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Irish Rebel

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Posts posted by Irish Rebel

  1. I played today with the Viks, a Ronin, VonSchill, the Specialist and the Librarian in a 30ss game with a 4ss cache, and I got rocked most of the time haha. My Viks were always the foucs of my opponent, and they were killed by the 3rd - 4th turn. Von Schill usually survived, as I alwasy kept my Librarian close and casted a healing flip for him, but that only did so much. I also forgot he could use soul stones, which hurt a little bit. The ronin definitely pulled her own weight, but I think overall I would prefer a straight vanillia Frei Korps box and add a Ronin.

  2. I know many of you aren't fans of GW, however, I can't resist a good conversion project and was hoping for some help finding specific bits for my latest project - creating the main characters from the Night Lords books Soul Hunter and Blood Reaver by Aaron Dembski Bowden.

    Aside from Forgeworld, as I don't want to break the bank and wait a month for my bits, where can I find a Space Marine leg set with a bionic leg? The Iron Hands kit has one, but as I only need the one leg, it isn't work thr 40$.

    Or maybe someone has one to sell/trade. Possibly an idea/tutorial on how to convert one?

    Also, does anyone know if there are any IG heads with a bionic eye? I've checked all over bits sites but haven't had any luck. And again, if someone has a tutorial on how to convert one, or has one, let me know:)



  3. ohhhhh good question!

    Hope it is answered before my alternative Raspy arrives. . . .

    Yeah that skintone is badass. I don't think I have ever really had to paint any type of skin that hasn't looking daemonic in some way in the 8 years or so I have gone with GW product. Wyrd minis is a nice change, but the whole style of the miniatures has thron me off a bit haha with the exposed skin, color options and size.

  4. I will definitely have to look into multiput, I plan to sculpt a Plague Marine bust, as they were my obsession when I was into 40k some time ago. I've got the entire thing mapped out in my head to the finest detail, and if I spend weeks sculpting and painting it, I want the quality of the mediums to be up to par with the time and work put into it.

    Have you guys had any luck with p3 primers? They have them at my local indie store at 10$ a can, which isn't too bad.

    There are definitely items I will splurge on, such as the GW detail brushes, which last me a good year or so rather than a month or two (like the ones at Michaels). Sculpting tools I buy off amazon for fairly cheap of and good quality - metal with hard rubber tips that don't stick to the epoxies. I definitely see the point in spending the extra cash for quality primer, especially with the time put into painting the minis.

    What about matte clear coats? GW purity seal or another brand? Lately I have been doing a gloss then matte clear coat, but at times it fogs the paint and blends the shadows a bit too much.

    Thanks for the feedback!


  5. I want to start sculpting busts and larger scale minis ( 50 - 75mm) and was curious, if there are any other sculpters out there, what scultping putty would be good as a base?

    I use the kneadite epoxy, plastic and various bits and such for details, but as a base to work on, for something large scale, what would be a good air-drying putty to use? I'm looking for something affordable, but good ion quality. Not the oven-dry $$$$$$$$ haha.

    Also: what is a good brand primer to use? I used GW's back when they were eight bucks a can (yes I know, hard to think back that far) but when they doubled in price, I started using the 4$ painters touch 2x primer. I'm not extremely happy with it, the price is right, but the oil from my hands mixes with the primer while holding the mini and it causes it to get gunky and rub on in places. Also doesn't hold the paint to the model very well.

    Any suggestions? Looking for something of good quality and fair pricing.


  6. While not as powerful as PS, www.gimp.org is free, and vastly superior to M$ paint. If you are used to PS there will be a bit of a learning curve, but it is a very solid (and free) imaging program.

    It is also much less system intensive than PS. I can run it pretty well on my 1.7ghz netbook.

    Awesome thanks, appreciate it! I will have to give it a go within the next few days - been swamped with work lately.

  7. Noticed the new signature size limit has left a lot of people signatureless - if anyone wants one made, let me know. They won't be anything crazy as the size limit means they will be fairly small, but here is what I can fit:

    - One character, text (faction name/ character name/ forumn name), background and phrase.

    - Two characters, text (faction name/ character name/ forumn name) and background

    - Four characters, no text, minimal background

    I no longer have photoshop, so like I said, nothing fancy (I'm stuck using microsoft paint....), but if you are looking for something simple with your favorite character and a phrase or text, let me know. I will post up examples as I make them, just don't steal other people's please :)

    Examples (And who they belong to):

    My old sig


    Irish Rebel






  8. I love the shadowing/highlights on the red you've done, that is some splendid work! I myself have a large bit of stuff left to do for Gen Con, here's to the painting crunch!

