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Posts posted by Pierowmaniac

  1. ive not been to the outpost personally, so I'm not sure of its numbers.

    I'd be very surprised if it is anymore than 24, having been to two tourneys there.

    I do personally know of two other potential larger venues in the midlands though.

    Sanctuary at Sutton in Ashfield and my own clubs (Derby Wargames Society) venue in Derby, which has hosted some big Warhammer tourneys in the past.

    Not sure how many players Chimera in Nottingham can hold?

  2. Personally I can't quite see why this is an issue just yet.

    Is there a problem with differentiating the top players currently? If not then why change it?

    Yes I can see the community is growing, but has a few people have pointed out, the number and geographical spread of 30+ player tourneys to me doesn't warrant a change just yet.

    Still I guess its good to talk about it now and put a plan together for when it does hit that critical mass.

    ---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

    Jimmy at the outpost will be running multiple events too I'm sure.

    I didn't think the outpost could get many more than 24 players?

  3. That's where I picked up my Malifaux gear, so I can't fault the advice! Thing is, I'm a bit cautious about going to a gaming centre before I've got a couple of games under my belt. From what I've seen of Malifaux players I doubt it wouldn't be a problem at all but each time I've returned to 40k I've had the frustrating experience of some prat acting like I'm a babe in the woods just because I haven't memorised the new edition yet. :)

    Luckily I dont know of any prats in the current established player base :) ....obviosly this may change has the game becomes more popular, but for now its all happy in Malifaux land .....apart from when 'bad things happen' off course :P

  4. Hello to all here,

    I'm Richard, I've been a gamer since 2nd Ed 40k and have been dipping in and out ever since, and I have recently discovered Malifaux and fallen for it hard. I've started collecting a McMourning crew and I'm in the process of getting it all painted up and looking around the Manchester area for other people to set up some games with. I'm interested in any suggestions as to where to start with that!

    Not knowing the Manchester area very well, I can suggest the North West gaming centre in Stockport?


    I do know thats the main place for Malifaux tourneys in that neck of the woods.

  5. Possibly - I imagine (and I must stress - I really have no inside knowledge on this kind of stuff whatsoever) that they'll focus on getting the "proper" Wave 1 stuff out first but if there's a gap in the release schedule or they just want more time to finish off a given set, they might just slip Levi in anyway.

    Mind you, there's no way he'll be released before his rules are finalised. ;)

    Personally I do think they would release Leveticus has soon has his cards are done, I suspect they may even have all the plastic sprues and boxes ready and waiting.

  6. Got to say Like Mako and Daddy4count I always use black now.

    But unlike them I even do light colours with a black base coat.

    I used to do light colours with white, but found it didn't work with my paint style, which I like to 'POP'.

    If you want to get black to work have a read of Mako's articles in the Chronicles and I also describe my painting style in my blog (link in sig), though I'll confess Im no Mako :P

  7. Positive mental attitude will win....although may I suggest making the goal a little bit easier :)

    Plus im also enforcing my own rule of not playing with any unpainted models, which helps loads with the motivation.

    Im currently at 75% painted and over the next year hope to increase that to 80%

  8. I am trying to get the older books for backstory, but had a few questions. I have the 1e rule book. Is there any changes/additional in backstory between the 1e and 1.5e?


    No significant overall changes between book 1.0 and 1.5, but there are a few tweaks to some of the stories along with a general edit for grammar etc.

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