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Posts posted by BigGreen

  1. If your running against Criid the Belles arnt going to do anything. I think it would be better to take more Remains instead. Here is the list I run and its really good. You use the all the Canine Remains and Necro Punks to eat up all their activation. Then you use Sebastian to get two more body part counters and hit one of your Canine remains once to get a total of 7 Body part counters, you can heal the Canine if you want as well. Then the next turn you move McM up 15 inch and throw a Rouge Necromancy into Criids face, after you have burned through all their activation again. Then you can have all your cheap stuff zerg something scary and McM can go about Dissasembling everyone els.

    McM 3ss 4 Body Parts

    Sebastian 6ss

    Dead Rider 10ss

    Zombie Chihuahua 1ss

    Canine Remains 2ss

    Canine Remains 2ss

    Canine Remains 2ss

    Canine Remains 2ss

    Necro Punk 3ss

    Necro Punk 3ss

  2. Still no definite answers to these questions? To be honest I feel like kidnap probably gets the vp for killing Leveticus because kidnap always wins, and lol.

    But I am really interested about the Seishin thing. With the way it's worded I feel like damage doesn't transfer over. However I don't feel as if that was what was intended. The only other defense 2 master I can think of right now Is Pandora who can do the woe thing. If the damage doesn't transfer over the Karai just got a whole lot worse.

  3. @ Leveticus

    Alpha says "You control target for this activation."

    Because of the way that Alpha is worded I feel you only control the model for the activation. So by the time you roll around to the Closing Phase he is fine to come back through a Hollow Waif. Nasty thinking though sir... just nasty. And I am no rules marshal so I may be wrong.

  4. I was wondering about the ability Caustic Aura: "At the Start Closing Phase, any enemy model within :pulse3 must pass a DF 9 Duel or suffer 2 Dg.". Who is the acting and who is the defending player against Caustic Aura? Does your opponent have to just get a 9? Or do they have to beat a 9?

    Another quick question just for verification sake. If something is terrifying 13 your flipped card plus your WP just has to equal 13 not beat it right?

  5. McM


    Dead Rider

    3 Necropunks

    4 Canine Remains

    1 Zombie chichi

    7SS cache

    This is the list I run and I like it a lot. You can have Sebastian ether gather body parts for an early Rouge Necromancy or come up and help with close combat. If he is going to come with me to help in close combat I turn in three ss for body part counters. If I am going for the early RN then I turn in four most of the time. Nothing like moving 15" summoning a RN 6" away then having it walk 5" and have a melee range of 2". Mmmm.... a 28" threat range.

    The Dead Rider has worked really well for me. Because of all the Canine Remains and Necropunks I have so many activations that things that are important, like McM DeadRider RN and the like, can go when they are going to be at their most useful and probably not die because normally they are most useful going last. Another redicous threat range model here. When you have him between 7-5 wounds he gains fast and terrifying 13. So he can move 6" and then Mounted Combat for 10" and with a 3" attack range that's 19". Plus the look on peoples faces when next turn you Mounted combat and drag your prey along with you, so good :).

  6. Ryle, the Peacekeeper, and Guardians are all really good. From what I can tell about the Hoff he's really more of an objective master then an I'm going to come over there and woop on you master. All of your stuff save for any Hunters you have stay together in one big blob. You use the Peacekeeper to drag you around really fast and do your objectives and put a hurting on anything that has the wevos to come near your blob.

    As for the hunter himself has a two page thread on him alone http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21184. He is the cheapest pile of three scrap counters out there and with Hoffs ability to blow them up for ok damage this can be scary.

    The Watcher is OK for the crew especially if your running Hoffs brother Ryle as he can help Ryle see his targets. But he is also a wk 7 flying non insignificant model for only 3ss. The only problem with it is it can't really do anything on its own.

    All and all I feel Hoffman is the most underwhelming book two master, but can be really fun. He is one of those masters that if he doesn't fit your playstyle will be hard to learn.

  7. I think the answer is simple. Just out activate her with dogs and necro punks and the like then throw the Dead Rider who is imune to influence in her face and she won't last more then a turn or two. Or you can use Mounted Combat and drag to pul her out into the open.

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