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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. *returns to the scene of the crime,.. er,.. swings in* ---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ---------- Sorry,.. got caught up with dinner,...
  2. still better then just leaving her in her underwear though
  3. hey now,.. just 'cause she's got ears you can hold on to,...that's no reason to insult her,..
  4. I got a little something done today though,.. so,... can't complain I guess
  5. if only you had known,.. you could'a volunteered to guinea pig for them,..
  6. and was a science study really necessary for this one??,.. .jpg]
  7. I figured you guys would enjoy it,.. *grin*
  8. quick update. Got some of the gold lining and stuff done. There's a bit of touch-up still to be done,.. but I'm liking where it's going.
  9. then would it be safe to say that we are the dumbest group of intelligent beings ever??
  10. yeah,.. that one would make the list too,.. pretty much anything in the "reality tv" bracket,..
  11. and for those of you who might argue otherwise,... I'd like to display exhibits A,B, and C,... The Kardashians, any given pop-idol show, and honey boo-boo,... are there any better examples of human stupidity then the fact that these are the people that our species has chosen to broadcast as examples of ourselves, out into outer space???
  12. of what we've found so far,.. true,.. but given the vastness of the universe, and the myriad of life-forms that could develop given the amount of space,.. I don't think we'd even make it near the top of the list,... ---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ---------- Yeah,.. those 2 were brilliant episodes. I also liked the one with the giant demon thing inside the asteroid, suspended on the edge of a black hole
  13. true,.. but then I don't think you could find anyone who would argue that humans are the most intelligent creatures in the universe
  14. though, I was really interested in the vashta nerata. And what idiot decided that it sounded like a good idea to cut down their forest and turn it into a library??
  15. of the new doctors,. tenant is my favorite. And I liked Rose well enough,.. but hated Donna actually. Martha was just ~eh~,.. for me. I thought Amy and Rori were brilliant though. And regardless of doctors or compnions,.. when it comes to enemies from the new series stuff, I think we all agree that the weeping angels were brilliant!!!
  16. Agreed. While the original kirk cast will always hold a special place for being the first,.. TNG was (for me at least) the best of the newer stuff. Voyager on the other hand, was a bit of a chore to sit through. And the whole Scott Bakula series,.. well,... let's not go there,...
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