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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Of course,.. finding out who he is, would be the big "reveal", near the end of the story. I actually had some of this planned out for my "endless city" story,... ---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ---------- Common Knowledge just always sounded like a cool hacker name to me for some reason.
  2. These are just some sci-fi ideas that have been rattling around in my brain for a bit. I'm just tossing things out there and seeing what sticks,..
  3. how can they not know that?? I'm like,.. a pasta FREAK,...
  4. Bow>> Thanks for the compliment. It's nice to be appreciated *grin* Mako>> Wait,... doesn't a cobbler make shoes????
  5. be even cooler if the "good" personality ends up being the infamous hacker,.. "Common Knowledge". And the emails and stuff are how it's chosen to help the party without revealing itself to it's evil twin. the "evil" personality, is completely unaware of the good one,.. has maybe even issued orders for the apprehension and destruction of Common Knowledge. And it becomes increasingly more and more ****ed off because it can't find him, or figure out how he's over-riding the evil one's protocols and/or lockouts and such,.. ---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ---------- ok,.. that was a bit much perhaps. But it's ideas,.. feel free to take 'em or leave "em. Just my two cents,..
  6. well,.. you see,.. his story needed more cobbles,.. so, yes,.. you helped,..
  7. I really need to sit down and try one at a smaller scale and see what kind of results I get.
  8. Nice plot twist. The question is,.. is it helpful,.. or harmful, to the group? ---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ---------- It'd be better if it had the equivalent of multiple personalities, (that are unaware of each other). One personality is trying to kill them and turn them into the authorities, and the other is trying to save them from itself,... ---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ---------- And I'm telling you,.. the pastels are worth every penny.
  9. Get yourself some pastels,.. and follow my instructions. The learning curve is pretty fast.
  10. And overall, I'm happy with the way that kakashi turned out.
  11. yes,.. but I'm thinking of taking it into a wood-elf direction,.. ---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ---------- I still say the forbidden tech angle would play out well,..
  12. yeah,.. but then I'll buy more,... then paint those too,.. then buy more,.. it's a vicious cycle,...
  13. Now,.. just gotta get started on my elf mage,...
  14. *swings in and plasters up "new update" posters everywhere* ---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ---------- hrmm,.. it's slow in here,.. again,.. ---------- Post added at 06:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ---------- I'm beginning to think that I smell,...
  15. I'm telling you,.. it's far easier then wet or dry blending. And for the whole 5 bucks I spent on the set,... I tell you, it's worth every penny. I suppose some traditionalists may say that it's invalid as a medium, because you aren't using actual paint to achieve your effects. But to those people, I stick my tongue out and say,.. Ppppbbbssssstttt!!!!!! I say that whatever means you have to achieve a good looking model is all fair game. Anyways, Try it out, and see what kind of results you get. It's been working amazingly for me so far. And even if you end up hating it,.. you'll only be out about $5.00 American.
  16. I still have a bit of work I want to do to the sharingan eye, to help dial it in a bit more. But outside of that,... Kakashi,... complete,.. And once again,... Thanks to everyone for following along, and for having nice things to say.*grin* Hopefully I've done the character and the model some justice, and painted them to an acceptable level. (I don't need a horde of angry gamers and anime fans surrounding my house with pitchforks and torches,..*grin*) As always, comments and critiques welcome. ---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ---------- Should I give you guys a break from these? Or should I do the next one? It's a female elf mage.
  17. ok,.. how about some correctly oriented pics,... (sorry, I took these this morning and tried to send them with my phone,.. and of course, they didn't rotate correctly)
  18. ok,.. got the other pose completed. But alas, my phone died. So it's on the charger for tonight, and you guys will have to wait until tomorrow for pics,..
  19. nice models. the details are well done, especially the flower patterns on the kimonos
  20. yeah,.. shikamaru is awesome. he gets a lot of time in the shippuden series.
  21. of all the naruto characters,.. kakashi is probably the one that I'd want to fight the least. Though, gaara is no joke either,..
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