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Posts posted by dagovan

  1. Well this may sound strange but I've never actually played a game of Malifaux before. I got a bunch of models two years ago because I heard there was a gaming group near my university, which I later found to be outdated information. anyways somewhere along the line my old minis got thrown out by my cleanliness obsessed mother, and I've recently been trying to rebuild my collection. I got the McCabe box, a riflemen box, and because I couldn't find the guardsmen I was looking for, a box of ten thunders archers. my question is: how should I build my list from what I've got if I have no idea what I'm going to be facing? I've got two lists going right now, but no clue which one to take:

    First List:

    McCabe with glowing sabre and hunter's cloak


    guild rifleman

    guild rifleman

    guild rifleman

    Sidir Alchibal




    Second list:

    McCabe with hunter's cloak and staghorn


    Guild hound

    guild hound

    guild rifleman

    guild rifleman

    ten thunder's archer




    Ideally I'd like to have a list like this, so I'd like to go with the list that is closer in play style to this:

    McCabe with badge of speed and staghorn


    Guild guard captain

    guild guard

    guild guard

    guild hound

    guild pathfinder

    guild rifleman

    guild rifleman

    So anyone have any advice?

  2. Hello all,

    I know I haven't been around here in awhile, but recently I've been working on a concept for a scifi game called Drone Commander. at first everyone I talked to said it was a bad idea to create a new minis game. then I found the quote in the rulebook about asking questions and being hard headed. now I really want to make this game happen. so now I'm putting out the concept of the game to test the waters and see if anyone would actually want this game. here's the sort of basic rundown, and I'd love to hear whatever suggestions, comments, or criticism you have:


    It is the near future, and Earth is united in the face of an extraterrestrial threat. Two years ago earth was devastated by a sudden alien attack. Every major city on the planet was decimated, yet somehow in two short years man has not only rebuilt and recovered, he has created from the ashes of his shattered planet the foundation of a new galactic superpower. Under the command of the Earth Defense Command the first human ships capable of FTL travel are being launched. This first step into the cosmos is not the peaceful expedition that many had dreamed of, this is a war fleet sent to haunt the nightmares of the galaxy, this is the Ghost Fleet.

    But the EDC will have to contend with the two big fish in the galactic pond before they can claim their place as a galactic superpower, and they are not intent to share the top spot, not even with each other. The EDC must deal with both the hegemonic Cybranian Empire and the anarchic Confederation of Free Planets before they can claim their place as rulers of the galaxy.

    What is Drone Commander?:

    Drone Commander is a 28mm game where you take control of an army of drones by using your customizable Advanced Command Module (ACM) to lead them into battle. The game is simple to understand, and highly customizable, but with an emphasis on balance. Players choose from one of three factions to lead into battle, each comprised of a multitude of sub factions to allow players to experience a diverse play style without the need to buy an entirely new army. But perhaps the best part about Drone Commander is its dynamic ever evolving universe that will be influenced by the players themselves. That’s right you the players will decide the fate of the Drone Commander universe. Your actions will have benefits and consequences that will effect your faction for years to come.

    Unique features of Drone Commander:

    1) massive customization: it starts with picking your drone chassis, then you get to pick what they are armed with, but it doesn’t stop there. Different drone chassis can be mixed to form unique units. You can also mix sub factions within your force to create mixed armies.

    2) amazing scalability: the massive amount of customization also has the added bonus of allowing the game to scale from a skirmish game all the way to massive battles with hundreds of drones on each side and beyond that can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be. This is achieved through a method called Autonomy Levels. More autonomous drones are more flexible and mobile, however the damage they can do is not as great as if they were in a larger unit.

    3) all plastic models: we have experience making plastic construction supplies, so an all plastic line seemed a natural extension of what we have previously done.

    4) a live interactive universe: through the Drone Commander website you will be able to log your games and have them effect the outcome of events in the Drone Commander universe. This will in turn effect the game itself as the spoils of war become available to the winning faction, as well as other benefits to the losing faction in the form of battlefield innovation and bitter veteran units.

    (also I'd just like to say that I don't want this to be a direct competitor to Malifaux, this game is more intended for mass combat and customization instead of a skirmish driven by characters. think of it like the difference between an RPG and a FPS.)