    I fell ya! I don't think I will be able to finish by Gencon, but thats the goal I have to work towards haha.

    Tutorials for skin, faces and eyes here http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2009/10/tutorial-overview.html under special topics.

    Sometimes you have to translate the colors from Vallejo to gw, but the principles are to the point.

    Well done so far.

    I will have to check that out, thanks I appreicate it - I needed some help with eyes as well so thats perfect

  9. GW actually have a very good painting article in their white dwarf section but you need to register on the site.

    Sweet thanks, I'll have to check it out.

    How pale do you want it?

    Fairly pale, but with obvious shadows. With the felsh I have done so far, it is pretty pale but without any depth or shadow.

  10. Hey guys, just curious as to the steps you take to pain light toned skin. I use GW paints and was curious if anyone has a tutorial with a picture of the finished product - doesn't have to have step by step pics, but I'm looking for a certain look haha.



  11. I really like Victoria and the Desperate Mercenary.

    Thanks man, ended up giving all my minis with skin showing a wash of Gryphonne Sepia and some Elf Flesh highlights, look a bit better, but I think with my Justice box I'm going to look for a different technique.

    The Desperate Merc is probobly my favorite mini I've done so far :)

  12. Damn nice bases on the Lady J crew I haven't seen those yet. What is that one death marshal standing on, a piece of sheet metal? That's awesome! I've gotta check those out tomorrow.

    Yessir, just a peice of sheet metal from the bits box. I think I'm going to add skulls and such as well.

    @FoeRender - I've been painting on and off for about 8 years, but I'm still attempting to improve on smooth transitions. It seems a lot of my highlights and the skin tones have too obvious highlights that stand out a bit - mostly because I hardly ever water down my paints much and paint over black primer vs white or grey. I started the blog to keep myself motivated, but also to see how things improve after I learn new techniques. In the past I would paint just to get things looking good for games, now I think I am painting more for the joy of painting and having a good looking model than just to have everything painted.

    If anyone has a tutorial with pictures on shadowing and highlighting light skin tones using GW paints, I'd really appreciate it. My transitions aren't very smooth at all and don't look natural.

  13. Hey Eric - was curious if you could help me out with painting light skin tones. I'm having trouble with my skins not having enough depth, and was curious if you had a step by step on how to layer and highlight a light skin tone with GW paints? I've tried layering/highlighting with Dwarf Flesh to 1:1 and 1:2 ratios of Skull White/Dwarf Flesh then Elf Flesh then ratios of Elf Flesh and Skull White, etc. but I am having trouble making it look like a smooth transition.

    Thanks in advance!


  14. Thought I may start a blog of my progress to keep me motivated, I have to get every model I currently own painted before Gencon. Otherwise I will get all flustered and overhwelmed when I buy all the sweet new releases :)

    Here is what I have so far:












    And what I still have to finish before Gencon:



    And whats still to come:

    • Dead Justice box set
    • Justice Avatar
    • Justice Alt
    • Nightmare Teddy
    • Pandora Avatar (Original - in the mail :) )
    • Pandora Avatar - New
    • Pandora Alt
    • Miss Demeanor
    • Convict Gunslinger

    Let me know what you guys think so far! C&C Weclome!


  15. Aside from Scibor Miniatures, where could I find a badass Dwarf Bust - looking for something that would be loads of fun to paint, but isn't practical other than to place on a shelf haha. I like the Scibor ones, just not enough to buy one. I was just curious if there are more anywhere else?

    Here is an example of one of Scibor's:


    I'm a bit picky, and that vein on his head bugs the hell out of me haha, not to mention the huge rock that I don't feel like painting - too bland.



  16. I painted my Freikorps Librarian and Von Schill tonight, and finally got some clear coat on those two and my trapper. Hoping to have my entire Freikorps box set finished by Sunday. Then I just have both Viks, Taelor, Jack Daw, one more Ronin, Bispop and Hans to finish before Gencon. If I don't get what I have now finished, I will be overwhelmed as all hell with all the shit I buy and will need to paint after Gencon.

  17. Thanks guys. I noticed that a lot have dropped GW. Got rid of everything I had on ebay aside from some minis I had just to paint. This forumn seems pretty laid back from what I have seen so far, no real whining or complaining. I have yet to venture into the rules discussions, but overall the general fan base for the game is much more laid back than most other game systems. I think I will fit in fine :)

    I was having a look at the Iron Painter entries, and at first thought I would enter. Now I am having second thoughts, those entries are pretty damn amazing. Haven't checked, is there a tutorial section?

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