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Posts posted by roknchris

  1. They way the wording is it would seem that she would not be able to cast any spells even if she reactivated until after the end of the closing phase. so pretty much until next turn. I think her abilities would still go off but she couldn't cast.

  2. So a friend and i have been playing for a short period of time and the witchling stalkers has the spell, and i haven't found the answer anywhere.

    (1) Dispel Magic - Remove 1 effect from target model

    So what is considered an effect because in the little rule book like page 18 or 19 i think it describes effects but i was wondering if you can get rid of most anything at that point because its term referring to anything that changes the state of the model.

    Example i guess, would it get rid of like any of Pandora's abilities that she has under talents??? Any help would be great thanks!!!

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