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Posts posted by PsionicFox

  1. Well I played my first Colette game today. It was 25SS, so I just used the core box, while my opponent was Lady J, three Death Marshals, Scales of Justice, and an Executioner. We shared the Distract scenario, and I chose Breakthrough and Bodyguard as her schemes.

    For my first Colette game, and like my fourth ever Malifaux game, I think I did pretty well. I got close to paralysing Lady J a few times, slapped his executioner with disappearing act when it got to close to my girls, and had Cassandra eat about three turns of attacks before ripping through two Death Marshals at the cost of her life at the well-placed shot of the third Marshal.

    I ended up getting wiped out on the last turn, all except for Colette, who was on my opponent's side of the board, while he had a single model in my deployment zone.

    I learned a lot, I think. I learned how tempting it is to burn through all of your soulstones and cards in the space of an activation (I'm looking at you, Cassandra). And ever turn I think I learned another neat combo or trick to beat my foe into the ground with.

    I think my biggest mistake was not using Colette and Cassandra more aggressively, as I could have taken out Lady J with Magician's Duel, and the Executioner could have been dealt with the same way (although Disappearing Act did the trick there).

    So yeah, great first outing, I think.

  2. Wow, thanks for all the helpful advice guys! I realise Jake is a bit of an unknown at the moment, but the advice still helps. How do you rate Messrs Tannen and Graves? I know the Beckoners will make a big part of his kit for keeping control pressure, but I'm not 100% sure on those two fellows yet. I think they're awesome and fit the theme, I'm just not totally sure.

    As for Colette, what's a reasonable 35SS list? Her, a dove, 2 Performer/Mannequins, Cassandra and a Coryphée? That leaves her with a good bank of 'stones for her shenanigans too.

  3. Hi everyone.

    So I recently picked up two crew boxes from my LGS: Collette and Jacob Lynch. They didn't have any doves in stock so I couldn't get those, but I managed to snag Mr. Tannen and Mr. Graves for my Jacob crew.

    I like a challenge, and the interesting synergies these masters have with their crews appealed to me greatly, so I don't need people to go 'wow, these guys are super hard' or whatever. I'm totally fine with a steep learning curve. My playstyle in a lot of games is 'control and crush' - I play denial, trickery, and look for the opportunities to strike my opponent's vulnerable places.

    What I would like is advice on where to expand on these crews, where are the big traps I should avoid, and what tricks should I be taking advantage of. I have read the wiki, so the advice on Collette is good, but Jacob is a bit light.

    Anyone with personal experience playing with or against these masters, I'd love to hear from you.

    Thanks in advance for being awesome!

  4. Misaki can do some amazing stuff.

    Case in point: She is a Melee Expert, and has a Wk of 5. She has a (0) spell that increases her melee range to 6", that only needs a 5 flip. And she has a CB 7 with a magical weapon.

    So she can have an 11" threat range with two attacks up her sleeve. Or a 16" threat range on a single attack. She is a BEAST.

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