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Posts posted by CapnJen

  1. I've only noticed stock slowly trickling into Sydney despite the game being released officially about a month ago? I have yet to see anybody playing it in my corner of things and haven't heard that much hype about it.

    What I have seen is a lot of Americans complaining about how overpriced the starter box is (boardgamegeek.com), so perhaps that is the reason why you are seeing reduced prices?

    I bought my copy during GENCON and I have to admit, I've largely ignored it. Not entirely because I haven't wanted to give it a go. I just haven't had time so whenever I do have spare time, I spend it board gaming :P (don't have to paint anything). To add to this, I'm more attracted to the miniatures than I am to the game.

  2. Okay...so those clear plastic tokens are terrain...SIGH! I could have saved myself 30 minutes of heart attack regarding missing terrain tiles ;p if I had thought to check here first.

    Board gamers like an inventory on the first page of the rule book! :P EDIT: Of course I didn't bother to check the back of the box >.< Ha!

    I still intend on stitching together pieces of felt to form flattish 2D terrain. Can't wait!

  3. I own paints from Reaper, P3, Vallejo Game & Model and the now defunct Derivan range. I recently had to throw out all my GW paints because they'd all dried out over the course of 3 years. I'm currently loving P3 paints but each have their positives and negatives.

    Reaper triads make it easy for lazy painters to achieve a highlighted look without having to mix paints. I would literally paint from the darkest to lightest colour and maybe add some white in at the very end if I was bothered. Unfortunately, I have found that some of the colours are thick and some are incredibly thin.

    P3 paints are incredibly opaque which makes it easier to paint armies quickly. White and yellow go over black undercoats with no problem whatsoever and you can thin the paints down with water without the pigments clinging to the edge. I personally dislike the P3 metallics range. It's very prone to splitting, it's thick and dries out quickly (as in the entire pot is dry, even when it was new and sealed).

    Vallejo Game colour offers a one to one colour correspondence with GW colours. When I first ditched GW these were the paints that I was using but I quickly became frustrated by their watery-ness (which is actually quite good for particular methods of painting).

    Vallejo Model colour is thicker than Game colour and offers an unbeatable range of colours, particularly colours that are true to WWI-II. Technically speaking, I should be in love with Model colour but I'm not sure why, I just don't...My first paint in this range was a flesh colour and it took so long to dry...I'd go to lay on a second layer and the first layer would peel off. And then there were the annoying blockages in the squeeze bottles...the amount of times I've exploded paint onto myself :P...

  4. I am planning to do something with Dwead Piwate Wuppwecht. I'm thinking of a conversion with the Dreamer's bed as a Pirate Ship and LCB as his First Mate, complete with pirate hat. I still have no idea how I'm going to do the bed/pirate ship. Plus, I need to figure out how to convert LCB.



    I love your idea...and I'm going to steal it :P.

  5. Ahoyhoy,

    Not sure if anyone else feels this way or if you guys lost your website developer or whatever but anyway...

    I have a suggestion for the Wyrd Miniatures home page. I think it is a little lackluster and seems to be very rarely updated. When people navigate to the page, there's nothing juicy to look at think 'Wow, this is totally cool and I want to see more'. There's no picture of some painted miniatures, no picture of a game in process, no jaw dropping concept art, no sneak peak previews of some greens, pictures of upcoming releases. The 'Wyrd News' section is not even updated properly, with some news being posted on the forums and some on the home page. In essence, the main page doesn't properly convey the flavour of Malifaux nor does it properly inform. People can't be counted upon to access the forums for more information, particularly if they are shopping around for a new game and aren't sure about whether or not Malifaux is for them.

    Also, during the GENCON online sales period, people at my LGS weren't even aware of the limited edition specials. There was nowhere on the main page or shop front that stated or announced the specials (not that this seemed to hinder sales ;p from what I'm seeing of people's receipt numbers). In fact, a few weeks before the sales I was trying to convince my fiance to extend the budget because I had noticed some GM postings regarding exclusives and bonus minis but then I had to trawl through pages and pages of people's posts to relocate exactly where I had read about the exclusives! Such important GM posts should have their own thread and be posted on the main page.

    You could also have pages with photos of and information about the various factions and their associated figures that is separate from the online store. In that way, you could also have photos of your old limited edition minis and maybe some boxes with some player tips or hints or flavour text etc.

