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About Omegadoggx

  • Birthday 02/24/1979

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  1. I'm in, I'll get Big John signed up and then we'll just need one more.
  2. 70% of my models turned up today.............. 24 models to paint before the next batch.
  3. Aiming for 7ish, going to drive down straight from work. Can't do the Sunday, investor payday.

  4. Haha thought it was you Craig! What time can you get down on the friday? Also Sunday the 30th! Planning to head down to Maelstrom if you want to come

  5. I'm booked in at the hotel for Friday so I'll just head down after work. Shops closed for good now so I can just come straight over.
  6. This might have already been mentioned but I'm late to the party and don't want to go through 60 odd pages. Is anything going on Friday night as I'm just going to head over straight from work?
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