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Posts posted by Crunchysock

  1. This question is for someone that knows how to paint (I'm a noob) and is familiar with the Nino Ortega mini. How should I go about painting him? It looks like maybe should paint his arm and hand with the gun then attach them, then repaint over the filler I'll use to smooth everything out. Is that how I should do it? Or should I put him together then paint him? If I do that I can't see how to properly paint everything due to the way he's holding the gun. He's only my 5th mini so believe it or not he's the most complex/complicated one I've come across yet. How would a pro-painter approach something like this?

  2. Thanks M/B, are there pictures of yours posted? I just finished him up a while ago. It was my first base of that type so it didn't come out entirely like I envisioned but I'm okay with it. Overall for my third mini I'm stoked. I'm going to go post it over on CMON and see what kinda feedback and tips I can pick up.





  3. I've been lagging on my Malifaux, school is keeping me busy. I was able to get the Convict Gunslinger's hat finished and remove all the flash and stuff. Whenever I finish the conversion on this Rackham mini I've been obsessed with I'll prime them both up and get started on my Nephelim-Cucuy, maybe.


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