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Posts posted by Seregon

  1. The main problem is for me that the rule is a bit shoddily written. If you want to allow for a placement of a marker that isn't on top of a model, it's far clearer to simply write that the marker may "not touch another model". "at least 1"" rather suggests that it is more than one inch away.

    It also makes me wonder what other actions/abilities are written in a similar way that are meant to have a combo with something else.


    In essence, the fewer instances of "I'll place this marker/model with the intent of being exactly 2,0000000000" away" or "just so that it exactly blocks the LoS" combos that exist, the better. Those things make for a less transparent game in my mind, especially for new players.


    At least Sonnia will usually have to choose between entirely blocking the LoS of a model or leave some room for Hopkins to shoot, which means the model can shoot back and that the Sonnia player can make a tactical mistake.

  2. My point is just that flying grants you immunity while you are moving. When you have finished a move then you are no longer moving and thus no longer immune. If you didn't start your activation in hazardous terrain but you end the activation in it then you have clearly entered it and will thus take damage.


    I won't convince you simply due to this, so I'll just leave the discussion and let the rest of you wait for a possible resolution in the next FAQ.

  3. Well, ok, I can see your point. If the model ignores the terrain while moving and the definition of "enter" is strictly defined as being "pushed, moved, or placed within the terrain" then they will not take damage.


    In my mind though, that definition is merely an example of entering which also would include ending up inside of it due to flight/incorporeal, in the same way the rules don't explicitly disallow for ending up on top of impassable terrain. That the models somehow keep flying until the exact moment that their next activation starts again is in my mind far more absurd and unintended than that they land after each movement.

  4. For flying:


    1 - Is the model currently moving?

    1.1 - If no or unsure, check 2.

    1.2 - If yes, nothing happens.


    2 - Is the model, after completing the previous Action, stationary inside hazardous terrain?

    2.1 - If no, nothing happens.

    2.2 - If yes, check 3.


    3 - Did the model end up inside the hazardous terrain due to any kind of movement/placement effect or started its activation within it?

    3.1 - If no, nothing happens

    3.2 - If yes, take damage.


    In essence, all models are fairly poor fliers and can only fly for the total distance of their Wk/Cg length at any one point before they have to land. If they have a Wk 5 and decide to walk twice they will fly 5", land, fly another 5" and then land again. In the case of a charge, they will fly their charge distance, land and then, firmly placed on the ground, proceed to attack their target.

  5. In my mind it's perfectly clear that you are only ignoring the terrain with flight/incorporeal while you are actively moving the model from point A to point B. The entire point of these skills is that you're able to move over/through objects that you would otherwise be stopped or slowed by. At the end of a move however, you will always land or re-materialize and at that point enter any terrain you might find yourself in.


    You fly while you move, not while you're stationary or attacking or anything else. Had there been a "hover" ability, then that would've been another thing completely.

  6. Thanks to Seregon for the Yan Lo crew and the Johan!  :D


    Less thanks for those dodgy Swedish sweets - I'm so not falling for that one again after you got me at JoelFaux...  :P

    Haha, wasn't sure if you got to taste them at Joelfaux or not. The softer ones are gingerbread taste so they may suit you a bit better though.

    Did you figure out the rhyme before you opened it? :)

  7. Thank you Rythos for the Ronin, Jack Daw and the fancy scheme decks! They've been with me for a while, but I've sadly not had the oppertunity in thanking you earlier. Turns out my regular opponents have the decks already, but they'll come in handy as prize support for a tournament or two. Also not a fan of the new Daw box so metal Jack will be lovely to try out.

  8. the hanged is annoying mostly when summoned but my most hated are slop haulers, free heals basically takes away all the downsides of playing gremlins.

    If you have a high ram and another severe card in your hand, one shot from a Trapper/Katanaka usually solve that problem. Focus, fire, trigger critical strike and cheat in the severe for 6 dmg.

  9. I've personally never felt the need for more than one, and even he stays in the bag quite often even when I'm playing VS.


    Don't get me wrong, the Specialist is really good especially against any crew that relies on corpse/scrap, but I just feel he's usually a bit too slow and he's fairly easy to just completely cripple by tying him up in melee.


    A second trapper seems to be the most common choice if you're going for more than one of the special roles. Apart from the Trapper, I'd probably grab a second Librarian before I got a second Specialist in most cases. Though I find one is plenty enough for all Freikorps.

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  10. Ideally, I would probbly wish for something of the following since I've been looking for these two models for quite a while, painted or unpainted doesn't matter:


    Plastic Taelor

    Plastic Ice Golem


    Out of the Black Friday sale specials, I'd really only strive for the plastic performer or possibly the pink translucent Dreamer crew.


    In the "near" future, ie next few months, I've planned to buy:

    Salvage and Logistics: Leveticus Crew

    Desolation Engine


    Otherwise, here's a list of the models I do own in case my mystery gifter doesn't want to give me doubles: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eywYIh7Fasl2t_Qvk86k0eUG71hwHJkLppsSmqnlKM4/edit?usp=sharing

  11. I guess either everyone dies, or all but Killjoy (depending on when/if he gets to heal)

    First Killjoy hits (and kills) the black blood model, causing both Killjoy and the Ice Gamin to take a wound each. Unless it's FAQ'd, I would assume that Killjoy then dribbles his own black blood all over the poor Ice Gamin, causing it to explode and thus killing Killjoy before he gets a chance to heal up.


    The lack of healing due to black blood triggering upon damage and explosive demise triggering upon being killed, and killjoy's heal not until after killing. Though I guess you could argue that he gets to heal immediately after removing the black blood model but before the ice gamin is removed?


    Edit: If Black blood models are immune to other models' black blood however, only the first model is killed and the ice gamin suffer a single wound.

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