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Posts posted by desilijic

  1. Gollum528 and I placed an order for two Rail Crew sets (since they weren't at Gen Con) along with enough other goodies to get up to $100. When Wyrd sent us the tracking number, there must have been a typo since it showed that it was being sent to a different state. We emailed them to ask them to look into it. Shortly thereafter, the package arrived but was missing something minor (red 30mm bases). We contacted them to let them know that we DID receive the package but it was missing the bases. We received an email saying that they would reship the entire package. We immediately let them know that it was not necessary to do so, and they replied that they would resend the bases. When the package arrived, it had another copy of everything we ordered. At this point, we're just trying to figure out the right thing to do. Obviously we don't want to pay shipping to send back toys that we'd rather keep, but we don't want to rip off our favorite game company, either.

    By the way, please do not take this as a criticism of Wyrd. They've been insanely busy, and I appreciate everything they do to keep us, their hardcore player base, happy. We all understand that mistakes happen.

  2. First, let me once again thank Nilus and Nix for running great events. I had a blast. Overall, I have no major complaints. As my family and coworkers will tell you, that's very rare... so take it as high praise.

    Time limits on the event - The rounds could have been slightly longer, but if they're too long then you increase the likelihood of player burnout. Players should enter these events realizing that they need to play quickly and score/secure VPs as early as possible. I do not recommend taking Avatars in this type of format (I didn't manifest an Avatar all weekend).

    Terrain - In addition to the reasons you stated, it's important to remember that the hall is open throughout the duration of the convention. If elaborate (i.e. expensive) terrain is used, it might disappear during the night.

    Single Elimination - Single elimination is perfect for the final day. Swiss tournaments can result in two (or more) players with the same W/L ratio; Single elim allows for a clear winner.

    Declaring your Master - I loved this. I hope it becomes standard practice. Especially when playing against Outcasts, it was a relief to know what master I was facing before picking out my crew.

    Adjusted Destroy the Evidence - I liked this a lot. Collodi is generally able to secure a VP on the first activation; this made him wait an extra turn. It actually let me fill Collodi with stones first turn (normallly I would make my dolls fast so they could destroy the middle evidence marker). Speaking of which, I liked that there wasn't a middle evidence marker; it made the tactics of scoring VPs far more interesting because the players had to head toward their markers while trying to keep models near their opponent's markers. This was one of my favorite games of the weekend.

    Changes to Treasure Hunt - Normally I would take Collodi (with either Zoraida or Lilith) without blinking because he and his Marionettes can grab the counter during their first activation. Since it couldn't be picked up until the second turn, I decided to take a crew that I much prefer: Dreamer. It was my only loss on Saturday (Mr. Weakland won), but it was still fun. I liked getting a VP for just picking the counter up once.

    Terrain Density - MUCH better than last year. As others stated, my spirits had a fine time with it while some more "traditional" models had trouble. Some people were complaining about the lack of firing lanes; they should remember that Malifaux is a very melee-oriented game. Models often need to get in their opponents' models faces in order to score VPs. By the way, Von Schill made plenty of long-range kills during the one and only game that I took him.

    Terrain Types - There were some structures with only one door, and some without any doors. A bit more care could be taken in constructing these. If nothing else, take a pair of scissors to some of the walls to create openings. I liked playing with more buildingy-looking buildings on Sunday.

    Scoring - Perfect; this is the best scoring method, from my point of view. That being said, I like formats that award tie-breakers based on strength of schedule, but this can be burdensome to calculate and implement fairly.

  3. Each of the top four players at the Gen Con "Avatars of Malifaux" event received a Santana. I gave mine to my friend who is a Guild player.

    ---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

    By the way, each player who played in the Gen Con Malifaux events received foil stickers. It is part of a new promo for events run by henchmen, apparently. Players will be able to redeem their stickers for items such as foil fate decks and Malifaux tape measurers (which were also given away at Gen Con). Perhaps Santana will be a prize in this program.

  4. Hi. My name is Johnny and I'm a gamer.

    I live in Cincinnati, where I play with a great group of guys at Art of War. Malifaux is very popular there, and all of the players are very friendly. Thanks to Mike Akridge for convincing me to return to gaming after a 6-7 year hiatus; Patrick McCabe for doing an awesome job of painting my minis; and Brian Creehan, Aaron, Paul, Dave, & everybody else who patiently showed me the ropes!

    I was lucky enough to meet some other Malifauxians from across the country in Indy this past weekend. I went to Gencon on Saturday to play in the Master of Malifaux tournament. I had a great time and learned a lot!

    I may not have much time to play on the forums, but feel free to leave me message me and I'll reply at some point!

    By the way, can anyone direct me to an explanation of how to make a neato signature line with pictures of my various masters? Thanks in advance.

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