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Posts posted by Tauwolf

  1. Interesting read on that. I can certainly see that being valid. I think part of me really wants to believe that the text on some of these rules was written to be extremely precise (such as your reading of the rules in this case), and another part of me believes that it's loosely formatted and therefore open to unintentional conflicts (like the Belle/Alyce conflict).

    Ok, so now how about this one: Judge VS December Acolyte

    Stay Dead


    Delicious stuffing!: Any time a Puppet is Torn Apart in an Adjacent Space, this Puppet may immediately Attach that Puppet's Upgrade side without taking a test or using the Scrounge Action, as long as it is Suitable to Attach the Upgrade.

    "MMMMMM delicious stuffing!"

    "Nope, I told him to stay dead"

    "No! Gimme stuffing!!!!"


  2. Aaaaaaaand LaFemmeGeekita whooped me last night in another 1v1....

    We used one of the maps from the pattern book. She brought a Lady J shoebox and I brought Pandora supported by a Gold Teddy that I gave a Purple Heart Patch (for it's Sprint ability).

    Judge wiped my entire left flank clean before Teddy was able to get going. Teddy did manage to eat Judge and the Executioner in back to back activations before getting gunned down by Nino.

    Baby Kade stuck Nino in a fairly harmless spot, but the early game damage was done and Lady J had the numbers advantage in the late game. My Nephilim made a valiant charge at the Lady, but Pandora was helpless to defend herself against the Red Joker of Doom, wielded by that damned Guild Austringer (refreshed just in time to save the win by the Torn Bandana attachment).

    It was a fun game. All we had played - until this week were - 4-player games. I really enjoy the quick and dirty 2-player game. It's a nice change of pace. Now if I could just break this horrible losing streak!

  3. LaFemmeGeekita and I found another "Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object" situation. It seems there are a few of these scattered amongst the myriad of combos in this game.


    Stay Dead: When this Puppet Tears Apart another puppet, it is removed from play instead of being placed in the Scrap Heap.



    Stuffing Mites: If Torn Apart by another Puppet, automatically attach this Puppet’s Cooties Upgrade to that Puppet.

    Which rule trumps the other? We just did a card flip, highest card wins.

  4. Holy crap, fullborer whooped me last night in our first ever 1v1 contest.

    Here's the map I came up with for our game. It turned out to be a lot of fun: Go ahead, Make My Day....

    Lessons learned:

    -Ice Golem is *not* to be taken lightly.

    -Paralyze and other effects can really be a game-changer by locking down the opponents' important puppets.

    -Cards are no different than dice in that when when they are hot, it's really hard to overcome them!

    -fullborer 's adepticon crew is coming together really nicely!

  5. This is a whole seperate conversation. One which, I believe, you are correct no matter which side of the fence you're on. If you enjoy the game, it's definitely worth the expense. There may be much better deals out there, though, depending on your tastes. I would argue that the newcomer "Super Dungeon Explorer" by Soda Pop Miniatures, when sitting right next to Puppet Wars on the shelf, looks like the much better buy.

    Luckily it's not really a board game :)

    It's a Hybrid game remember, inbetween a board game and a mini's game. It capitalizes on the best of both worlds in many ways but the trade off is the price point of it. But even still, if you stop thinking of the price in terms of a board game and look at what you get.... you get a great deal on this thing. Think of it as a Mini game when you look at it, because it does expand a lot like one. It's also cheaper then a lot of mini game's buyin costs. Especially if your just looking to get started with the core pieces, it's actually a very good price.

    But I do understand that some people look at it and all the extra pieces with the mentality of "gotta have them all or it's not the game"... well that's not true. The Core set is enough for 2 players to play with for quite a while. Each expansion you buy not only pushes you towards being able to play with more people, but also dramatically enhances the number of possible toybox layouts.

    So while I'm by no means telling anyone your wrong for balking at the price, I am just asking you take another look. You get a lot more then you really think you do and the mentality of "this is to expensive for a board game" is the wrong one to have. It's a hybrid game, it's as much a Mini's game as it is a board game. When you take that into account... this is actually a great price boarding on kinda cheap (it's about the price of buying into Malifaux and you get a lot more for your money).

    So I do hope you give it another look, it really is a blast of a game and the price is deceptive. It's not that expensive and it's cheaper by far then getting 2 players into just about any Mini game.

  6. Otherwise if your interested, I think I still have a sorta... Demo Script I wrote post gencon at requet from Nix. If I can find it in my email, I'll send it along to you. Just PM me your email address and I'll get it to you if I can find it. But it's some advice for walking through demo's and the order in which you cover things etc. A lot of subjects very nicely lead into each other and you get this neat rythm going very quickly.

    Any chance I could get that from you as well? Sounds very useful.

  7. Here are the re-released files. They are designed to be playing card sized, taking up less table space than the stat cards that come with miniatures.

    You can get the files here. You'll need a Gmail account to get the files, I believe. If you find any errors, please pm me asap so I can make corrections.

    For each card there is a TIF file and a JPEG. I recommend printing the TIF file using a good laser printer, on very high quality paper. This is the best defense against smudgy text. If you have access to Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro/GIMP, you may want to adjust the brightness of the image to account for differences in printers. I personally use gamma correction, as I feel it retains colors better than brightness adjustments, and I find gamma settings between 1.6-1.8 are usually in the ballpark. Your mileage may vary.....

    I also recommend getting a nice Fiskars paper cutter. You can find them for around twenty bucks in the scrapbooking area of your local craft store. You can make incredibly precise cuts using these cutters.

    These are designed to be printed, cut, folded in half, and inserted into a clear card sleeve. I recommend Dragon Sleeves, as they are very high quality and you get a nice little storage box. :)

    Here are some card examples:







  8. I can't help myself, I just have to chime in. Everything about this bag - from it's design to it's price - and way they are handling this Lucius miniature add-on is pretty much a fail. In my opinion, of course.....

    And I *really* wanted to like the bag, *really* wanted Lucius, and have plenty of expendable income. It's not about the money. There's an awful lot of sketchy decision-making when it comes to the marketing and retailing of this game. Again, in my opinion....

  9. These will be great once available! They look terrific.

    The only change I might suggest would be reducing the attachment side's box containing abilities and/or actions to just the vertical size necessary for the text. That would decrease the space needed beneath a puppet with multiple upgrades attached. Just a humble 2¢ thought...



    As for the box size, in the files I have all the design information for each color card in a standard template. I turn on the layers I need and turn the others off. I played with the idea of sizing the text boxes to the text, but it made for a very random look across the whole set of cards and made the workload per card *much* larger for only a small table-space savings. Using a standard template keeps things nice and tidy.

  10. lol you couldn't just ask me in person? :)

    I'm waiting to hear exactly what needs to be changed (Wyrd's understandably asking for copyright info to be added). I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for the exact text to add so it only has to be done once, but I would expect the files to be available online again later this week.

    We've played several games with these cards now, and they make a very significant difference in the space needed to play a game of Puppet Wars.

    Thank you to everyone who has been following the development of this project, and for all the awesome support. The wait is almost over haha.

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