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Lord chompy

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Posts posted by Lord chompy

  1. That's fair as I say I'm just looking in to it as I need to see if my local group want to pick it up again as there was some bad experiences with some of the players going in to resurrectionest that left a lot of people with a bad taste for the game.

    But hopefully once I get some game Time again events should be a something il look in to as I did enjoy 1e and what I played of 2e event. 

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  2. Hy thinking about return to the game after a few years of being away.

    Just some questions.

    Is there any archived post on the lore as I was looking around and noticed some of the old master have straight up gone.

    And also with the newer model ranges are the older one still acceptable in events( thinking the dreamer in particular as he has changed quite a bit) just so I know we're I stand on what I have model wise.

  3. [\QUOTE]

    Pandora and the Poltergeist activated via ‘Companion’, with the Poltergeist going first. He moved slightly and used ‘Magical Extension’ to cast ‘Dementia’ on Pandora. This turned her into a bit of a speed demon, as she had to take a Wp check every time she attempted to do anything, and she could make a 4” push whenever she succeeded. She made a walk, got the push, attempted to cast ‘Dementia’ on the PeaceKeeper, got the push, but was still out of range. It did put her close enough to a pillar in the central square to try and reclaim it – she made the Wp duel and pushed base to base with the Pillar before reclaiming it. She attempted to use ‘Incite’ on the PeaceKeeper, but failed the Wp check, so remained where she was. The linked Sorrow pushed base to base.


  4. This is incorrect. There is no rule saying that when one leaves, the other comes out. You're thinking of the One Master rule that says when one comes out, the other leaves. Pine boxing the Dreamer does leave you masterless, just as pine boxing a regular master would.

    could u not use a daydreams call nightmare action to unburie l.c.b when the dreamers been buried.


  5. The Night Terrors have a rule that allows the Dreamer to take them.

    (If memory serves...)

    just checked riseing power night terror have no rule that allow the dreamer to take them, sadly.


  6. I have to back-up the previous 2 comments, Candy and Kade do not add anything to the crew. Its a cool idea for an all "kids" crew, but the Dreamer really needs his nightmares to work well.

    Keep Teddy as he is a great punch in this list, and playing up to 35 points your essentially there:

    Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap - per Ratty's Crew Creator

    The Dreamer -- 8 Cache

    2 Daydreams [4ss]

    Coppelius [9ss]

    Stitched Together [5ss]

    Stitched Together [5ss]

    Teddy [9ss]

    I would add in a couple Alps (1 packet of 3) and a package of night terrors for some flexibility and fun if you expand. The Twins (Lelu/Lilitu) are also very good with Dreamer, but you will see them a whole lot. They give you more control and another hitter, but you need to free up 14 points to use them. 2 Alps or 2 Night Terrors can be plugged in easier than the twins.

    i though that the dreamer could not take night terrors as there resurrectionists, i know that they are a nightmare, but there is no specail rule that i am awer of that inables the dreamer to hire out of faction with out being a merc.

  7. well iv had some luck with useing the insidious madness, psychopathic episode, combind with lilitu's emotionally exposed, so my stitiched togther gamble your life duels are at wp10 vs wp on :-fateflips, that seem to work.

    apart from that pulling LCB around with the day dreams lead nightmares actions to get him in to better spots before changeing back in to dreamer is always an options.


  8. im trying to come up with a good list for a 50st brawel with 2 master heres the idea so far.



    day dream 2st

    day dream 2st

    lelu 7st

    lilitu 7st

    insidous madness 4st

    coppelius 9st

    stitched together 5st

    sorrow 3st

    sorrow 3st

    candy 8st

    what do you guys think?.

    got:dreamer starting :pandora

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