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Saint Norton

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Posts posted by Saint Norton

  1. I actually tend to agree with the OP on this one.

    VonSchill says that no non-Freicorps mercs can be hired using the mercenary rules. But Zoraida has an ability of her own that allows them to be hired not using those mercenary rules.

    By my reading this should be allowed.

  2. I'm a big fan of the starter box + a blister for starting crews. Lets you make up much more rounded crews right off the bat and can give a little diversity to games.

    For the different factions my reccemendations would be:


    Seamus box + punk zombie/crooked man blister - Some good control from the belles, the zombie/crooked man blister will add some nice combat punch or ranged attacks depending on which you take.


    Ramos box + electrical creation - the EC is one of ramos's best spells and not having thhe model / card for it really hamstrings him, i'd probably add the mobile toolkit here as well as both are cheap blisters. Helps add to the feel of ramos as a 'caster' as well getting the extra spell / turn out of the totem.


    Lillith box + young nephilim - Gives you options to grow, adds a pair of very solid mid-point minions.


    Victorias box + ronin blister - Gives some diversity to the crew, adds the addition of some magic weapons and mid-range shooting.


    Lady justice + austringer - good mix of mellee beater masters with some solid henchmen.

    Each box + blister should be around $50-55 off the top of my head? All should be able to play 30 ss games iwth a little variation too.

  3. There really is only 2 ways to win a game of Malifaux.

    Get more points then your opponent.


    Prevent your opponent from getting more points then you.

    Which one of these options you take varies depending on what mission you are playing and what crew you have. It's not 40k where where the game is won soley by seeing who kills more then the opponent. It's about getting to those objectives, interacting first in some cases, and keeping your opponenet off his objectives.

  4. First Game with Leveticus.

    My crew:



    Canine remains

    4 SPA

    2 Belles

    5 stone cache (35 stone game)

    My opponent


    2x stitched togeathers



    Arcane Effigy

    Carrion Effigy

    5 Stones

    My Strat/schemes


    Gather Soulstones (unanounced)

    Lifeless death (Levi die 4 times)

    His strat / schemes




    The table is setup with a fair mix of blocking terrain and a couple burnt out woods for difficult terrain. I setup the 4 SPA in the diamond pattern on the right flank. Rusty, Levi and the dog go togeather in the center and the 2 belles on the left of them.

    My opponent deploys Zoraida, the 2 effigy and tuco more or less centered with the 2 stitched and vonschill going down my left flank.

    Turn 1.

    The typical movement and setting up positioning. Tuco wanders out too far into the middle of the field and I decide to capitalize on this. First bell walks up, casts lure on Tuco who is just about 17" from her after the move. Toss a 13 from my hand to garuntee success. The other bell then lures 2 more times (another 13 and a Red Joker from hand). With Tuco on my half of the board at this point the SPA's finish moving up and merge togeather for the Desolation Engine in melee range of Tuco... Poor Tuco... The stitched and vonschill are heading down my flank at this point. The D.Engine goes and with 2 attacks (1 general AP, +1 melee expert) he tears tuco in half and summons an SPA. Somewhere in here Rusty has killed the dog and I mistakenly use Levi to turn the counter into a SPA (total brain fart on my part there). Zoraida bewitches the Desolation Engine, then conduits the voodoo doll onto the Desolation Engine and forces him to charge Rusty with her casting expert. (+1 spell from the Arcane effigy action earlier in the turn) Rusty takes a beating and goes down to 4 wounds remaining. End of turn Levi dies and comes back near Rusty.

    Turn 2.

    The Desolation Engine starts us out,takes a walk and Charges that pesky voodoo doll. Connects solidly and tears it apart. I'm hoping this will cut down on Zoraidas Obey effectiveness. More movement from VonSchill and the Stitched. He starts with the Arcane to give the bonus casting to Zoraida and put a couple wounds on the Desolation Engine with ranged attacks. Rusty goes next to give re-activate to the Desolation Engine after walking up and putting up her Snares ability. (Dont want a repeat of the Engine being forced to charge her or the waif next to her!) Zoraida conduits the voodoo doll onto Rusty instead though but I resist the Obey to shoot the waif next to her. Levi pushes around a bit, kills the SPA he summoned last turn and properly re-animates it as a waif as intended and dies again. The re-activated Engine goes next and charges Zoraida. It's paired weapons making it a great option to ignore her Proper Manners ability I take a chunk out of her on the melee expert attack and burning a stone or two and then drop to 1 wound at end of turn (with 1 poison counter remaining from the original voodoo doll unfortunately.)

    Turn 3-4

    Things get a little blurry in the middle of the game. A lot of dancing around really. I'm trying to avoid the stiched that are now in range to start gambling and he's trying to avoid vonschill being turned into an SPA by Levi (we burn 4-5 stones between the 2 of us in one Levi activation and I manage to drop Vonschill to 4 wounds with Desolate wasting.) Zoraida flies away using raven to be on top of some difficult terrain. VonSchill starts picking on the Belles and kills one. Levi uses Harvest Soulstones on Rust at some point here as she will die to poison this turn.

    Turn 5-6

    Levi turns a stitched into an SPA denying his Does not Die activation. The now 4 SPA's start to join up with each other and turn 6 do their leap-frog tricks to rush towards zoraida and turn into the Desolation Engine again! The engine takes a walk and manages to get into base with zoraida again. Melee expert is used to kill a wicked doll summoned this turn (it was healing the remaining effigy and about to heal the remaining stiched, can't have that). Levi activates last and uses his last action to stack the deck and garuntee a turn 7. I flip a card to see if the game goes on and nobody is surprised when a 12 shows up. :)

    Turn 7.

    Zoraida has 1 stone left.

    Levi has 2 stones.