  6. I put some base colours down on my rat catchers but I'm still not mentally prepared to paint them (the ugliness!).

    I got a hold of some canine remains and a teddy last night. Assembled and made bases for the canines. Currently being massively indecisive about the colour scheme for teddy. If I am able to ignore these forums for long enough, I might even have the canines ready for tonight's game ;p.

  7. For some reason I misread your entire post as wanting to paint lots of models faster >.<. I was clearly not awake yesterday, apologies!

    But yes, I have read about that method. I tried it a few times but you could say that I lean more towards lazier/cheating sorts of methods. I won't even mix paints if I don't have to. The less times I have to come back to a model, the more sane I can remain :D. I guess it depends on just how well you want your mini to come out at the end of it all and what you're happy with that determines the steps and processes you adopt.

    Being slightly more awake now, I would definitely have to chime in with others and say that you need to thin your paints. As you go to start highlighting, a thick base coat ruins the finish of the mini (I am totally guilty of this because I get very lazy ;p). Someone gave me awesome advice ages ago regarding highlighting and it went something along the lines of 'Once you think you've finished highlighting, do it again'...and well, in my case, it's so very true. I can see my own highlighting from 10cm away but when you put the mini on the table, the more indepth your highlighting is, the nicer it is from farther away.

    Come back and show us your next batch of painted minis :). Can't wait to see what you've been up to.

  8. Ha! Best of luck to all involved. I have just finished my own self-imposed 30 Minis in 30 Days challenge during my uni holidays. I felt absolutely fantastic afterwards...although I ended up buying more minis rather than painting things I already had laying around.

    It's a rewarding experience and very motivating. Have lots of fun :). Can't wait to see all of your pics.

  9. When I have to paint loads of minis quickly for gaming ie. do not care about shading/highlighting/details, I do the following:

    1. Undercoat black

    2. Base colours

    3. Brown ink the entire mini, Black ink the metals

    4. Either dry brush original colours back over the mini or re-apply base colours selectively depending on what kind of sculpt it is. You want for there to still be noticeable inking in the crevices to create the illusion of shading from 3 feet away.

    The MOST IMPORTANT thing, in my honest opinion, when painting large armies is to select a good combination of colours (not how well you paint them). When looking at large forces from 3 feet away you're not going to be critiquing the paint job (especially since it's all mostly inked ;p). Your eyes are immediately drawn to fully painted forces with coherent colour schemes and will be hurt if they're staring at colours that don't go together.

    It's been a lonnnggg time since I've studied arts but you should consult a colour wheel if you're unsure with colours. Generally you want to firstly aim to have a mini painted with complimentary colours. You can also select contrasting colours to generate interest but you have to be selective with how much of each colour you use otherwise your paintjob becomes an eyesore (eg. purple and yellow).

    Looking at your dwarf, your painting is incredibly neat and this is fantastic. I like how you've added the eyes. I would say that you need more ink and more drybrushing for the beard. I also would not have picked that shade of blue for the dwarf's tunic. The sky blue clashes with the other earthy tones on the dwarf. Also, a clean base goes a long way with minis. After I paint a mini, I paint the borders of the base in black.

    Ink and drybrushing are an army painter's friends!

  10. Marcus looks stupid, no one cares about him.

    I have to agree with you on this one, although your bluntness had me choking this morning ;p.

    His avatar looks quite chunky (and it's not because of his musculature) and his pose is quite static and ill-executed. I think the wings are the most detracting part of this mini. Why are they so thick? He looks like he was sculpted in the 80s-90s.

    When Wyrd announced his avatar I was pretty dismayed. My first starter box was Marcus, which has seen minimal air time as it is because the Molemen are hideous ;p.

    Anyhow we all know that Zoraida is good at sewing.

    ZOMG, I'm Zoraida ;p.

  11. Cadilon - Are you also suggesting there would also be a rarity rating on figures?

    I would be okay with random single boosters of alternate sculpts. I would not be okay with randomised boosters of core figures or regular sculpts.

    On an interesting note, within the board gaming community at least, there has been huge demand for non-collectible card games eg. Dominion, Nightfall etc purely because you can go to the store, drop your cash and get everything you need to play. This is not to say that expansions $$$ aren't being regularly churned out for these titles.

    I guess if Wyrd were looking at whether or not they would go down the collectible path, they would have to figure out which market their multi-genre game most appeals to and whether or not most of those people would appreciate a collectible game. I remember a particular board game, whose name slips my mind at the moment, that had chips as player tokens then releasing miniature quality metal minis and receiving so much flak from board gamers who had never had to clean a figure before :P. On the other hand, I also remember Dreamblade...

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