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Posts posted by Piscinarii

  1. I completely understand(its a bit of a hike for me in Lombard as well).

    I am looking to get some weekend open play days setup starting in September as well as tournaments(got one on August 20th, then planning an October and December tourney as well)

    I am looking forward to Fair Game doing some Malifaux during the week. That's 10mins from the house, woot!

  2. Welcome to the boards.

    Glad to hear you picked up some minis at Fair Games. I am working with some people to setup a regular play day there.

    We also have regular play days going on at Games Plus in Mount Prospect and Black Sun games while they are still open.

    Also check out my sig for the Chicago Google group. Can generally post there if you are looking for a game.

    Yeah, they had mentioned at Fair Games that some folks were trying to get a regular play night together. I think they were talking maybe Tuesdays?

    Games Plus is a great shop but I loathe driving up there on a weeknight. :)

  3. So, been looking to hop back into the minature gaming scene for awhile and after reading and browsing the web I noticed a lot of growing interest in Malifaux (also that the entry price was very reasonable!) I swung by a local hobby shop (Fair Game in Downer's Grove, IL) and bought the Justice Box Set, A Fate Deck and rulebook! Then of course being a collector of all things I had to get on the web store and get the alternate poses of all The Guild characters and the new Avatars plus the new book.

    I played quite a bit of Mage Knight and Mechwarrior before moving to systems where I have to actually paint! My first foray was Warmachine when it launched and Hordes so I have some experience. Looking forward to joining the fast growing community!

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