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Posts posted by borboski

  1. Right I've done a little bit more so time for an update! Not great pictures but they're coming along nicely and the final versions are nearly there.



    Particular pleased with these shades as they're all a little muted and I think they work well with each other. I've applied some highlights since then and even had a crack at lighting effects on the swords using the metallic medium to make a blue silver colour.

  2. Hi, can I check the rules on this as it was making my pal extremely annoyed!

    Seamus Undead Psychosis lets you target 1-2 models and force them to not end a move within 3" of an Undead Model. It looks like it casts on anyone, e.g. no restrictions about spirits, undead, etc.

    Two Punk Zombies are touching Seamus, so he casts it on them. A Hooded Rider or other undead person is just behind Seamus.

    Seamus activates and casts No Escape on one of the Punk Zombies - Seamus gets a free charge if it moves.

    The first Punk Zombie activates (that has been No Escaped) and has to try and move away from - well, not just the Hooded Rider but his Punk Zombie friend.

    What happens? My interpretation is that the Punk Zombie stays where it is, Seamus gets a charge attack. If the Zombie is still alive it has to move again; can Seamus make a disengaging strike and force him to stay next to him.

    Then the other Punk Zombie activates and Seamus has the option of two disengaging strikes. Again, as long as the strikes hit in effect no ones move.

    Anything wrong with that? I could see he was irritated by basically being paralysed. He also couldn't see the logic of why I was casted this spell to make him move away, but then making the disengaging strikes to keep him there - obviously my rationale is he has to waste his activations. Undead psychosis seems very nasty against any undead opponents

  3. Aha, thanks guys!

    Yep, I'm quite pleased with these, they're a big step up from what I've done before. I'm priming everything white and then giving them a heavy black wash which I find gives you a good idea of where to leave shadows and where to highlight.

    Those trousers was just a bestial brown basecoat and then komando khaki over the top; I think I might leave as they are rather than do anymore highlights.

  4. Thanks guys - messed up posting the link...

    Ok, I'd like to host some pics here to keep me motivated. I'm really quite new to painting and the hobby and after some average first attempts I'm having a bit more luck. Thinning my paints; thinking about the colours (see Bete below, just the base coats but it's just variations on Chaos Black, Astronom Grey, and Necron Abyss). I'm finding highlight much easier with the thinner paints.

    I'm mostly painting Ressurectionists, and I've got some fun stuff to paint coming up - The Dead Rider, the Copycat Killer and some Canine Remains.

    Lost the Executioner's backpack, though, aargh. Will need to think of an alternative.


  5. I'm from Stockport, just started getting into this and played a couple of games down in Bristol. I've got a couple of gangs and cards if you want to have a demo game, and I'm still learning the rules myself.

    The Northwest Gaming Centre appears to have some guys that play it regularly but I can't seem to register on the flameon forums. Let me know anyway, would be up for meeting at Fanboy 3 as well.

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