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Posts posted by CQQLGUY

  1. So as far as my current crew goes it sounds like I should be running around with Seamus on the front, maybe with a totem and using him to Terrify everything while using his spell to prevent melee'ers from getting close to the belles/sybelle. Then Belle and the Sybelle's should be pulling range attackers into Seamus and Sybelle. Is that about it?

    I'm still going to try tweaking this army and if I'm still frustrated after that I'm really looking at Freikorps.

  2. You seem a bit heavily focused on combat - which might be the issue you have been having playing Seamus. Spending an AP to summon is not at all a waste. Seamus in general is best when being a giant damage sponge and scaring the bejeesus out of the enemy. Sure, he can kill stuff, and he is better at it than the rest of his crew, but his crew is built around control and durability much more than damage dealing - and that includes the Hatter himself.

    Try teaming him up with some Hanged and possibly Jack Daw to start terrifying the enemy. Also, try using the Belles Lure ability in ways other than simply to drag an enemy in for you to kill. Use them to mess with the enemy and muck up their objectives, or to move your own models around the board quicker, etc.

    You know that makes a lot of sense. I guess with these big hitters coming at me I feel like I gotta take them out, but maybe I can just mess with the board/objectives. I will try that with my current army, especially since it'll be a bit before I invest in new pieces.

    I also am getting the impression your play style does not match Malifaux in general, so it might just take a little time adjusting.

    That's entirely possible. My last mini games were Mage Knight and Infinity which aren't objective orientated. Combat is just what come natural, but I'll have to refocus.

    Have you seen Seamus' avatar? That in itself is reason not to desert him just yet. Obviously noone really knows how the avatars are going to play, but it is clear Seamus' avatar will be a monster in melee.

    I have not actually. I'm guessing it's on this site somewhere, but I just came here and went straight to the forums really. I'll try to find him.

  3. Thanks for the feedback everyone. It's awesome to hear so many options.

    Colette, Coryphee Duet, and a pair of Gunsmiths?

    I don't know much about any of those figures. I'll make a note to find some more out.

    First, I would suggest getting a convict gunslinger for your Seamus Crew, and possibly a Hanged. I think your opponents crews seem like they would be decent match-ups for you, being that there are a lot of opportunities for them to take Wp duels.

    Leveticus or Rasputina might be ok. Probably more Levi then Tina though. Also if you can wait a little bit I would think Kaeris might make for a good crew.

    Watch do you tend to run with at the moment?

    I was told originally that Leveticus had a steep learning curve. At the time I was just learning the game, but now that I've got a little under my belt I'll look in to him.

    Right now my army consist of Seamus, Sybelle, 3 Rotten Belles, Copycat, and Bette. Bette has helped me slightly, but I don't have nearly as much control as I'd like.

    I've tried dropping Copycat as I can't do much with him. Casting some of Seamus' spells did help me once, but imo I'd rather the SS. That 1 Wd from using his Flintlock is frustrating.

    Light fast models,heavy hitting models.

    Yeah go Friekorps

    von Schill makes a good,mobile as hell,strong and deadly leader.

    The librarian can keep everyone alive around her,and if near Von Schill will become near unkillable.

    The Specialist and Trapper are both hellaciously fun.

    The Friekorpsmen are some of the top 4pt models in the game.

    Throw in Taelor for a magic weapon,heavy melee beatstick.

    Or Johan or Convict Gunslinger.

    they will give you a good way to deal with most things. They do have a bit of a low minimum damage,but great statlines,immunity to blasts and armor that prevents 1-2 damage against everything.

    Alternately,get the Viktorias.Get Von Schill as a minion. Get some Ronin and maybe a boy named Sue when he is reelased and you are good to go.

    Sounds like I have some other things to look in, but you basically confirmed what I felt about Von Schill. He's likely to be my next crew, but I'll look at everyone suggestions.

    I'll join voices suggesting you try to modify your Seamus crew first. Hire some Punk Zombies' date=' add a Gunslinger, perhaps the Dead Rider. You have entire faction to choose heavy hitters from, and you can raise your Belles from corpse counters as the game progresses.[/quote']

    I would be willing to modify Seamus and I'll take your advice and check out those pieces. Summoning the Rotten Belles has been unlucky for me. I seem to always get bad card flips when I try it, then I have to cheat it (if I can) which put me down a card for combat and wastes an AP for Seamus who is my heaviest hitter.

    Also, Nilus mention that running a Henchman as Master causes some problems. If I heard my friends correctly, doesn't it just mean I recruit the Henchman for free but I don't get a cache?

  4. First time posting, and fairly new to the game. I purchased the Seamus/Red Chappel Gang box as my first set, and significantly before I even knew if any of my friends would pick it up. Since I wasn't sure if I was every going to play I based it on looks and what I thought would be fun to paint. Fast forward a couple months and most of my group has an army.

    My problem now is that while Seamus' set has been largely unsuccessful for me, I believe the problem is a combination of not having the right figures or not having the right army for my playing style.

    In miniature games I've played in the past I typically run with army's that are divided between fast light-to-medium range hitters and slower heavy melee strikers. I thought I could get Seamus to perform this way with the Belle's Lure and Sybelle's melee - not to mention Seamus's aptitude at both melee and close range - but I'm being torn through by my friends' armies with little damage done to them. They have a Sonnia, Perdita, Ramos, Collodi, Viktorias, Ophelia, and Lilith. Many of them have good ranged options, and strong melee skills as well. I'd like to not have the same set as someone (but would if it was perfect for me), but what would be the best set for some ranged hitters (damage and/or buff/debuff), with some powerful melee forces?

    EDIT: I am current looking at the FREIKORPS Box or the Dreamer plus some other Nightmare figures. Thoughts?

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