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Posts posted by BigGreen

  1. I take a lost that looks something like this,

    Lady J

    Peacekeeper 9ss

    Guild Astringer 5ss

    Guild Astringer 5ss

    Executioner 7ss


    Taylor 9ss

    4ss cache



    Guild Hound 3ss

    Guild Hound 3ss

    Watcher 3ss

    5ss cache.

    I enjoy the Taylor list more, and however the guild hound list is better do to the more activations.

  2. Why wouldn't it be? It's a Arcanist minion, he's an Arcanist master.

    You could also take the Steamborg Executioner, Coryphee, Gunsmiths, and so on.

    He ment is it any good I think. I think Hoarcat Pride is a fine thing to take, and but you need two of them so they can eat ht 2 models. You also need to know who your playing. It will only work against, if they have no living models I dontthink its worth it.

  3. I'm still relatively new to war gaming, if you don't count the two weeks I played Mage Knight back when I was really young. I started back in early 2008 with an old edition of Blood Bowl one of my friends found in his closet. Latter in 2008 I was trying to fined people playing blood bowl on youtube and found a Minni War Gaming video with Mat playing Mike, Cross vs Nids. Sens then I have been going none stop. I have six 40k armies and two WHFB.

    My friends and I just started Malifaux a few months ago. I liked it so much that I put almost allmy GW stuff into storage. We still play GW stuff from time to time. Now I have six Malifaux crews and want more lol. The only problem we are having is a lot of people are resisting Malifaux at our FLGS. However we just started a new event at the store on Mondays called...... Malifaux Mondays!!! Hopefully we can generate more interest.

  4. I think to some degree all of Malifaux is the rock paper scicors thing. Your going to be great against some masters mediocre against others and have a hiribal odds against even others. When I am praying my Raspy list the only master I am really scared of would be Sonia Criid because she just laughs at magic. As far as Neverborn go Collodii can be deficit because he is just so darn fast and he can make his dolls hard to kill. It comes down to if I can get a few good spells off before he is in close combat. So tarain and the schemes we flip end up decideing the game.

  5. It dose well as long as they don't have a ton more activations then me. Both the PK and the DR have a crazy threat range. The other thing about my list is a lot of the people I play want corpse counters. I kill and use the canines right away, so in my list the only thing that really gives away corpse counts is the dead rider gives one. So with all those scrap counters I can make a lot of SPA.

  6. I'm just wondering what other people take with Levedicus at 35 ss. I have been taking,

    Levedicaus. 3ss cache

    Dead Rider. 10ss

    Peace Keeper. 9ss

    Ryle. 8ss

    Watcher. 3ss

    Canine Remains.2ss

    The list works well I just feel like it is slightly underwhelming. Just wondering what everyone else takes. Has anyone tried the Collodii box with Levedicus?

  7. Wait what, so according to what you just said all normal crews led by a master have 25SS to spend where a henchman has 29SS? Assuming the battle size is 25SS. I did not know this...

    Yes that is correct. Its to hopefully balance out the playing field if you choose to use a henchman as a master.

  8. Kill Protegee, secretly note your opponents minnion with the highest Soulstone cost...

    Grudge, secretly not one of your opponents minnions...

    Could you choose the same minnion for both schemes? I really hope not because that's kinda lame. Either your oponant just holds it back because they don't want to give you the 4 VP, or you focus it and get a fairly easy 4 VP.

  9. So my question for Levedicus is can he kill himself with his spells? They cause wounds not damige.

    My Nicodem question is can he summon Molly (the hemchman) with Reanimator? It says he can summon one non spirit not unique model. I said no but my friend said yes because it dosent say unique on her entry and no where could I fined it in the book where it said henchmen are unique.

  10. have you read immune to influence?

    And? Have you read the Stolen card? No WP duel, so she will still become insignificant. But alas we are all entitled to our own opinion. I still say Criid would be the best choice.

    Plus who cares about immune to influence? Anything anyone in Hamelins army tries to cast on Cridd she can get rid of for the low low cost of one book.

    Yeah, Perdita can own Hamelin so hard. Her crews are able to pick out the choice targets (why are you shooting rats?) and just shrug off the bad effects. You also get some awesome mobility depending on how you build the crew. Having the chance to "family bomb" helps you out a lot on picking off targets on the jump or snagging objectives when needed.

    Everything Perdita can take Lady J, Criid, and the Hoff can take as well. The "Family bomb" isn't going to do much considering Hamelin will just be able to out activate you and then take you down once you have nothing left that's any good at shooting stuff. Plus a lot of your stuff is going to be getting soft cover if your doing it right making anything short of a master shooting at it not worth very much.

  11. So if you are shooting the Dreamer with a 10" gun and the Dreamer is 9" away and there is a Daydream 3" behind him, so 12" away and out of the gun range. Do you have to still try for the Daydream? Or if your in melee with the Dreamer but not with the Daydream do you have to try and swing at the Daydream?

  12. umm... immune to influence. perdita definitely has a very good chance, if not the best chance, against hamelin.

    always bring austringers against outcasts, they mess up every crew.

    ophelia's crew gets +1 Dg against the family, but she is still "perdita-lite" and not quite as good as the real thing so you shouldn't really be worried about them as much as the other outcasts crews

    Have you played against Hamelin? He will just make Perdita insignificant and then she can't even tartet him. So what's she going to do? Kill a rat? Oh hey look the rat comes back. With Criid she can still use her blasts to kill Hamelin and then also clear out the rats once the Austringers kill the rat catcher. Criid may not be able to dodge the flute very easy buy for everything els she has counterspell.

  13. Sonnia is the best choice against Outcasts I beleive. The main reason being is she is the only Guild master that stands a chance against Hamilen. Lividicus almost auto looses to Guild Astringers and any Guild master can take them. The rest of the Outcast masters can be taken care of with minnions, like the Peace Keeper and the Exicutinor.

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