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Posts posted by Malevolance

  1. So I realise I have not updated this thread in a while, however, having recently got back into Malifaux after a short break playing some other games I thought I would update with some of my more recent works.

    Firstly I really like the more recent alt master models and being a now predominatly guild player I present my two favourite. Firstly, Sonnia Criid...



  2. Wow thanks all :)

    To go with the Silent One which I too am quite pleased with I painted up an 'arctic' Cerberus for my Arcanists...


    I also have for you nice people a Death Marshall, I tried to copy the front of the mini rules manual as best I could while still keeping it 'gaming' friendly and not silly height. In hindsight I should probably of had him leaping over a gravestone, but just getting him to sit comfortably on the base was enough work for one evening. He fits my guild basing 'theme' of half wooden slat bases though...


    Currently working on a Student of Conflict totem for Justice, pictures to follow...

  3. I really like lady J's hair what colours did you use for it?

    I really liked painting Lady J... except her hair... it may look amazing, but it's everywhere...

    Anyway, her hair started off Scorched brown, then Scorched brown/red gore. Then a little scorched brown/red gore and blood red. Then wash with brown (Gryphone sepia), this was then highlighted blood red with a very small amount of scorched brown and blood red for highlight. Time consuming but worth it in the end I think. I think it looks quite striking but is muted by the tones of her clothes so it doesnt come across too over whelming.

    I ordered the alternate sculpt Lady J so may try something different when this one arrives. I will try to get a pic of my Guild crew once they are all finished.

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