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mcmourning san

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Posts posted by mcmourning san

  1. So I've been looking for Guild Austringers and  Brutal Effigy for a while now and everywhere I look seems to be out of stock. Does anyone know where I can pick them up or have an idea of when they might be restocked? I have one guy in my city who claims he has been waiting for 6 months for austringers.

  2. In general I haven't seen guild win any big tournament I always see neverborn followed by arcanist/ outcast for second and third place. Is there a reason out faction does not take home first place? I love dita I have the most experience with her over any other master in the game and have won many times with her I just don't understand what has gotten us behind?

  3. I know there has been a great deal of discussion on which is the most "competitve" master, but I'm more interested in which master people would be most interested in taking for fixed master, given they had access to all of the guild models and which models they would bring to cover their bases. The tournament is fixed master 35ss with a 25ss model sideboard so a total of 60 stones


    Lady J




  4. I actually currently own

    Lilith box

    Pair of youngs

    Pair of matures

    Double pair of twins






    Pack of ronin

    Von Schill

    Convict gunslinger

    I just didn't know if it was worth it to keep Lilith crew and finish off with tuco, primordial magic, waldgeist and mercs or sell her stuffs and buy vik things and Misaki. I guess I should admit I haven't played a bunch of games with nephs, but was just hoping they don't have as many horrible match ups compared with what viks may have or Misaki.

  5. I had a friend tell me the people on wyrd forums were super helpful and you all have been so thank you for that! As for buys I have read that recently at gencon Lilith was 2nd place and I have also read that viks have won multiple things in the past so that was a toss up for me. I know not a lot is know. About Misaki but after reading her she does seem like she has some tricks and is aggressive too. Question, viks and Lilith are both book one masters and the general consensus in my meta is that power creep has left book 1 in the dust do any of you feel the same?

  6. Hey all! I'm looking into buying a new crew and would like some advice on what may fit my play style and what to buy. I have 150.00 set aside to make my purchase so hopefully it will be enough to buy key component models as well. A little about my play style I like to get into the thick of things and start wreaking havoc. I don't mind a bit of strategy but for the most part I'd rather not spend a whole bunch of time calculating precisely every single step with a magnifying glass so in a sense I'd also like a master and crew that is forgiving, competitive, strong, aggressive and adaptable for the local tournaments that are fixed master. So far I have thought Lilith, Misaki and Viktoria's all meet the cut, but am very open to suggestions as well as models to buy to complement the master of choice.

  7. Hello all, I am new to building miniatures and painting; I have purchased a few pewter bases but it is starting to get a bit expensive. I heard a friend tell me of casting your own bases from resin after having the pewter ones to make the imprint. I have since lost contact with this friend and I have no idea which supplies to do this and where I would be able to buy them from. Can someone please provide me with this information, it would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Why would you not attach the primordial magic to lilith so you can transposition lilith in and out of places.

    I think it is because you cannot attach totems when you take the effigy so in order to bring them both he had to attach the magic to the henchman collodi

  9. I had not ever thought of using collodi with lilith I always figured he was more of zoraida's toy, but it does sound interesting. I really appreciate the responses so far thank you for the input. are there any tricks with Lilith that are particularly useful? I had read about using sorrows and arcane effigy somewhere around here for multiple earthquakes, has anyone had luck with this tactic?

  10. Hey, thanks for stopping by my post and taking time to read this. First things first I recently made a Lilith purchase and have the following models:




    -Primordial Magic

    -x2 Lilitu

    -x2 Lelu


    -x3 Terror tots

    -x2 Young nephilim

    -x2 Mature Nephilim

    -Black blood shaman

    My first question is what other models do I need to purchase to have all available competitive options available to her and secondly is she as competitive as say zoraida or pandora?

  11. I'm intersted to know how competitive players feel about using Von Schill and/or Sidir when running Perdita? Also what are peoples thoughts on the exorcist, I know hes a great anti-neverborn model due to several of his abilities, but how many do you need 1 or 2 usually?

  12. I don’t know or care if you’re the brightest star in the sky personally and secondly your initial response was a little rash so I countered with a rash response; I’m not the one to be insulted by some anonymous perpetrator via the nameless and faceless web, save it for another time

    Now that that’s out of the way let me say this, I agree with you, LCB sniping WAS a problem and I am GLAD they fixed it! I actually like the way he plays now less of a NPE for my opponent and I. My biggest concern with Kirai is that she will almost always out activate an opponent if she has 5 seishin (which she normally does) and then push about half the board summon something and eat face typically with no reprisal as she spent the first 5 activations defense stance seishin to out activate you. That being said I don’t know if she needs an errata she may well be balanced and working as intended. I could be wrong

    In addition, I wasn’t spouting off about ignorance, I made a single comment about how saying other masters do not need an errata is ignorant, which clearly was not you because you didn’t say that, it was a blanket statement, please try not to take offense to it if it didn’t pertain to you. What should be mentioned though is that ALL the power masters should be overhauled as LCB was with the same intention as overhauling LCB, that If person A plays master X against person B with master Y neither feel that they are outclassed because of a power gap. I appreciate the fact that the Wyrd team has taken consideration into their errata with the goal to balance the game for everyone I just feel that if one power master gets the stick they all get the stick.

    @Rebecca yes I agree that not all masters need an errata and that sometimes it’s the minions that cause the abuse I.E Alps, but if that is the case I hope the Wyrd team has taken into consideration the brokenness of the Doppleganger+Pandora shenanigans.

  13. Not even close he says... Well she usually has 5 seishin attached to her which can mitigate any and all attacks and effects and she has something called a shikome; you may or may not be familar with, that will also slice whatever it targets to ribbons melee expert, fast if in range amounting to 4 attacks with plus to the flips which if you kill just becomes another seishin. More importantly my comparison to Kirai was not for her OP'dness of raw attack power to LCB's but her movement shennanigans, the ability to push up to 12" or 18" I forget as a 0 action. In addition, before the replies come about how fast the dreamer WAS I'm talking about how fast kirai IS STILL in addition to her mitigation tactics, I'm most curious as to how wyrd is going balance the rest of the power masters now that LCB has been errated: saying that Pandora, Kirai or Hamelin don't need their adjustments either is just ignorance.

  14. I wish I had come across a marshal or two posting on that thread about the legitimacy of that combination, yet I saw none sadly, as for the movement, isn't Kirai able to move in and out of combat being a spirit and using her push so not much chance of reprisal either?

  15. Just thought I'd stop by this post for a second and ask the question I've been wanting to know for awhile and has only been exacerbated by the dreamer errata... When is Pandora going to get an errata? The Doppleganger+Pandora+2sorrow combo allowing for a turn 2 annihilation of your crew from 12" away is IMHO a big NPE as well as "BROKEN" and this has been available since book 1 before LCB existed. In addition, why is it that LCB's movement abilities were such a large problem and Kiriai's is not? Not complaining I'm just trying to ascertain the difference and ultimately the reasoning behind the speedy dreamer errata and no Pandora errata or Kirai for that matter.

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