and the results I'm getting from it. Also, Did some of the detail work on the dress. Enjoy!!!
  12. ok,.. this shot may be a bit dark, but the stocking looks dead on when held up to the first one. I'll get the purple frill done and the shoe done here shortly and take another pic. After that, I'll glue it in place and get a shot of the assembled bottom half.
  13. Here's a picture of the other leg (albeit a crappy one). I'll try to get it done today and post up some more for you guys.
  14. you could be watching those safety training videos at my job.
  15. That's actually a really nice airbrush
  16. I have to get a small adapter to step the 1/4" thread from the compressor down to the 1/8" thread of the airbrush line,.. but it should work just fine otherwise.
  17. Only if you want to,... but knowing you,.. you'll wait to cast it until about 4 hrs before the end, and then rush like a crazy man to paint it, and submit it with 5 seconds to spare on the clock,... *lol*
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