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the junkie

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Posts posted by the junkie

  1. So after reviewing the beta I planned to make a list of changes made to Neverborn for ease of reference. However after looking over everything a few times that list would be insanely long. It is easier to print what was kept.

    Example is Lilith has a completely new spell list an across the board reduction of stats, and ain't so fast anymore Charges the same speed as walking. Did you like growing your Terrors into Matures? Gone. Cost up 1 across the board, for the most part. etc etc.

    Post up the gems that you find in this thread.

    This just like the mark 1 to mark 2 change that occurred in Warmahordes. Nothing will ever be the same :)

  2. So I had my Kirai game last night and it went ok. We flip shared deliver the message, and I should have soulstoned, because Kirai can complete that one so incredibly easy. It ended 4-4

    Kirai got 4 for Delivering 1st on turn 2. I got 4 for Delivering the message on turn 3 and completing Kidnap.

    My list: 35 points

    Pandora -- 7 Pool

    Von Schill [10ss]

    Doppelganger [8ss]

    Insidious Madness [4ss]

    Sorrow [3ss]

    Sorrow [3ss]

    Stitched Together [5ss]

    His list:

    Kirai Ankoku -- 7 Pool

    Lost Love [2ss]

    Von Schill [10ss]

    Grave Spirit [1ss]

    Seishin [2ss] x5

    The Hanged [8ss]

    I was able to kill 4 Seishin in turn 1 from double emotional trauma. Von Shill was nice to have in the list because he is always a nice model to have around, but zero synergy in my list. I then spent the next 3 turns killing his Von Shill. Killing so many Seishin required him to sac some models for the super prey guy that was able to summon and deliver the message. I really liked Pandor vs Kirai/ Ressers. It was my first game with her, but I think that used her well with just a few mistakes.

  3. I like pandora, but am a bit unclear on stacking the wip duels. I know you take the dopelganger to add another damage within 12 so thats 2 damage for each fail. I have heard people get it up higher but that seems iffy. Sorrows can be around for another but you putting them at risk for it.

    I think he will have jack daw as well. Atleast, he did last time.

  4. So I have game 2 against a Resser and his Kirai crew. Last game he won 6-3. The many activation's he had really hurt and I am sure to see that again. I took Lilith with the Twins, +1 Lelu, Tuco and such.

    In this game two I can take whomever I want, and own most of the models minus Collodi. I can expect to see Kirai + Von Shill and a ton of 2-3 point models for movement and summons.

    Who do we have to take on Kirai and Von Schill?


    Zoradia + Von Shill?


  5. I was his opponent in one of those games where I found out just how broken stitches can be. Stitched in a good cluster of my models, they move much faster than expected in a Collodi list, then he had like 20 attacks to do 1 damage to his does not die Stitched and look for a crow in his deck to spread his rotten contents around.

  6. In a 30ss game vs Kirai I ran the following.


    P. Magic


    Lelu x2


    It was light on SS cache but was very effective and killing things. I was dealing with Kirai's spirits who wouldn't help me grow so I tried the list above and boy was it cool. I lost the game 3-6 (shared line in the sand) but even though i was out activated out the wazu I felt I had some really strong activations to deal with the key model or two a turn.

  7. vanilla-fying all of the special rules is what made me dump all of my PP stuff. Please do not streamline any special abilities......special abilities that do "almost" the same thing should stay "almost" the same thing.

    +1 million to this statement. Keep the names unique and story driven. I don't care if they do the same thing or almost the same thing.

  8. unfortunately I don't have too much since I planned to play guild in this league. We had 3 guild people + me and only one Neverborn so I grabbed Lilith. I have Lilith + crew, Young Neliphims, Black Blood Shaman, Nekima, Primordial Magic, Malifaux Cherab, Zoraida's box + totem (though I cannot use her), The Twins, Alps. Desperate Merc, and a conflict gunsliner.

    I was really hoping to have Tuco for this match, but my store hasn't gotten him in yet. I will be heading to the store tomorrow to see what jumps out at me.

  9. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I completed my game tonight and went it went has planned.

    I choose Bodyguard and Hold out (both unannounced) He took the Raspy one and Framed for muder (which he put on his delivery minion)

    Turn 1 I moved up staying very close together. I wanted to give him some bait to deploy heavy center to counter mine.

    Turn 2 he moved up a bit then I used brood mother on a transpositioned terror tot to deliver the message. I finished the turn by spreading my forces to prevent him from coming into my deployment zone.

    Turn 3... Well that when the Mature Nelli diving attacked 'Tina. I think he messed up here in that he allowed the hit a 1 neg flip + charge ment I could cheat it... with the Red Joker I had in my hand. I flip my second damage and got another severe... 12 points of ouchy from one hit. So he tried a healing flip and saved 2, but 12-2 is still 10 and 'Tina was dead. This box set reminds me of the saying, "cut the head of the snake and the body dies."

    He spent turn 3 vengence killing my Mature, but by then the game was wrapped up. I played VP denial the rest of the game. I won 6 to 0 and now am tied for the lead with another Neverborn player.

    Next week it will be me vs Collodi in a open 25ss game with a model selection pool of 40ss. The strategy is Shared Contain Power. I may be playing another denial game, but want to spread out my schemes to hedge my bets should I lose.

