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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. we all like dr. who,.. though we tend to disagree on which doctors are better then others though,.. and the same for companions,..
  2. and don't even get me started on the Star Wars bit,.. the 3 prequel movies,... bleh,.. jar-jar can suck my (explitive deleted)
  3. And then there's the whole star trek thing,.. some series were better then others. I'm ok up to about DS9. After that, it seems to go downhill for me
  4. I actually enjoyed Lexx,.. not that anyone else ever saw it though. A bit slow in the first season, but after that it starts to pick up.
  5. and then they pulled the same battlestar formula into the stargate universe with that continuum thing. I couldn't choke that one down either,..
  6. actually,.. I never could get into it. Guess I just couldn't see past the whole "space western" thing. But then, I didn't care for Battlestar Galactica either.
  7. all I did was walk up the stairs to my bedroom. made it about 5 or 6 steps up, and then one more step and pop-sharp-pain-twinge,.... and that was the end of my knee. I wasn't running up the steps, I wasn't skipping steps, or anything,.. just walking. I think I could take it better if it had happened playing sports, or if I had been fighting off the ninjas or something,.. but no,... I'm now officially an old person. I've managed to injure myself doing something completely mundane. For my next trick, I'll be breaking a hip in the kitchen, and yelling at those damned kids to get off'a my lawn!!! ---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ---------- you either have a leak,.. or a pet,...
  8. looks sweet, Though,.. your boys are screwed if they're running around a jungle. All that blue,.. not exactly camouflage friendly,..
  9. it's very sore. I actually managed to get it put back together though. All it took was 2 rather large interns, 2 belts, putting the upper and lower leg into traction, pulling them apart as far as they could manage,.. while a 3rd guy (the doctor), used his fingers to pop all the inner bits back into place. It hurt like hell for several seconds, then felt really good,.. and now, everything in there is just really sore, and not happy about bending beyond a certain point. And is likely to be like that for several more days I should think. probably several weeks before it's fully healed.
  10. fate,... you shall accidentally tell your wife that her thighs are fat,....
  11. also, (while I'm working on the body), I need to make a decision on which weapon I want. I have a choice of a sword or a staff. I think I like the staff better. Might be interesting painted up in a wood-grain pattern,...
  12. not much of an update. But this is what I've managed to do today. There'll be a bit of green stuff needed at the seams of the dress, but once I get everything painted, it should come together nice enough.
  13. Haven't done much the past couple of days. (been layed up,.. blew my knee out). But I did get enough done to give you a base idea of the direction I'm going. Don't worry about the underwear. I painted it for effect, but once I get the dress/skirt on, you won't see any of it. The body itself is raw basecoat, but the detached leg has been shaded. I wanted you guys to be able to see the subtle difference that the pastels can make.
  14. Thanks Vin. I'm always on the lookout for new bits of advice. *grin*
  15. the trick to the red/orange and black theme,.. is the 3rd color. Yes I picked out some of the details in silver, but what really makes it pop are those small bits of grey against the orange.
  16. and,.. after a little filler, some sanding, and a recoat of the paint,.. (I actually didn't need to fix those holes, seeing as how the dress of the model will end up covering it. But I thought it would be nice for you guys to see the fix in action)
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