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About Ballz

  • Birthday 04/18/1973

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  1. Well I am getting ready for my first game tomorrow and have made a very quick observation. I need to get alot of blisters to get what she can give for free. 2 blister seishan 1 blister Gaki (preferably 2) 1 shikome and that is just what is on her card...ouch. Top that off with the addition that some of her models will not work with other masters makes for an initial buy kind of a hmmm. I say that because I am looking forward to getting a second master and am looking for ways of making groups work together and she is the single that seems a little of kilter. With all that said I can't wait to play her and think it is going to be a blast. Wondering what I should get for a second master...I really like Seamus and Nicoderm but don't want to fall into "play this" cause it is the flavor. Punks or hookers...which to go. I have heard a lot of push towards Seamus with Kiria... Help me out who is going to pick up the slack that Kiria has trouble with for scenarios.
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