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Posts posted by Mr.Church

  1. Mostly she takes Joss, pigs, ronin, acolytes...only things with free activatiors and card draw and so far in two player it really hasn't mattered what puppets we bring to the table she murders anything that's not a belle or bad juju and by turn 3 at least she kills the master. Only stall we really have is to pile all the puppets you have in your list infront of her and hope you picked Seamus and some belles because your gonna need the ressurection.

  2. I think it may be the fact that Viktoria is a little bit skewed in power. We've play quite a few games with her now and the only games she doesn't completely dominate the entire field quickly are ones that involve 3 or 4 players with all players teaming up to take her down.

    It's just the shear amount of swiss armyness that she has. Combined with card drawing puppets and free activators she can do most everything and she can do it lightning quick.

    I'm willing to admit that there might be something we're missing, and if there is I would like to know I'm wrong. I love the game but we've had to limit her to one per game with 3 or 4 and try to avoid her in 2 players.

  3. Thanks for the resopnses guys! I did however find a bag of bingo cover chips that came in quite a few different colors and were the exact same size as the standard ones in the game.

    This raises a new question though. Will future sets that include master puppets include workbench markers for them in different colors? I realise that I'm being kinda fiddley here but if I can get every master their own color I think I might just splurge here.

    Once again thanks for the suggestion. Also that Ratty PDF is really great I just cut those pictures off on cardstock and glued it to excess tokens in the bag they work like a charm and I'm really considering doing that with the standard cardboard ones.

  4. Hey first time poster here who loves Puppet Wars, question is though. Is there anywhere to purchase the standard workbench and impassible tokens that come with the game (Or ones of a similar design.)?

    The majority of mine suffered an unfitting end at the hands of a demonic stepchild at our local gamestore.

    I know, I know that I could just homemake some paper ones, but unfortunately I'm sort of gamer OCD about aesthetics. Any help is appreciated.

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