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Posts posted by AndyW

  1. Apologies


    You could assassinate a model on full wounds. You did not reduce their wounds to 0 by doing a specific amount of damage.


    Any way I think it should be in an FAQ because it pops up way to much on the rules discussion page  

    I'm all for adding it to the FAQ. I did try several thread searches but kill matches too much, and assassination didn't give the answer.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I'll take 'kill target model' to read as 'remove target model from play'.

    Well, Malifaux does use common language, so it's pretty clear what killed means.

    Um, not in the least. A model reduced to 0 wounds is killed. So killing a model reduces it to zero wounds is perfectly logical and follows the standard damage dealing mechanism. Also, 'killed' has a very specific meaning in Malifaux that it does not in common English usage (even exluding undead which are already killed), see Collette being killed and attack and defense trigger timing discussions.

    If the intent was to remove a model from play, then I would have expected that exact phrasing to be used, but the wording does vary for the same abilities sometimes thus the confusion. Changing the assassination text from kill target model to 'remove target model from play' or 'reduce target model to 0 wounds' would be much clearer.

  3. This happened last night:

    Misaki pulled off Assassinate against Bette Noir.

    Assassinate states: "After damaging, immeadiately kill the target unless it discards two cards or two soulstones"

    Bette Noir wanted to declare her Death Rattles

    Death Rattles states : When this model is reduced to 0 Wounds, it may immeadiately take the (1) One with the Night Action before counting as killed. If the action succeeds, this model is not killed.


    We couldn't find a definition of whether 'kill the target' reduces the target to 0 wounds (thus allowing Death Rattle), or removes it from the board (Not allowing Death Rattle).


    Could someone clarify, please.






  4. The thing that tries to break my head with the Viks is how they have similar but opposite effects on their cards. One Vik gains from having few cards in hand, the other from having lots. One moves everyone into combat, the other everyone away, etc. I remember the effects, but have to keep checking the card for which Vik does which effect.

  5. I mostly play the Viks, and my opponent generally doesn't have a hard time killing them. Its killing them before they unload that can be problematic.

    7 wounds means a minion can happily kill them unless soulstones are used. Against models with crit strike (e.g. Death Marshalls) a damage track of 2/3/4 is scary, as they can die to two weak strikes, all it takes is to cheat in 1 ram on the attack.

    If the Viks are ignored while they set up, then the opponents model count drops dramatically on turn 2/3 making the opponents life very difficult.

  6. Some actions generate a suit automatically when used, and the second suit is from the flip. A soulstone can be used to add a suit if required, so making 3 suits possible on casting.

    Raputina has December's Curse which generates a tome on casting, and 2 triggers, Surge and Overpower which require ( 2 tomes ) and (a tome and a mask) respectively. She can spend a soulstone to guarantee a trigger will go off or rely on the flip (and/or cheat) to get the second suit.

  7. still waiting on mine, its heading to the UK though so i don't expect it for a few more days...

    Mine is too. Problem is I ordered a load of stuff online so the postman is knocking on the door every day and I keep dashing downstairs thinking "Its Arrived!" only to be given someone else's present I have to wrap.

  8. So playing a friendly Lillith vs Zoraida last night and this came up.

    The Voodoo Doll Hemmed my Mature Nephilim and ended up stading next to it. The Voodoo Doll took a hit from something, so the MaNe took 1 point damage. Black Blood triggered, the VoDo took one point damage, the MaNe took another 1, triggering BB again, VoDo took damage, MaNe takes 1, BB triggers etc.

    I assume it wasn't meant to work this way, but is this interpretation correct?

  9. As I have to carry the book + models + dice + .... to gaming nights, the less stuff I'm not going to reference the better. Especially as I usually take 2 systems down for different games. By all means print a book on model pinning/glueing/painting/varnishing but don't put that in with the rules.

    40k is the prime example for this, my mini rulebook has gone walkabout, and I'm carrying the damn hardback thing with me to games now. The rules take up 131 pages out of 432 That thing is way too heavy!

  10. This month has been a miniatures extravaganza.

    Malifaux: Tara + Miss Step;

    Hordes (Circle): Feral Warpwolf, Tharn Ravagers Box, Razorwing Griffon, Ravager Chieftan

    Hordes (Legion): Succubus, Sorceress on Hellion, Harriers, Warspear Chieftain, Angelius

    40k: 6x metal Dark Eldar Warpbeasts, Haemonculus, Sslyth, Wracks, (CSM) Maulerfiend

    Fantasy: Dark Elf Blackguard, Hydra, Reaper Bolt Thrower

    I don't want to add up the total....even if ebay was my friend for some of it.

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