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Posts posted by LupusFerreus

  1. Apparently the books and arsenal decks are already errored. According to A Wyrd Place, someone in conversation with Justin has found that:


    "Blessed of December should be 9 stones

    Mister Tannen should be 6 stones

    The Dreamer should have a cache of 3"


    Such a shame what we've bought but not even got yet needs to be corrected. I guess we'll have to wait for more amendments in wave 3 arsenal decks?

  2. There's a great pinned thread on this very forum for some advice. 


    Blessed of December is a good shout, especially if you get the Acolyte as it makes it cheaper to get a second Master if you branch out. It's a beast, has leap for objectives and is great in melee too.

  3. Thanks for the fun times today Rory, great to meet people and have a lot of fun!

    Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make it for the second day tomorrow. Something has come up and I won't be able to make the three games. I'm really sorry but I hope everyone else has a lot to fun and I look forward to your next event!

  4. I'm finding she outpaces her crew quite quickly. Considering spiders for quick jumping, but with no way to recreate them I'm not so sure. I'm finding her crew lacks a certain punch, bags of tricks other crews seem to have and getting shot before getting into combat.


    But then again, I suppose it's just me thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the table.

  5. I'm having trouble getting combinations off at the moment, it seems like she's got so many triggers I can't figure them all out! Are there any good obvious combos I'm missing?


    Also, I'm getting the impression she' better at taking out minions than masters. Am I right? Does she prefer group combat to solo?

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