    I am thinking about taking a heavy grow list since no matter what I do I will be swarmed with dolls and out activated. Below is my list, keep in mind that I am only in my 3rd game with Lilith, and probably 6th in Malifaux. It don't have much room to grow since he wont help out my blood counter problems.

    Lilith, Mother of Monsters -- 5 Pool

    Primordial Magic [2ss]

    Black Blood Shaman [6ss]

    Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

    Stitched Together [5ss]

    Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

    Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

    Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

    He is also pretty new to Malifaux, but by far one of the best players I have seen. Picture that guy who plays chess 3 moves ahead. So any advice from the community? I have heard that the grow list is uber cheese, and don't really have to take it. I just need better ideas.

    C&C welcome. Thanks!

  10. So it sounds like what i was thinking. Use transposition and brood mother to get the strategy then play keep away with hold out and bodyguard. Making sure to use my portable forest for a constant los block. Well that sounds like a win, but not too terribly fun of a game.

    I will let you know how it goes.

  11. Hi guys,

    I have my second grow league match against Rasputina. The game is preset at 25ss starter boxes. The week we are allowed avatars, any growths, and/or summons. No totems or starting with minions from outside the box. Oh and the strategy is preset Deliver a Message.

    I of impromptu joined this League as Lilith and have only played her in two games. The first being a demo and the second was week one of my league. I don't have a battle report for game one, but here is a summary. Lilith vs Ramos: 7 to 0 victory. It was shared claim jump, and I took Hold Out + Kidnap. I really enjoy the transposition assassination trick. I traded a terror tot for his Steamborg Executioner, and that seemed like a fair trade.

    Any who... Sorry for the tangent. As I said early this next week is vs Raspy.

    So I will be unable to grow since he doesn't have any living models. I know can get some from Lilith, maybe I would be ok with two tots to youngs, but that concerns me in the endgame.

    The Ice Gamins are going to stink as I have no ranged. I can avoid them as long as possible, but don't think I can do that for long. I was thinking about watching out for books on his melee def flip. In theory it is likely I will win the attack at his DEF poor. Meaning he will have to cheat first, and if he cheats with a book, I will just let that attack fail. Do you guys have any suggestions?

    The Ice Golem is another tough cookie. Sure he is slow, but deadly. I don't think I can really pull off the transposition assassination trick since that would cause massive damage to my crew. I really don't know what to do with this guy since I have no ranged, and it will take my entire crew to take him down. Do you guys have any suggestions?

    Rasputina... Well as a accomplished spell slinger I am going to have to weather the storm to get the job done. I have never played against her, and only a few games into Malifaux. Do you guys have any suggestions?

    So then. The Shared scenario is deliver the message and that makes me happy. I can use my speed to deny him that... at least I think I can. My thoughts to maneuver my crew to get Raspy within 12" of Lilith for transposition. Allow Lilith to beat on her then active my Mature to 2 action deliver followed by 1 action kill her. Boy that sounds totally easy on paper, but come game time ACK!

    I am thinking I should use my mobility so Reclaiming Malifaux could be good. Stake a claim would work well with that one since I will looking for terrain pieces and board sections away. Based on my plan Assassinate would be cool, but that feels like putting all my eggs in one basket, I either win big or lose big so kinda meh on that one. I am leaning to Hold out again since his crew is so slow. Hold out in combination with Reclaiming Malifaux means he will have to decide where to go, and I can run circles around him.

    Thank you for reading my post. It's rambled on since I'm new, but you learned how I think. I will do my best to put up a battle review after this one for you guys to read.

    Any advice from the community?

  12. Hey gang,

    Would it be legal to use Puppet Wars models to represent Wicked Dolls?

    So, Zoraida makes voodoo dolls of people. She can also summon Wicked Dolls. I figure the Wicked Dolls could be reanimated voodoo dolls now imbued with the souls of her victims and whatnot. It would allow for some cool variety on the field.

    I am sure there would be no issue with this in friendly local games, but I like having the option to go to larger tournaments and wanted to see if that would be ok.


  13. Could a vet please post up a 30 or 35 point Von Shill Perdita List. I am not getting why he would be such a superman in the list.

    Here is what I tossed up in 2 seconds

    Perdita Ortega -- 4 Pool

    Enslaved Nephilim [2ss]

    Von Schill [10ss]

    Death Marshal [4ss]

    Nino Ortega [7ss]

    Santiago Ortega [7ss]

    Watcher [3ss]

    I figure depending on the primary you would want to trade in some secondaries for Soulstones. I am sure the list is poo, but like said I am still new and I don't understand Von Shills role.


  14. Pandora vs Hoffman had you fighting an uphill battle from the start. Especially when you so new. I find it funny that your Neverborn friends, hence forth to be known as "Pot", call Perdita, hence forth to be known as "Kettle", "brokenly powerful". Then precedes to play Pandora against you.

    Guild is a really cool faction. Though to be honest you need a larger selection of models in your toolbox, unlike Neverborn. Once you have a varied toolbox to pull from you will be better prepared for whatever mission and enemy you face.

    I am a Warmahordes player as well and agree there are some things that irk me about both systems. One thing that may be harder for you to overcome is scenario selection. You don't have to go for the caster kill to win. In fact killing all the enemy models can still make you lose. I won a game with one model left on the board because of achieving my strats and schemes. I have been told that you can win even if you don't have any models left on the board.

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