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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. ok,.. got both arms and hands attached and painted. Hit it with some dull-coat to kill the shine a bit. I'm trying to decide whether or not to attach it to the base and axe yet. Even so,.. the other question is what to do next,.. her wings, or her head,... hrmm, I'll have to think this over
  2. though, some castings of my "Nameless" wouldn't be bad. But I'd rather resculpt a more detailed version
  3. Just gotta come up with the next round's theme,... I'm still contemplating chrono-faux,..
  4. I gotta figure out that casting thing too, at some point. But first, I need to get better at my sculpting. After all,.. not much call for a 1,000 castings of ol' Mr. blob,...
  5. Thanks for participating though,.. not much of a contest if only I show up *lol* Though, if there are no other entries, you win automatically,.. seeing as how your sculpting ability out-shines mine by about 10,000 percent.
  6. Not many postings from the others who signed up. Wonder if any of them are gonna show???,...
  7. Only about 10 days to go!!!!! Hopefully we'll start seeing postings soon,....
  8. perhaps,... depends on if the next kit comes or not.
  9. I need to get back on my waysinger story,... still have a quite a bit to tell.
  10. writing is good. wish I had more time for it.
  11. *swings in* Hey guys,.. ---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ---------- Hardest Job Ever: Working in a Bubble-wrap factory,... imagine the self control needed,...
  12. thanks!!! I appreciate the comments *grin*
  13. but can you play the violin, while wearing pigtails, and high-kicking???
  14. no,.. the pigtails will just compliment his high-kicks and pale legs in the rockettes act,..
  15. I just got mine at hobbytown usa. but it's from testors
  16. It's definitely nice for not leaving brush strokes,..
  17. yeah,.. some dull-cote at the end will help. ---------- Post added at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ---------- Although I hadn't decided yet. I was contemplating a patent leather dress,.. but I think a cloth look might be better.
  18. Yes,.. I've got no complaints what-so-ever,... I recommend picking one up
  19. new update in my garage kit thread,.. (for all 3 of you who may be interested *lol*)
  20. Does that leave me with American style??? let the rest of you yahoo's fight it out, and when only one of you is left, and already tired,.. then I kill the last man standing and take the prize for myself,.. Either that,... or randomly bomb a country full of brown people,.... I forget which,...
  21. *best homer voice* Mmmm,..... do-nuts,.....
  22. *swings in and takes my usual spot up in the corner* Hey guys,... what's cookin'???
  23. You asked for a more assembled view,.. so,.. here ya go. I still have a bit of work to do on the purple. And the right arm has a small gap where it connects at the shoulder. But a little green stuff and sanding,.. then some touch up paint,.. and it should come out alright. I gave a couple of different shots so as to showcase the sheer corset center. And again,.. I tossed in ol' Chompy,.. just for scale. (Just 'cause I know it makes Mako laugh)
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