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Posts posted by demkoenig

  1. I just played a single master Tournament yesterday with Nicodem and went 2-1. I beat Perdita and Zoraida and lost to Collette.


    I had A Line in the Sand and flipped all five counters on Turn Two, with a Nicodem crew.

    I like Von Schill with Nicodem. He packs a ranged punch and adds a lot of mobility utility. The Dead Rider is also super-effective with Nicodem. I like to drag Nico up with the Dead Rider to get Nico that much closer to paralyze.

    I typically only bring the vultures if I'm also bringing Killjoy or Bete.

    Finally, I agree, it is super important to focus on your strategies. For Line in the Sand, I went mobile with Von Schill, Dead Rider, and Gaki. (Gaki using their close phase move to chase Von Schill).

    For Deliver a Message, I picked up a Shikome. I also picked Frame for Murder and named the Shikome and he HAD to kill the Shikome with Perdita. So that Shikome bought me 6 points right there.

    Finally, for Supply Wagon I took Belles and Killjoy. Unfortunately, the Mechanical Rider went crazy and slaughtered Killjoy in one activation, but the Belles were there to try to mess up Collette's positioning. They did work to some extent. It's also nice to summon a Flesh Construct right next to an unguarded wagon.

    Anyway, definitely build for the strategy and use Nicodem's abilities intelligently. Sometimes summoning is the wrong move. Sometimes summoning a Punk Zombie in base-to-base with a Line in the Sand marker, then having that Zombie flip the marker is the right move...

  2. So, if you connect the Grave Spirit to Nicodem, he only takes 1 wound from the Dead Rider. Then, next turn, the Grave Spirit connects to the Dead Rider and casts The Fog (hopefully you have a mask).

    Further, I like getting Nicodem closer so he can use more AP for Rigor Mortis.

    Nothing is more frustrating than having your master paralyzed for three of the game's six turns (Ophelia).

  3. Honestly, I don't think Nicodem is super corpse counter dependent.

    I run Nico with Punk Zombies, a Belle, a Vulture, and maybe Mortimer. Then use the Belle to Lure Nico up and use Nico for Bolster and Rigor Mortis. I don't think Nico's AP is well spent Reanimating, UNLESS you can get a Flesh Construct, and even then, it is a rare case.

    Now, when the Necrotic Machine comes out, I was thinking of running Nico with a Necrotic Machine and Von Schill (or would that violate two SF?) and making Von Schill Undead so he can be affected by Bolster. (Speaking of non-classic lists)

  4. Yeah, I mean, I've played a bunch with Nicodem recently and learned that his strong suit really isn't summoning. I mean, here is how I would use Nico's summoning, in a pinch, without Molly.

    Mortimer walks up 4" and then throw a corpse counter 6" in front of Nico.

    Nico walks up 6" then uses Casting Expert to Reanimate a Belle 6" in front of him.

    Belle Lures Nico his walk towards her.

    Nico just moved 9" that turn. Now he's that much closer and can hopefully throw out at least one Rigor Mortis, if not two, or even better, three.

    Now next turn, hopefully you have an enemy within 15" and a mask so Mortimer can Fresh Meat! Nico once or twice and Nico is even closer!

    Oh, and Killjoy is amazing with Nico.

  5. I hate to throw up more confusion, but I remember reading about this and I thought the ability was a pulse that generated an effect where the model took a ranged strike, but not ranged strike action, against every model within six inches.

    Because it isn't a ranged strike action, it can be taken in melee and doesn't flip to see who it targets, but it doesn't target.

    I'll see if my search fu can turn up the older thread.

    EDIT: Found this

    Well, never mind. I can't find what I thought I saw.

    That seems really silly, though.

    Detonate Tanks: Do this action when you're not in melee range in order to hurt everything around you. This is because when your tanks blow up, they don't hurt things within 1-2" of you, but will hurt things over 2 or 3 (or in Lillitu's case 4") away.

  6. So all spells that require a resist duel or come from enemy models are ranged attacks?

    I ask because:

    Steampunk Abomination uses Anomaly: Cannot be targeted by ranged attacks.

    Belle attempts to Lure Steampunk Abomination.

    Lure fails, because Lure is a ranged attack?

    Would Lure be affected by cover?

  7. Connect a Necrotic Machine to Molly and then have the Necrotic Machine give the Shikome Undead.

    I would say it's cool; however, everything has to be in context.

    What is the point? Yes you can move a great distance, but even then, what are you trying to accomplish? Stranding the Dead Rider on the other side of the table may cost you 10ss for possibly very little gain.

    Edit: Run Molly with Kirai and have the Lost Love give the Dead Rider spirit. Then use Night Terrors to get up the board. Then swirl the Terrors and Rider with the boosted walk. That could do some more crazy stuff right there. Dead Rider + Spirit = Disgusting.

  8. How do you get your colors so smooth on the model?

    Also, do you blend your own high lights?

    Finally, do you layer up with thin glazes/washes?

    Or, do you do fewer layers with colors closer together?

    Sorry if these questions are annoying, but I really like the look of your models and would hope to emulate your effects should I ever have the time to actually paint.


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