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Posts posted by enchantedsord

  1. Generally each piece of hazardous is flipped separately.  Would this apply to Hail of Bullets?  The wording says,  Place two 50mm Ht 0 Hail of Bullets Markers in LoS touching each other within 12'' and not in base contact with any other model or Marker. These Markers are a Hazardous Terrain Piece ...


    Since it says these markers are a Hazardous piece of terrain does it mean each marker or the 2 as a set.  I would think they are each independent but there is some question on this since they can be moved individually by abilities like Aionus's marker move.  

  2. It says like you said These Markers are a Hazardous Terrain piece".   There are 2 markers.  So each one is a hazardous terrain piece.  And are individual for all intensiver purposes.


    Like is Aionus were to move a marker he could move 1 of the 2 hail of bullet markers because they aren't linked.


    it's describing the markers not saying they count as one piece of terrain.  Each marker is separate i'm pretty sure.

  3. This my personal favorite move with Parker and Maddog.


    Drop hail of bullets in a way to that when maddog shoots said model and pushed it 4 inches back it goes through both hail of bullet markers.  Because each marker is a new source that's 3 damage min plus 2 x 2/3/4 damage from hazardous terrain.  I've killed Collodi with one attack like this.  best part is you only have to get 1 shot off with maddog.  don't get me wrong more is better but one good one and BAM!


    Potentially 7-13 damage on 1 attack.  and if you get Mid to high damage you can even drop a blast marker.

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  4. Matt, 

    will you guys be posting the championship full results anywhere?

    No, we will hoard them, like dragon gold.*

    *Please note, Matt thinks he is funny saying this, but likely, he's a jerk. But he's already asked Maht to post the info when he can.

    Any updates on the results.  Chomping at the bit to see where I stood when it all ended.



  5. Hello, everyone!

    I want to thank each of the players that came out to have a great time at the Nova Open this year. As Mike is fond of saying, this event could not happen without your participation, and participate you did! We had an amazing turnout, and the enthusiasm that we had last year more than doubled this year. Cards were flipped and masters fell, and Fate toyed with every last one of you. I remember at least one Red & Black Joker flip in a crucial game, and I know the Black Joker seemed to have a habit of appearing during crucial terror tests... Bad things happen, after all.

    Our Narrative saw the forces of the Governor fail to purge the Quarantine Zone, but Law and Order clawed its way back  from the Abyss to stem the looting hordes of Scum and Villainy as they rampaged all over DC. Our Enforcer Brawl put Howard Langston's Rare 1 to the test, and had Pere Ravage adding just the right touch of chaos to the proceedings, mainly by blowing up repeatedly. The Henchman Hardcore was four rounds of madness

    The Championships had some hard as nails competition. The National Qualifier Tournaments brought us a level of competitors I was amazed at seeing, and it was great seeing our game played by players of that caliber. We also learned some solid lessons from our players as TOs: lessons about terrain, how we can improve our terrain diagrams and what we need to work on for next year, and what we need to make clearer to our players. What we had this year was great; next year will be even greater.

    Mahtias (aka the Maht that makes this whole ball of wax work) and I have already started working on Nova's 2016 Malifaux events. We've got a lot of ideas, and we're looking forward to making them happen.  See you all in 2016.

    Thanks again for the event.  I look forward to seeing the results since myself and 3 others had to high tail it to the airport right after the 5th game. So i'm curious to see where we all stood.  Also i'm curious to see who won the painting comp and what the prizes were.



  6. The Nova Open is just around the corner; we're making fevered preparations both as organizers and you're making the same effort on your side of the fence, assembling, painting, building display boards, packing your car or your carry on, making travel arrangements, etc. We're excited on both sides of the fence. So, here's a few announcements to keep in mind.


    • We have a new North American Champion to crown, something that's never been done before and we want to do it right. We want a definitive champion, and with 5 rounds, there might be two undefeated players at the end, if there are no top table ties. There were many solutions proposed: making a general sixth round, leaving it to differential, making people co-champions, but none of those felt grand enough for the premiere Malifaux event. So, if and only if the need arises, we're having a final Championship Round between the top 2 players, with scheme and strategy pool known only to the event staff. It will be challenging, perhaps even cruel, so if you're on the top tables, prepare for a real challenge. Spectators are welcome to watch this round, but no commentary is allowed for obvious reasons.

    • The Star Theatre Award is the painting award for the Narrative Events. It is based on a display that tells a narrative, either a simple setting of a scene, or of a complex interaction between opposing models. We can't wait to see your entries. Some rules:

      • The display must reasonably fit in a crowed hall. Use your best judgment here, but I'll say that if it exceeds 2 length x2 width x3 height without a grandly compelling reason, you have likely used too much space. Sometimes, smaller is better!

      • The display must contain models able to be used by you in the story encounter. This is not meant to be a static diorama. If it contains models that are static on the display, that's fine (for example, piles of dead enemy models), but the models you're using in the Narrative should be able to taken from the display and readily put into the game. How you do that is up to you.

    • If you have conversions of models that are not yet released to use in the Championships, please send them in to MalifauxMatt@gmail.com to get them approved. I don't care if it's not painted yet (but will be at the convention), send it in! I'd hate to have to disqualify a model at the event. You can avoid that awkwardness by sending those pics in now!

    • As a reminder, Wave 3/Shifting Loyalties models are allowed for this event. The FAQs about it can be found here: http://www.novaopen.com/wp-content/uploads/Malifaux-8-15-FAQ.pdf?utm_source=August+15%2C+2015%3A++NOVA+Open+Newsletter&utm_campaign=2014+NOVA+Open+Wrap-Up+and+Results&utm_medium=email

    Has any thought been given to the players that are flying out on Sunday? Adding an extra game on Sunday could really cause them an issue . I myself am flying out Sunday and I'm playing in the tournament. Given that it's only 2days out and I've spent 100's of dollars to go would be upset if I couldn't play a 6 game on Sunday because it wasnt part of the original schedule. Any thought to doing 4 games Saturday as to not mess up people's travel plans. 

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