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Posts posted by Tauwolf

  1. A word on choosing a shoebox: we usually play 3-4 player games, draft style. It has allowed us to get experience using and playing against most of the puppets. Like LFG said, it’s hard to choose a bad list. When you’re playing to get experience, stay mostly within one faction, but mix in a couple of puppets from other factions that you think might fit your play style. If you have every puppet trying to use precious cards from the same suit, you are quickly going to find yourself short-suited.

    Also, I can’t seem to get good use out of two high AR puppets. In early games I was running a Hooded Rider with the Mature Nephilim. Both are amazing offensive beasts. The high AR, however, usually resulted in only a few activations a game shared between them.

    And the flip side of that: it’s nice to have a really low AR puppet on the board, like a Piglet, Misaki, or in my case, Seamus. Looking at my list, activation cards under 7 are almost worthless once Seamus is exhausted.


  2. A little bit about me… My name is Brian, and I’ve been doing this a long time. I can start sentences with “Back in the Rogue Trader days….” and speak with first-hand experience of 1st Edition Blood Bowl, Space Hulk and Talisman. Back in my day, minis were lead and “painting tutorials” involved staring at a picture for hours, trying to figure out how the heck they did that (And we liked it!).

    Side note: I used to look at pictures of minis painted by Chris and wonder how the heck he did that, years before I met him. Now I consider him a good friend, and I'm still wondering how the heck he does it.... I’d be afraid saying this would go to his head, but really, it can’t get much bigger….. :lol:


    Puppet Wars is the first miniature game in a long time to really grab my attention. Malifaux is a bit too in-depth for my very limited gaming time these days – even though the game is really well done and I love the fluff behind the game. Puppet Wars strikes that perfect balance between quick board game and deep miniature game, and still retains that twisted-but-fun feel of Malifaux.

    After messing with Pandora for a couple of games, I tried Seamus and found his crew to really click with me. I like the tough, tenacious style they bring to the board. My Adepticon list is still a work in progress, but the last game I played I was using this:


    Bete Noir and Baby Kade

    2 Punk Zombies

    2 Rotten Belles



    You’ll notice a trend: lots and lots of stitches to cut through. The Punk Zombies are my work horses. The Rotten Belles are pretty reliable work horses, as well, and as of right now in the game’s development, their attachment side is outstanding with no downside. Ronin make great fast attack. The Sorrow will probably get dropped, as it was ineffective in the last game we played. I feel like I haven’t really gotten the timing right on when to use it for maximum effect, but more importantly, it’s using mask cards that I need for Baby Kade.

    Baby Kade is one mean little rugrat. Seriously, someone change that kid’s diaper or something. If you haven’t played with or against Baby Kade, you’re missing out on one of the most fun puppets in the game. And that being said, if I manage to score a Hooded Rider before April, I might have to sit Kade on the sidelines <pouty sad face>. HR just fits my play style so well, and my list is currently missing a true heavy hitter.

    Bete is…. interesting. I can use her ultra-aggressively, knowing that I can always send her back to the toy box for another animation. Or, as an attachment for Seamus, she can be very game-changing. She is one heck of a good sidekick, and really would help any Master who can manage their suits well. Want to know a surefire way to mess with the heads and game plans of your opponents? Remind them of her one-hit-kill capability and then move her into a vaguely menacing position. <evil grin>

    More to come……


  3. Hello and good day to all my fellow puppet masters! I’ve been nominated by my slightly-lazier cohorts to introduce a new project blog that will run through April. The other day, as we were all discussing our plans for Adepticon and the first ever Puppet Wars tournament there, we realized that we had the makings of a great “Tale of Four Gamers” style article primed and ready to go. So, I am excited to present to you:

    A Tale of Five Puppet Masters: The Road to Adepticon -- Part One, The Bloggening

    (brought to you with minimal commercial interruption by Full Borer Miniatures, Free Mars, and Gorgon Studios).

    As fate would have it, there are currently five Masters (Marcus, Seamus, Pokey Vik, Lady J, and Pandora) and we each happened to gravitate toward a different master (what a crazy, random, happenstance!). We each also, as gamers and hobbyists, differ somewhat in our styles. I feel a quote from Chris (fullborer) describes us pretty darn well:

    “…at one extreme is me - highly obsessed with paint, often to the detriment of game play or finished forces. Next, Dave (DaveyP), still very high paint skills, less obsessive, can still get armies done when he wants to. Brian (Tauwolf), who has appreciation for good painting and skills to apply it, but still wants to get things done. And at the opposite side from me is Dennis (wulfen33) who paints forces to get them on the table while still doing a good job of it. At this point, Lisa (LaFemmeGeekita) is a wild card, still comparatively new to the hobby side and as yet uncommitted to a stance…”

    Side Note: Lisa has won 3 of our 5 local games of four-player Puppet Wars…… yeah….. and she’s incredibly creative and paints really well for a n00b….. we don’t always like her very much…..

