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Posts posted by Rockexe

  1. Hello Zei,


    I was one of the people down at Malifaux Mondays last night, and yeah.. we are still pushing to get the game a bit more well known in Canberra (I think there are small pockets of interested players here and there but they don't have any organised events to rally behind).


    At the moment we are aiming for random games every Monday, but I'm sure several of us would be keen for games on any other evening/weekend day. We tend to use the facebook group Malifaux Canberra to organise them.


    I hope you and your husband enjoy the game and the local community :)



  2. I'd like to see some dual faction minions, in combinations like: Guild/Arcanist, Resser/Neverborn etc, instead of more X/Ten thunders.

    Ultimately I'd love to see a v2 of Malifaux, but would that mean we'd lose access to a large chunk of our models, or would there be a titanic writing effort bring all the existing models into their Malifaux v2 forms? (or of course they could just change the game rules and leave the models rules as they are)

  3. The way I'd like to see it resolved, is that models only be able to lock down models up to 2" away in melee.

    It makes sense that some models would be able to lash out 3 or 4 inches, but to effectively bar someone from stepping back at that range seems less likely to me.

    Though, it is a pretty big change to some models just so gunfighter makes thematic sense..

    Or, they could add 'this model can also make melee strikes up to the rg of the weapon against any model that is engaged in melee combat with this model' to gunfighter

  4. Well, the 1" range guy can't attack at 3" normally, whereas someone with a gun can.

    But I guess it represents the different combat style needed to fight with a gun defensively not translating well to long range fights, but if they were to stop and aim down the sights (or other magic equivalents) they'd probably be leaving themselves too open to a disembowling..

  5. Yeah, that is an odd corner case. Fixing it would make gunfighter more complex, but leaving it creates an "unrealistic" scenario.

    Fair enough, it has just come up a few times in my last few matches vs the dreamer and lord chompy bits, and I was just wondering if I was wasting that 1 ap walking into melee range, or having to charge.

    Thanks for the answers guys.

  6. I decided to get serious about weight loss this year, after my attempts last year managed to gain me about 10kg (22 lbs). (Note - when I say serious, I mean: still in front of the computer 8+ hours a day)

    So, my method is basically: restrict myself to 5500 Kj (1350~ Cal) a day. I also go for a 3km walk in the evenings if I havent gone downtown that day.

    I was finding that I'd be hungry each night for the first week, so I'd suggest maybe easing into it in parts if you'd rather avoid that. But your appetite drops proportionately, given time so it seems pretty normal

    Overall its been working out pretty well for me. I have gone down from 135 (297) to 118kg (260) over the last two months (I'm a cheat - I started early :o) with no sign of slowing down yet. My goal weight is 90kg, which I think is reasonable for a heavyset, solid fellow like myself..

    Also, good luck to everyone else here trying to lose weight, I know how hopeless it can feel, but every little bit helps.

  7. When we've played 2v2 games, each player had their own deck/hand, and their own 25pt force.

    The Strategy is shared, but each player picks one scheme.

    We also had each team flip initiative, and each player on the winning team would move a model, but i agree, that part didn't work out too well.

  8. When i play Kaeris, I run her with Iggy, 1 gunsmith at 25 points, 2 at 35, and then as many fire gamin as I can fit, while keeping 3+ soulstones.

    So for 25pts it would be:




    Fire Gamin x3

    35pts is +1 Gamin, +1 Gunsmith,


    +3 Gamin, depending on the opponent.

  9. I hold back Sonia’s activation for as long as I can and if my opponent has not come into range by then, I then activate Crid and use two casts of violation of magic and turn the mercs into witchling stalkers. I have now gained 4 stones on my opponent and have two fresh models.

    Thats a really interesting idea, I'll have to give it a try in my next game.

  10. That first moment you get a well placed inferno into a bunch of the opponents guys is what did it for me.

    I haven't been playing Criid long, but I've found that against aggressive armies that come flying up the board at you, she is a boss, otherwise you may be spending turn 1, and maybe even turn 2 double-walking up the board.

    If you want to feel like you're participating in the game earlier however, consider hiring Guild Austringers, their 18" range can start softening targets up from turn 1. Also, they are awesome.

  11. I agree with the idea that Death Marshals should be using their coffins as weapons. I wouldn't replace their pistols, but maybe it could implemented as a melee weapon with stats similar to:

    Pine Box

    Rg: 2"

    Cb: 5:rams

    Dg: 1/2/4

    Cb (:rams:rams) Trigger:

    After damaging defender with a Pine Box strike, you may cast Pine Box (spell) on defender.

    It'd still be unlikely that they'd be boxing things, but at least you'll see it happen every so often that way.

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