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Everything posted by Keegantir

  1. While I appreciate that a few people have a different viewpoint (even if I think it is a very delusional viewpoint), I have to vehemently disagree that any company can say an evolving game is done, and expect the game to not die. If I am looking to get into a game, like Malifaux (not a stand alone game like a board game), and I find out that new stuff is no longer being released for the game, I will stop looking right there and move on. If a game that I am playing, like Malifaux, stops releasing new stuff, than I will have my stuff on ebay before the ink is dry. I previously played Warmahordes, amongst many other games, and I may go back to it sometime in the future, but I lost interest in the game when nothing new was released for the faction that I played, in a 6 month span. My options were to play the same thing that I had been playing multiple times a week for months, start a new faction, or stop playing the game. For the first option, I am not interested in boredom, so I did not do that. For the second option, I am usually a one faction person, so not. That left the third option, quit. If they had announced that they stopped making new stuff for the game, I would have quit the game that day. As far as Warmahordes games getting larger, as someone mentioned, I have to disagree. I played basically from the beginning, and games were 500 and 750 points. Games are now 35 (equavalent to 500 points), and 50 (equivalent to 750 points). Yes they have come out with a new rule set for very large games, but I do not know anyone that uses it. I still go back to my point, that the only reason that I lost interest in the game, and stopped playing (at least for now), is that they go so long without releasing new figures for a faction (not the other way around). I feel that every faction, in a miniatures game, should get new figures at least every 2 months to avoid stagnation. That brings me back to the point of this thread. Some people actually want stagnation, which just blows my mind. If nothing new is released, stagnation occurs. Stagnation is NOT fun. New and interesting things are fun. Someone mentioned Bloodbowl. I personally, may try out a game or two of Bloodbowl. That is because it is a board game. You may disagree, but it is. Like most other boardgames, I would be interested in playing a few times, then I will move onto something else that is new. If a boardgame releases an expansion, I will play the expansion some, until it stagnates, than I will move on. As far as a miniatures game goes, I cannot justify spending the amount of money that you need to spend, on a game that is just going to stagnate, due to the game no longer being supported.
  2. While that fits what I agree with for RAI, it does not fit RAW. If that is the intention than the rulebook may need a slight errata. To quote the rulebook: (P.44) and (P.42) So, by the rules as written, declaring the target and checking range are separate steps. Thus, you declare a target, this requires checking LoS but not range. In a normal ranged attack you would then check range, but firing into melee interrupts this process after declaring the target, but before measuring for range. You then flip cards to see who is the new target. After that you resolve the ranged attack as normal. At that point you would go back to where you broke the ranged attack chain, with the next step being measuring range.
  3. You posted this as I was typing up my new thread. Want to point out one thing though, by the rules manual, you do not check range before randomizing. This lends more weight to the attack missing after randomization if the new target is out of range.
  4. When firing into melee, if the model that is selected for the attack is 1) out of LoS or 2) out of range, does the attack hit or miss? I searched for this for over an hour and while some hit on it, like http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=26503&highlight=firing+melee and http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=13644&highlight=firing+melee&page=4 , none of them expressly answer the question by a marshal. If this has been resolved than searches for (firing melee), (shooting melee), and (Ranged Strike Melee) did not turn up an answer. I am of the opinion that RAI you still hit them but RAW for firing into melee is a bit different. RAW, you declare the target (no range check is made here, which means that you could do this to models on the other side of the board, but to declare the target you must have LoS, so there is a LoS check), flip cards to see who becomes the new target, then you resolve the rest of the attack as normal (this is where you would check for range, but I do not believe you would check for LoS, because that already happened on the initial declare, though even that is a bit iffy). Thank you for taking the time to answer.
  5. Easy. If I had a choice on what should be put in a redone Viks Box it would be Viks, Ronin x3, and Taelor. At 20ss: Viks, Taelor, Ronin, 7ss or Viks, 3x Ronin, 5ss (I prefer the first for more stones). At 25ss: Viks, Taelor, 2x Ronin, 7ss At 30ss: Viks, Taelor, 3x Ronin, 7ss Add a Convict Gunslinger for an easy way to get to 35ss.
  6. While I will be coming with you from Toledo, I do not acknowledge that I now live in Ohio, and will not be changing my drivers license from Michigan to Ohio anytime soon. Being here is more of a bad dream. Thus, I will be siding with the Michigan group in any rivalry. :fight:
  7. Quick answer for the question you mean to be asking: No Answer for the question you are actually asking: Yes Reactivate is an ability. You can gain the ability more than once, though it just overwrites the previous version. That being said, a model may only ever activate again, through reactivate, once per turn, no matter how many times the model was given the ability reactivate.
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