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Posts posted by Bruglyother

  1. I usually build the greys up in layers. I start with a really dark grey, then a medium grey, then a very light drybrush of light grey.

    It also helps if you break up the edges of the cork a bit to remove the smooth parts. Of course, sometimes the smooth parts are useful for particular effects as well. You also need to remember to seal the cork. I use a few coats of watered down PVA glue.

  2. I'm sure you will get lots of input, but here is mine. I have done the nylon look. A simple method that I have used is to paint the legs like I normally would. Then, I go over it with a wash (I use the old GW ones, but I am starting to run low.) If it isn't dark enough for what I am looking for, I go over it again, and again, and again until I get the desired effects. So far, I have found two to three coats will do the trick for me, but your mileage may vary.

  3. I just helped him by showing him how to use cork to make decent rock features. He got the icicles from someone else, and the clump foliage I am not sure where he got the idea from. Like I said, he took the little bit of help I gave him and ran with it.

    Of course, now I have to get my own thread up since they took the blogs down and it doesn't look like they are coming back.

  4. Indeed. Often people can achieve and do a whole lot. It is usually just the 'How?' that is missing. Once you give them a few shoves they can get walking pretty fast. A friend of mine, also a complete beginner, is already making his own bases pretty well. Its damn impressive. I couldn't do that kind of stuff when I first started. Kind of makes me jelly. :P

    I know the feeling. I look back at the resources I had and the skills I employed when I first started and I cringe. Nick here is already years ahead of me at that point. I think the most help I gave him was on basing, and even then, he surpassed the help I gave him by quite a bit.

  5. It's time to kick off Malifaux 2nd Edition events. But, being the group we are, there is no need to stress about it. Lets have a laid back evening/night of gaming and fun.

    Starting at 7pm, I will be running an escalation Malifaux event, using the Story encounters section of the new rule book. There will be 4 or 5 games depending on how long we take, and player interest. There will be no time limits...when the games are done, we move on to the next round. (I did mention this was going to be laid back.) The only construction stipulation I am putting on this is that at least half of the MODELS from each game must be used in the next game. (This is a story event after all. Not really a story if the characters keep changing.)

    There will be food, and there will be prizes. There will be a trophy for the top player, and raffle tickets will be handed out during the night for a selection of prizes at the end of it all.

    $20 gets you in to the event. Part of this will be used for the food, but the rest goes back to prizes. Come along and have some fun. Bring a friend and increase the fun. This event is even low key enough for new players if they are so inclined.

    Where: Millennium Games

    3047 West Henrietta Road

    Rochester, New York 14623

    When: September 21st from 7pm until we are done.

    Fee: $20

  6. Looking to get in more games of Malifaux 2.0? Come on down.

    Looking to learn more about painting? Come on down.

    Looking to learn more about basing? Come on down.

    Looking to share ideas and techniques? Definitely come on down.

    Looking to sleep through the world? Well, you could come down, but why really?

    This is to be a day of trying out more of Malifaux 2.0, and sharing skills. We have some new players, and we have players looking to learn more about the hobby side of things. There will be an achievement list for both hobby and gaming (one list, both activities.)

    Entry: $5 if you want to participate in the achievement side of things. Free otherwise.

    Where: Pair A Dice Games LLC

    274 N Goodman St, Rochester, NY 14607

    (585) 442-8506

    When: Sunday Noon-6pm

  7. I started out with simple railroad balast and flock. Glue balast to base, paint desired color, flock to taste.

    But it got BORING!

    So I moved on. At first I tried just adding some rocks to the bases, and I still do that sometimes. I got a bag of aquarioum rocks at some point, and I still haven't put a dent in it. I like them since they are precleaned, generally the right size, and come in a variety of shapes, all in one bag. Also good for terrain.

    I gave up on balast due to cost. I still have some ultra fine stuff for certain projects. But in general, I use clumping cat litter. It's easy to apply, and you can get some interesting effects if you compress it with tools or fingers.

    I now do a lot with plasticard and greenstuff. Mostly simple things as I am not much of a sculptor. Brickwork, board floors, etc. I also use the coffee stirrer approach. I have found round toothpicks work well for bamboo style bases. When I did my Ramos crew, I cannibalized an old VCR for gears and pulleys.

    I have also used fabric as simulated carpeting. I glued down some fabric on a base, and then primed and painted. I did this for Mr Graves and Mr Tannen, flanking a doorway to a casino. I intend to do the rest of a Jakob crew in time, but my painting cue is rather full at the moment.

    I think you have the right idea in looking at what other people have done. Keep in mind, if you see something you like and want to try, ask how it was done. Most people are more than willing to share info. Besides, it's an ego boost to have people try to emulate your work. Also, look for tutorials. There are a lot of them out there, including right on these forums.

    Have fun and good luck.

  8. Not to burst your bubbles guys, but why would they make an M2E subforum when M2E is just what Malifaux is now (or will be very soon.) IF they were to make a subforum, it would be for M1E as that will be the lesser of the two going forward from Wyrd's perspective. I also imagine they will be creating an open beta forum again when the next wave of models hit that point. We aren't there yet.

  9. Have an interest in Malifaux? Used to play and are interested in trying 2.0? Already play but want to see the new rules? Well come to Millennium Games on either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday of the week of July 8th. The store will be offering a 10% discount to any NEW player on these days.

    What: Malifaux 2.0 Demos

    Where: Millennium Games

    3047 West Henrietta Road

    Rochester, New York 14623

    (585) 427-219016

    When: Monday July 8th, Wednesday July 10th, and Friday July 12th

    6-10 PM

    Fee: NONE

  10. On Sunday July 7th, Pair a Dice Games LLC will be hosting a 2.0 Beta Achievement day. Come out and play some 2.0 Malifaux, and possibly win some stuff. As this is a 2.0 event, proxies are allowed as long as the proxy is for a Wyrd model that has not been made yet (such as the Brewmaster.) If the model exists, use the actual model.


    What: Malifaux 2.0 Achievement day

    When: July 27th, 2013, Noon til 6pm

    Where: Pair A Dice Games LLC

    274 N. Goodman Street,

    Rochester, New York 14607

    Fee: $5 (All entry fees go towards prize support)

  11. Currently there are the treasure hunters, Riflemen, and the Trapper in plastic. There is also the impending aHoffman.

    But, also as Clouseau mentioned, the whole line will be shifted over to plastic starting around Gencon. May take some time for all of them to come out, but it is happening.

  12. You sir, have way too much time on your hands. Of course, I'm one to talk with my doing random math equations just to kill time. Hazards of being a math geek/teacher. (Would probably help if I was an employed math teacher, but what can you do.)

    Anyway, I'm off to bed as I have work very early in the morning and it is rather physically demanding. Must keep my energies up.

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