    Over the next several months, we’ll each be posting in this thread with updates on our progress, pictures of our minis, random thoughts, and general hobby shenanigans. We’ll also be using the information collected here to produce a series of articles for the Adepticon website.

    However (and this is important!), this isn’t just our thread. This is your thread too. We have waaaaaaay more collective years gaming and painting than we care to admit, and one of our favorite parts of this hobby is sharing what we know. Please please please, ask us questions, get us chatting about this stuff, share your pics and stories with us! We love this game and we want this community to grow.

    Another side note, we have no set schedule for posting and no rules. This thing is going to be as organic as it gets.

    Alright, enough of my blah blah blah-ing. Our Road to Adepticon begins... NOW!


  4. Yeah I think its clear they were designing it with the idea that one person would be bringing a premade shoe box or two with them.

    I think most Puppet Wars players are buying the game in a more communal board game style. So one person or group is buying everything and just plans to share and do draft rules for most games.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. This is closer to the "boardgame" end of the gaming spectrum than the "tabletop wargame" end. It just happens to involve miniatures and you can choose the pieces you play with.

    Any case made for this game would have to have have the ability to carry everything you own for the game. The main box, the multiplayer expansion, all the boosters plus extra spaces for future boosters, limited release models, and multiple copies of boosters (for instance, I own 2 of booster #1).

  5. We had a really great 4-player game last night. I learned a lot about some of the puppets that I haven't seen much of yet. Fullborer pulled a couple of really nice "Roars" off an opponent's Guild Hound to damage Lady J. That player then used that same Guild Hound (buffed up by Lady J and presumably filled with embarrasment for being used like that and a raging need for vengence) to wreck fullborer's crew hahaha. The hound did THIRTEEN rips before finally getting torn up!

  6. Just an update. I spent yesterday redoing the text of all the cards, since after the test print I realized there was room for a slightly larger font size. I also changed the colored panel on the backside to match the front's gradient. The set should be available this week.

    Locally, we've decided to use the Master puppet cards that come with the game. There's just too much information on them to try to cram into such a small space. I'll include cards for the Masters in the set, though.

  7. I can vouch for the quality of these bases from FullBorer Minis. I got a few to mess with, and after painting up the first one I went ahead and bought enough to base my entire Puppet Wars collection. They are sweet.

    Since you mention Puppet Wars bases, I couldn’t resist chiming in.

    I’ll preface this by saying that I double-checked the Forum Rules before replying and I don’t think I’m stepping on any toes; but if I am Nathan can nix my note – naturally – with no hard feelings on my part.

    I really like the Puppet Wars minis and wanted bases worthy of such adorably creepy models. I didn’t want to scratch build every base though, so I made a set of eight and resin-cast them.

    Below is a set of my Planky Bases, just the bare resin. My Grateful Teddy is based on one, as is DaveyP’s Hooded Rider and Tauwolf’s Seamus.


    The sides are straight rather than beveled (PW) or rounded (Malifaux), but they’re the same size as the standard Puppet Wars bases so they fit right into the recessed part of a 30mm Malifaux base if that’s your thing.

    (that’s exactly the thing I’ll do if/when I get Zoraida painted)

    edit: I just realized its not clear from that photo that the irregular planks that stick out from the standard circle shape are only on the top half of the base. The bottom half is a plain circle so they all fit into a 30mm base...

    It’s my intention to offer these bases for sale on my site, but I haven’t gotten around to sorting out the webcart. Hopefully that changes next week, but if anyone’s interested or wants more info, please PM me.

  8. Exactly Hugor. Hopefully this design will help solve a few minor issues, reduce a few small sources of aggravation, and make the game even easier and more fun.

    Just a small update, the card set should be getting a test print today on a nice laser printer. We'll be looking for color and quality issues. I'll also start going through the set today for a final correctional edit. I'm an absolute nutter when it comes to precision - these cards will be perfectly precise to the pixel lol. And, apparently I love alliteration.....

    After a test game or two, I'll let you all know where you can get the files.

    Thanks for looking!

  9. Hi everyone, just wanted to give you a preview of a project I've been working on.

    I'm sure my friends and I aren't the only players who have thought the Puppet Stat Cards are just too darn big. Any game using more than 8-10 puppets per side starts getting pretty crowded on each players side of the table.

    I decided to see if I could make playing-card size puppet stat card that retained all the functionality of the stock cards.

    The card set isn't quite ready to be released into the wild, but I wanted to share some previews with you. Enjoy!





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