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Posts posted by Sartre

  1. @Wormstrum:

    I love to hear from a Marcus-win, but it seems that your opponent isn´t playing the dreamer right. He makes absolutely no sense when you just drop your hole army in front of your opponent and then get beaten up.

    When you play the dreamer wisely, you can move more than 24", kill any model and than flip back into your own deployment zone without giving an activation to the opponent.

  2. What do you Guys think of Malifaux Raptors,

    especially when compared to Night Terrors?

    I really like the idea of these little birds,

    but I think they are way to bad to field them -

    Or am I missing something? =)

  3. Hey,

    I´m new to Malifaux and wanted to ask you guys what you think of my first 30SS Marcus-Hit&Run-List:

    Marcus + 5SS Pool

    Jackalope 1SS

    Shikome 8SS

    Myranda 7SS

    Rattler 7SS

    Night Terror 3SS

    Night Terror 3 SS

    I know the Rattler isn´t worth its points, but I really like the model and the Hit&Run play-style of it. Myranda for me is a auto-include, I love her druid-like shapechange - most time to the Cerberus to get the 2 extra attacks. Shikome and the 2 Night Terrors should fly fast to any objectives in the early game.

    Thanks for your Help!

    Tim from Germany

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