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Posts posted by Cjm1174

  1. i think ill stick with rezzers as my faction i love their fluff and their look but where master is concerned that is subject to change as im considering nicodem or mcmourning as well so any ideas for those two as well would be a big help thanks guys

  2. Im getting back into the game after a short hiatus and am looking to buy a Seamus crew now i just wanted you guys to give me some thoughts on my selection as a basis to start a decent sized crew, here is what i was thinking of getting:

    - the starter box

    - some crooked men

    - some hanged

    - the grave spirit and copycat killer totems

    - and Bette noir

    is there anything else i should add or take away and replace

    thanks in advance


  3. I dabbled with malifaux last year picking up a couple of books and a crew unfortunately my crew was stolen and sold by an ex friend of mine so im looking at getting back into the game with a fresh mindset and need a good jump off point i usually end up going with crews and masters that are very hard to play and are rules intensive so my question is were should i start i want a good master that isn't too hard to use which will serve as a good way to learn the game, faction isn't the most important but i would prefer to stay away from guild ideally im looking for a nice looking 25 soulstone list to get me up and running and a second one of a similar level so i can get friends into the game to

    thanks in advance guys


  4. i really like the resurrectionist faction and im looking to expand into with nicodem so what is a good list to take with nicodem to get a good starting crew of 25 ss without the crew box being a necessary thing to get any help is appreciated and thanks in advance

  5. i love the new alternate lilith and her avatar but i dont lik the mature nephilim its a lovely model but its not my cup of tea and that exspression is not due to the fact that as im writing this im drinking a cup of tea but does anyone have any good alternates for a mature nephilim any and all contribution to my aid will be fantastic thanks guys


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