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Posts posted by Bohemian

  1. I played in the PW draft tournaments. They had the new plastic figures. Very nice with lots of detail. A bit larger as well. The new boxed set should be well received. Now I have to decide if I want to finish painting my metal miniatures.

    The tournaments went okay. Tie breakers are a big deal. I think I did okay on point, but lost prizes on tiebreakers.

    It is hard to get much variety due to the limited players (only six each night). Drafts went okay. I only saw two instance of counter drafting to prevent an opponent from getting a puppet. The cards weren't balanced so sometimes a player one fewer sidekick than another player. Didn't help me one game when I couldn't activate the Judge (or the slurid) to save me.

    I heard from Bill that no one showed for up the 16 player tournament on Sunday. I wanted to be present for the drawing so decided not to play. I guess I could have had an easy win if I had showed up. So maybe next year anyone playing on Sunday can take a break for the raffle or put in their name for the raffle so they won't miss their name being drawn.

    Thanks to Bill and Tim for running the events.

    One attendee had an exceptional looking Collodi costume. Seemed to be a lot more Guild in the Malifaux tournaments than I expected. Evil Baby Orphanage (EBO) was fun to play. It can be a real quick game as well. I plan to try it out on Friday with my gaming group.

    I enjoyed my time at GenCon and expect to be there next year as well.

  2. I played in the draft tournaments. The models are a lot nicer. Misaki was the Wyrd speed painting mini. My son gave me the one he painted. The miniatures look different. About 20% larger and more bulky, but lots of cool details. Some of the puppets seemed to have extra parts one could glue in different positions (such as the pin on the back of the ronin).

    Some parts, such as the tube on the razorspine rattler broke off, so I see gamers maybe using metal wire to replace the plastic. I heard the release may be late this year due to a couple of manufacturing problems.

    I was told there would be some minor rules changes as well. The one I remember for sure was that the drawn card to determine player order is put in the hand before picking one to play. Of course that could change just like the released rules for EBO changed.

  3. I agree awesome job. I think the edits are fine. Again clearer pictures would be nice. I don't believe you need to show moves (other than my arrows) or card flips unless there was something special. For instance, I had the judge flip the black joker twice in two activations (last flip and first flip of the deck). Of course he had five flips due to attachments, but still, what are the odds?

  4. For my 100th post, I thought I would mention I will be at KublaCon over Memorial Day weekend. I am open to some pick-up games of Puppet Wars if anyone plans to be around.

    I am running Malifaux on Friday night, no special plans for Saturday and probably Flames of War on Sunday. The gang will be coming back Sunday night.

  5. I save my aces for dodging, but there are ways around it, such as a puppet that has a magic weapon like Misaki or Pokey Vik. However, I pay attention to what suit my opponent is using when I dodge. For instance, if I am playing against Seamus, I use crows in my defense when I can. If I don't dodge, I still get a crows card out of my opponent's hand.

  6. I still put the cards in sleeves. One does not need to do that, but I think it helps protect them. I had some plastic cards years ago. They were good playing cards but they did wear after awhile. Mostly the corners were breaking off or splitting. I know a lot of Malifaux players that have multiple decks with different colors (one for each faction). I have three or four myself including the two I got in the starter. Those two are still in the original box unopened.

  7. I recommend the starter and maybe the expansion booster to start with. That allows for three or four players if you want to play multi-player at some point. Start small to learn the mechanics, again the pattern book is great for that. To change things up, try a draft. Draft the master (with or without attached henchman) and then draft puppets. That is a great way to change up the crew and get a feel for how the synergy of some puppets. As mentioned above, Pandora plays different than many expect - there is a whole thread on that topic.

  8. I would go with work benches as the tie breaker. Otherwise I could consider it a tie. There were times at Gencon last year that I ended up in tied multi-player game where there was no clear winner. I don't think there is anything wrong with a tie.

    I was playing a Malifaux game at Gencon (master kills master) and after losing Perdita, I stopped my opponent from killing Papa Loco as the explosion would have killed Lilith and I felt that would have been a hollow victory for me. I missed killing Papa Loco later in the turn and that was the game.

  9. I agree with Ratty. Although I might still take one of each color. I think they all have their advantages.Josh is a good choice. I might consider an Acolyte for the card drawing ability. The Ice Golem is nice to give the Teddies cover while they develop. With one button to start, a Teddy is very vulnerable to ranged attacks. In a shoebox six teddies is a lot.

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