    I lose initiative 5 vs 6 and decide to reflip. Up comes the red joker... Well I guess I'll be going first then...

    Desolation engine lets loose on zoraida and between a bad hand on my part and his last stone he is only dropped to 1 wound remaining. He actually decides to kill Zoraida with the remaining effigy. (He was afraid I had assassinate unanounced as I was trying so hard to kill her and this would deny me those points). Levi books it into his deployment zone and Vonschill and the remaining stitched hide in the creepy fog.

    Game end here with the last couple models milling around.

    Total at the end of game:

    My Strat/schemes

    0 - Reconoiter - Only having 2 significant models at end of game hurt here... (levi and the desolation engine)

    1 - gather Soulstones (unanounced) - my one remaining stone saved me here.

    2 - Lifeless death (Levi die 4 times) - Got this one easy, i think he died like 6-7 times this game.

    His strat / schemes

    0 - Distract - levi can really move when he needs to.

    2 - Breakthrough - Vonschill plus the last stiched hiding behind terrain and in the creepy fog kept them save for the last couple turns.

    0 - Holdout - Killed the last remaining models of his in his zone and levi with his waifs walked in on turn 7.

    Total Levi 3 vs Zoraida 2. Very close game and a great time on both sides of the table.

    Random Thoughts:

    Card mechanics - First turn is a great example, since i'm pitching my hand at end of turn anyways, i have no problem throwing crazy good cards at throw away actions. It's really a weird feeling. I reccemend everyone give it a try once. :)

    SPA choo-choo train - We got to see this in action twice during the game and both times it worked but felt that if a model with decent ranged attacks had been nearby to just pop one of the SPA's it would have fallen apart completely. Several times the SPA had tried to combat enemies near them on their own and they are completely inept at basic combat. This will need further testing.

    Desolation Engine - This guy is an absolute beast. Killing friend and foe alike this game, Tossing re-activate from Rusty and then recombining the SPA's he generated from dying with the SPA's summoned off the corpses of what he killed...

    Rusty - A lot of stones, fairly slow and just not sure what to do with her most of the time. Going to try her a few more times and see if i can make her 'click' with me.

    Levi - Love his mechanics of bouncing around with his dying / resurrecting and card draw mechanics.

  5. @Rathnard - I rather like the addition of Bishop to go out and 'stick' the opponents big beastie in place until the aViks can get to them to actually do the killing of it.

    Let us know if it works out in reality like it sounds on paper.

  6. Got into a bit of a funk over the weekend, thought I'd geek out with some Malifaux podcasts and get some painting in to work through it.

    Dusted off what was left of my supply of unpainted models and went to town on them. Below is the results which I think turned out ok. Rusty Alyce might be getting the bath though, i'm just not sure about her.


    First up is the big man himself, Mr S-29. Very excited about this guy, gotta get in a few more games with McMourning and make sure to keep him alive long enough to avatar up. I really liked the addition of the medical white for all the armor bits on this one. Base still needs some drybrushing, etc.


    My dear girl Molly. Must have dropped her at some point, she definitely looks crooked in this pic. Really please with the vacant yet content look on her face. Want to try her out in addition to Leveticus crew.


    Leveticus himself plus his lovely ladies. Apparently it really sucks to be a small child / orphan / helpless woman / toaster in malifaux, Everyone is out to really mess you up and rebuild you as they see fit.

    Otherwise, I'm really please with these 3 models. Probably a good thing as they will see the most play in this warband.


    Rusty herself. Ugh, not happy with the paintjob. So much going on with this model that I had a hard time planning out the paint scheme. Ended up very busy. She might get the simple green bath and start over. Thoughts? Can she be fixed yet? Either way I'm happy with the gun swap and the additional blast effects on the barrel so the model is good. Just icky paintjob so far.


    Rotten belles. These look to be really useful in the Levi crew, forgot to finish the trim on two of their dresses, easily fixed though.


    My scratchbuilt substitutes for the SPA's. I really liked the imagery of the banethralls from the privateer press world and figured I'd give it a go to make up my own with some leftover parts from various projects. What do you think? Did i pull it off or back to the scrap heap with these?



    To go along with the SPA's new look I put togeather a proxy Desolation engine using similiar components ( I figure they all lump togeather so used the same arms, similair body just a lot bigger, more re-purposed skaven bits, etc)

    Now to just talk the locals into a game to see how many of these new models I can get on the table...

  7. You may want to check the recent FAQ for clarifications on these but the short version is:

    Only living models take terror checks, so even once you strip a model of any immunities to WP duels from Open the box, you don't automatically make them living... they are still undead, constructs, whatever..

    Only damage caused by spells, or magic weapons are magic damage. So wounds inflicted by talents and abilities are not magical by default.

  8. Honestly it really depends on the reason i'm painting the model.

    If it's just something i'm doing for myself for casual play, i'll toss it aside and come back to it later when i'm feeling like painting it (Rusty Alyce is sitting on a shelf currently, i just can't seem to get the feel for that model...)

    On the other hand if i'm painting as part of a commision project or I have a tourney deadline looming, then sometimes you just have to slog through it and just make progress. When i'm working on something like this I often feel like my models go through an "ugly phase", They just look awkward, unfinished and sloppy. It's usually around this point that I feel like it's just not coming togeather and I should start over. But if i can stay focused, do the next couple shades of highlights, finish the rest of the base colors, etc. (just dip it) then the model comes togeather and I get that satisfied feeling again and can finish the model in high spirits.

  9. Collodi is a special forces leader (dolls) so once he is in your crew he unlocks the option to play with as many special forces-doll models as you like.

    ---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ----------

    Just keep in mind that not all doll models are Special Forces-doll models... Like the Stitched togeathers are dolls but not special forces so she can take 3 (rare 3 limit) in any game even if you don't have Collodi in the crew.

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