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Posts posted by Tauwolf

  1. These models all look FANTASTIC in person. Tauwolf has a really stylized looking crew. It all meshes so well.

    She just admitted to me that she forgot to use the macro setting when taking the pics for me. I believe it was a purposeful sabotage so that all her puppets would look better than mine.....

    But, to be fair, they kinda do lol. Great job on Peeeeeeeeeg!

  2. @Hugor, It's never too late! Join us!! You just might have to find a room at a different hotel, since the hotel is full.

    @Panda, Add a new rule to that list: Don't give up, because it'll look like ass until it doesn't! -- Because, well.. it does.

    Yep, unless you know someone that will let you crash on their floor, the hotel has no room (although it might be worth giving them a call in case there were any cancellations). But without a doubt, the Adepticon is worth it.

    And +1 to Panda and any other relatively new painters. After 20 years of painting, I *still* need to tell myself this with almost every model. Until a model is like, 90% done, it going to look like a train wreck. It's that last 9% coming to the finish line where the model really comes together.

    Why 9%? Because that last 1% is saved for the matte coat. That matte spray has completely transformed quite a few of my models over the years. It's amazing how much better a mini looks after a matte spray. I've done commission work before that I was so unhappy with that I was just going to give the minis to the customer for free. After the matte spray, I couldn't believe they were the same models. The more washes/glazes you use, the more this becomes true, by the way.

  3. She really is turning into a heckuva good painter. Good eye for color, good feel for thin paint, great imagination. She figures stuff out on her own that took most of us years of trial and error and experience to learn. It's pretty cool to watch her progress.

    We were joking around that we're going to do our own seminars at Adepticon. Her's will be the previously mentioned "Painting is HARD!" Mine will be "Three Colors For the Win: Powerpainting for Powergamers"


  4. With as little support as puppet wars seems to get I'd suggest getting Lucius from the bag as it will probably be an extremely long wait for anything else for puppet wars to be released. As much as I love the game I'm really worried about it.

    Admittedly, PW has been in a bit of a lull period for the past several months - pretty much since the release. I'm expecting big things in the not so distant future though. There will be a Puppet Renaissance. Or a Puppet Reckoning. Possibly a Puppet Revolution.....


  5. Yeah I know. I have not painting and built like this ever. I am busting out 2 to 3 minis a night. At this rate I might actually get some puppets painted before the con(or I will be painting at the con)

    Take it from me: You DO NOT want to be painting at the con. I have done that the past 2 years. Never again.

  6. Went to check the rules. The definition of Effects on page 23 is "anything resulting from a Puppet's Abilities and successful actions." so yes, it is an upgrade, but since it an effect, I say defense abilities on upgrades do not work for Kade.

    As for the other puppets that can reach 14... there are always auto hits (ice golem, joss, Marcus, etc...) auto kills (teddies) and things that take away upgrades (nurse, Alyce, Bad Attitude) so they will not be impossible to kill.


  7. Well, my Adepticon shoebox is set. It looks like I should have everything done for Adepticon.

    Seamus - painted

    Bete Noir - painted

    Hooded Rider - not painted

    2 Punk Zombies - primed and next to be painted

    2 Rotten Belles - painted

    Purple Teddy - painted

    Green Teddy - not painted

    My thoughts on the shoebox:

    - I usually use Hooded Rider as an early game threat. I count on his Giant Glowing Sword to enable Seamus to be a late game offensive asset.

    - Bete is an all around good puppet, and in 3 or 4-player games her upgrade side is very difficult to deal with for your opponents. It costs Seamus a rip so it can't be abused, and needs to be timed just right to spoil your opponents' plans.

    - Punk Zombies = work horses

    - Belles = slightly less effective work horses but good late game activations when you should by all rights be out of puppets.

    - Purple Teddy will never see the board. He's only there for the benefit of the....

    - Green Teddy. Sprint + big toothy mouth equals dead puppets. I've gotten better about only using him when I need him. I used to rush him up too fast and he wouldn't last long.

    I realized today was the "3 weeks till Adepticon" mark. Felt a pang of stress about that haha. Doesn't help that I really want to be home painting but I'm stuck at work on back-to-back 12 hour days. Oh well, such is life. Gotta pay the bills.

  8. Yep, purple. Green can work well, too, if you're going for a more pale yellow, or a sickly yellow.

    Important thing is to go back and bring your main color and highlights back up again after you get your shadows right.

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