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Posts posted by Raggedyman

  1. I think you need to look at the casting costs of some of these abilities. Yes, you do have a lot of summoning potential but the chances of you taking advantage of that potential it low. Found a Bone requires at least an 8. Man's Best Friend (the Sebastion dog summoning) needs a 6 + suit. Nicodem's summoning depends on what you're trying to bring out. You're going to be relying on cheating a lot of those unless you get really lucky with the flips. I'd second what Masterdisaster said and drop Sebastion and grab 2 Canine Remains to start. 

  2. I never use more than 2 guild hounds. They're great with Luna but there's no need to overdue it. 2-3 Wastrels are great for getting rid of unwanted cards and have a great synergy with McCabe. I've gotten some good use out of the Lone Marshal for removing enemy scheme runners. 

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