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Everything posted by Grifonetto

  1. Love the gold-trimmed bases, I may steal that!
  2. Hi folks, just wanted to add my painted crew to the forum. It's pretty much toy soldier quality, but I gave a lot of thought to color choice and I think on that level it looks pretty good. I won best painted at our local (admittedly small) tournament! Here they are: EDIT: Just now noticing how small the pictures are. I may post a resize later if anyone's interested.
  3. Well, that definitely makes them a lot more useful. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I'm a new player in San Antonio, enjoying the game, but have some rules questions about action modifiers. Fast, Slow and Paralyze all reference a model's next activation -- does this mean that they last until the next turn if cast on a model that has already activated? Or do they expire during the Resolve Effects Step? To me it seems like the textual answer is that they expire during Resolve Effects, and lasting until next turn is a misinterpretation (albeit an understandable one). Am I right?
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