  3. So once again my faction ADD has struck, and I've left the guild on the shelf for now in favor of dusting off my old Arcanists list from a year ago. I've made some additions and I'm wondering if there's any modifications I need to make before I get any new models. without further ado here it is:

    Ramos w/Mobile Tool Kit

    Metal Gamin

    3x Steampunk Arachnid Swarms

    So does it need any work? Or is it good?

  4. Maybe it's just me, but I have this kind of neurosis that I just can't play cannon characters. I don't know why maybe it's because I feel like I'm intruding on the story the game designers want to tell. Maybe it's because I'm very imaginative and I just kind of come up with characters and feel the need to play them. Whatever the reason, all my named characters are custom.

    For example my old Ramos list didn't actually have Ramos in it, instead it was Ramos's bastard son who came to Malifaux to meet his father and got caught up in the Arcanists.

    I'm just wondering if I'm alone in making custom characters for my crew, or if other people do it as well?

  5. By the way I wasn't looking at the Riflemen to replace the austrigers (but I may replace the falcons with owls, because I like owls) I was looking at them to replace the guard. here's what I'm looking at for a 35SS list:

    Lucius w/ Drill Sergent

    2x austringers

    guild guard captain

    3x riflemen

    guild guard

    3ss left over

    What do you guys think?

  6. So I've got this character to lead my crew, Abner Mathiasen Jr. and for now he's reprisented fresh off the train with the rules for Lucius. My problem is that Abner's personality does not fit with the Lucius mini at all, it's much too fancy. My plan to fix it is thus: cut off the head and replace it with the one from the pistolero with the hat, a nice and action ready looking head. Then GS the fancy cuffs he's got to make it look like he's wearing a guardsman's coat. I don't have any if the minis to show you yet (they still need to come in the mail) but I'm just wondering if there's anything more I should do or if that would complete the effect?

  7. Cool, Consider a Drill Sargent added. As far as the fluff: The crew is made up of Abner Mathiasan Jr. (name might change, I'm not good with names) and his bodyguards. He's the son of the prefect monarch of the Guild (I'm assuming he runs things earth-side, and is the official head of the Guild) and if something were to happen to him Mr. Governor General can expect a bit more oversight coming from the other side of the breach. There's just one problem: He seems to suffer from a chronic case of the Dulcinea Effect, trying to be the hero to anything with a skirt. This tends to get him into trouble.

  8. Hello,

    Some of you may remember me from last year. Well I'm back. Me and my friends are looking at Malifaux as a game to play in our downtime, and I'm looking into a Lucius list. We're starting out at 25SS and they'll just be using the box set of their choice, but I'm going to build my own custom set for 25SS battles. Here's what I've got:


    Guild Guard Captain

    Guild Austringer x2

    Guild Guard x2

    Honestly I picked Lucius because I like the guild guard. They're not super-soldiers or monsters, they're just average Joes doing their jobs.

    I've got some fluff for this list, but I'm a bit scatter-brained right now so I'll have to post it later.

    So what do you think, is this list good, or does it need work?

  9. Disaster! I had my Ortegas all painted quite nice for a beginner. Then I went to apply a wash of delvan mud, and now they look like the paint was too thin and the black basecoat is showing. It’s to the point that I think I need to strip the paint and start over.

    Now washes are new to me, and I spread the wash all over the model. Is there some method to washes that I don’t know, or should I just give up on washes next time?

    BTW I can’t post pics right now because I’m on vacation and I didn’t bring my camera.

  10. I found something a few days ago that leads me to belive that at least the Judge and possibly Lady J were undead the whole time. On page 75 of Rising Powers the Governor general said of the judge: "his face is half rotted off," Now it is posible he was joking, or he might not have.

    Just my two script, and I thought I should share it.

  11. Hi, my name is Dagovan,

    in the fall I will be attending college in WV, and I'm in luck, there's a game store not four blocks from my dorm. So I called them asking what kinds of miniature games they played there. They told me there were some people playing Malifaux there. So in the next month and a half I need to learn how to play, and maybe get a few games under my belt, so that I'm not green as grass when I get down there.

    Currently I'm in the Columbus OH area, and I saw that there are some players in my area. so if any of them could direct me to where they play it would be very helpful.

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