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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. alright,.. bed time again kids. *swings out the window, over the heads of the flying zombie ninja monkeys, and their racidgeon steeds,.. and off into the night* G'night guys,..
  2. only the spicy kind,.. with hot pepper flakes in it
  3. I think that top one is a sailor moon girl,.. not sure which one though. And the bottom one I don't know,.. but it's pretty.
  4. yes,.. I mostly ignore past pages as well. Ed>> I actually have more on the way. I'm really enjoying the changing of pace that these larger models provide. And they allow me to add detail that's too obscured to achieve at the 20-25mm scale. Especially things like the eyes. Speaking of which, I've been asked by several people about how I did the eyes on the clockwork fairy. So I'll do a step by step for the elf mage,.. so stay tuned,..
  5. wow,.. over 8,000 views on my garage thread. But I don't thin k there's that many people on the site. So,.. maybe 20 people checking it 400 times each? Though, I think it counts for each time to click a page, so if one person reads it from the beginning, it'll add a 20+ count for just that one person,.. And here I was, thinking I was popular,...
  6. New house rule,.. mako's only allowed to ban people who are better at painting then he is,.. *grin*
  7. I was doing that at first,.. "pre-shadowing with paint and then blending out with the pastels" and it looks really good. But I find that I get nearly as good of a result with the pastels alone, and as such, can cut out a step. And anything that saves time is a good thing I think.
  8. try them straight first,.. and get a feel for them. I've tried a couple of other projects by adding a bit of water to the powder, but it ends up a bit more like a "grainy wash". I think oils might be the same result.
  9. seems to be directed at the division between the 1.5'ers and the 2.0'ers. Guess there's been some mudd-slinging in some of the threads that I don't frequent. Ed>> I did get your story in my inbox, but haven't as yet had a chance to read it. I'll set aside a bit of time this weekend and give it a read, and possibly some decent feedback. ---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ---------- New house rule,.. mako's only allowed to ban people who are better at painting then he is,.. *grin*
  10. I'm telling you,.. the pastels are freaking awesome,..!!!
  11. so what's with the moderator change? some people step down or something? (not that I'm all that sure who the old guard used to be)
  12. Rath>> you should spend time in this thread anyways *grin* We're fun,.. I promise,.. and we don't bite,.. (much)
  13. ack!!! it's the fuzz!!!,... everybody scatter!!! *grin*
  14. geez,.. guess I gotta clean up my jokes around here. Or he can kick me out for my bad language and possibly offending the other of the site,...
  15. *swings in and takes my usual spot up in the corner* Hey guys,... *looks at Mako's tag* Have I been missing something?? When did the law badge get there??
  16. ok,.. skin shading of the upper skin section completed. And went for a purplish gem. I thought it popped a bit against all that green and gold. (Didn't want to do red again since I used it on the clockwork fairy) I had also thought about a blue, and may still change it. Up next,.. the jacket and the arms. But for now, here's where I'm at,...
  17. The model doesn't have a proper name that I know of. Its simply called "elf mage lineage 2". And thanks.
  18. Small update. The top section of skin still needs to be shaded, as does the collar. Plus there's a jewel that seems to be set in the center of the collar. I still need to paint it up, but need to choose a color. It'll be important, because the same color will be used in the jewels on the weapons. I also may change the collar color to the green as opposed to the brown. Anyways,.. sorry,.. but it's more crappy night-time pics,..
  19. oh,.. and one last funny for the day,.. just cause I'm sick of hearing about it on every news station,... .jpg]
  20. well,.. I definitely don't want to have to go through the fix again. Lets just say that it was "less fun then advertised",...
  21. I may have to wear the brace again tomorrow. I think I'm trying to exercise it too soon instead of letting it rest properly first
  22. I worked on it today,.. so it's unhappy with me. But that's to be expected,..
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