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Posts posted by superior987

  1. Awesome, thanks again. Next question - do you all attach the figure to the base before painting or after? I keep seeing attaching and basing first then painting, but it seems like it makes more sense to paint the figure, do the basing, and then connect them last. Am I just crazy?

  2. Again I appreciate all the help and advice! At the risk of making this a "teach superior987 how to do stuff" thread, what's the best way to green stuff up gaps where stuff's added? Is it to glue the arm/whatever on then plug the gaps with a little bit, or to try to put a wad on then mush the arm into it so that you get a tighter seal? Thanks again!

  3. That link is super helpful, thanks! It's roughly what I thought pinning was, but pictures obviously help a great deal. What's a good way to tell if a joint needs pinning? The parasol replacement/fiddling makes sense, but, for example, sybelle's arm comes as a separate piece, as does seamus's hand/bag. Neither of them seem like they're particularly delicate pieces or supporting weight, so I wouldn't think to pin them. Should I?

  4. I'm working on putting a Seamus crew together, and they're the first miniatures I've assembled/painted. The painting seems to be going alright, but I've only started on models that came in one piece. In particular, the Belle's parasols look daunting. I hear about people pinning and tweaking models to strengthen joints and whatnot, but I'm not sure how it works. Are there any good sources to look at for a beginner assembling miniatures? Any advice you can give in general? Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the imput. Deciding factor came down to my girlfriend preferring the dead hookers - she's the artsy one of us and I'm for doing anything that will get her excited to help paint them.

    I know the Seamus box set is supposed to be pretty solid on its own, which is nice for the pocketbook, but I'm debating what to add. I know the hanged and bette noir are two popular additions that will increase my offense, and the copycat killer seems pretty solid as well. That about right? I'm looking for a solid, well-rounded group with minimal obvious weaknesses.

  6. There appear to be a lot of these "i'm new and not sure who to start with", but I couldn't find one regarding the crews I'm debating. I can't decide between going Resurrectionist with McMourning or Seamus, or Outcast with gremlins. I would expect the resurrectionist forum to be leaning towards resurrectionists, obviously, but any help would be appreciated.

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