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Posts posted by Truthsayer

  1. Seems like only yesterday I was considering Candy for a 40k proxy

    ...don't play 40k anymore ;)

    I for one continue to support our Wyrd overlords :happypuppet1

    I wasn't looking at proxies, but wyrd also converted me to solely focus on their games. Love the support, community, rules, models etc etc. Hadn't been excited by anything other than 40k until I discovered Malifaux. Thanks for everything guys! Keep up the awesome work!

  2. Welcome SurreyLee!

    I've only just jumped into Malifaux too, and I live just south a bit in Brighton. There's a few of us that play at Onslaught Games down here, and I am looking to increase the Malifaux fan base as much as possible. If you ever head this way, let me know and we can arrange a couple of games!

  3. Welcome to the forum. Hopefully you've got players in Brighton, but if not there are players in the Ramsgate/Canterbury area, so maybe see you down there sometime.

    Hey Clousseau! There are a few of us in Brighton, one of the guys who introduced me to the game is gonna be running a campaign soon. Hopefully once I've got a few games under my belt, I can travel round a bit to meet more gamers!

    Haven't been to Canterbury in ages, last time I was there I slid down some banisters (whilst drunk) and sliced my hand open on a radiator. Bad times. :)

  4. Hi all, been lurking on the forums for a bit, but thought I best start posting! I've only played 4 games of Malifaux so far, but it has become my No.1 game, and I've pretty much got rid of my other systems to focus on this. Love everything about it (fluff, models, gameplay), and will soon be picking up Puppet Wars too.

    I'll be posting up pictures of my stuff as I progress, and will also start writing reports on any games I have. Currently play at Onslaught games in Brighton in the UK, so if anyone is down here, give me a shout!

    P.S. I currently use Nicodem, and will keep my sig updated with my W/L/D ratio. Hopefully the first number will be the highest! :)

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