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Everything posted by Alfndrate

  1. Ed, You're close... might be closer to, Santa, aDreamer Idk if I should sculpt a cheesy looking beard and wire frame glasses onto chompy though... I actually have to play with this when the contest is done...
  2. It's a holiday themed Malifaux Painting contest, my entry involves one of the many children of the game (not necessarily Malifaux), and perhaps this young man's imagination as it might pertain to the holidays. Note: Bolded words are clues. I would post a picture, but we're not allowed to until after the contest.
  3. I can't win anything though, this is for the Dakka Painting Challenge I'm running, but anyone on the Moderation or Admin team can enter for bragging rights. I'm not either of those, but I want to enter with the Mods watermark so people know that if they vote for me, it's not going to hurt the models they like... I'm just seeing tons of awesome stuff, and I look at my model which I'm finishing up, and I'm like... well.... shucks, I couldn't win anyways lol
  4. Final Week guys, it's not too late to enter. Remember: If you want to enter, you need to send a WIP picture of a blank model that has 0 paint on it. Some models are being allowed with primer. Everything is up to the discretion of myself and Yakface over on Dakka, if you want to enter, shoot an email to the DPC email in the OP.
  5. Have you ever seen models painted so awesomely for a competition you're entering that you just don't want to enter, because your model is going to be glossed over for this competition?
  6. That's why I picked up Leveticus... I want his Avatar, and I want to just run the 4 riders and him >_<
  7. Hey everyone, Malifaux night, tonight! Come on down if you want to learn how to play or just want to get in a game, we'll have at least 2 tables set up, with possible more, depending on the players . 5:30 to 10 pm
  8. This is quickly becoming my mentality about this situation... I've got a lot of more "advanced" masters. I'm thinking of picking up Seamus to be the second half of my demo crew vs. Lady J...
  9. Yeah, but Tina is really the only one that interests me... Idk, weird position that I won't want to step on the toes of what my players have already, even though I'm far less likely to play what they're playing.
  10. I own mostly Neverborn, though I'm spread through all the books lol. I own Pandora, Dreamer, their avatars, and Lynch. Other than that, I have the boxes for Lady J, Nicodem, and the Viks... with Leveticus and Tina still in their boxes (though idk for how much longer) I played my first two games with Nicodem a few weeks ago, and they were really fun once I figured out how to keep him alive (I got hit with the dreamer bomb at the end of turn 1). Not sure what faction I want to expand into.
  11. Those robes are awesome man! I'm looking at my stuff and crying...
  12. I should probably look at Mako's stuff... his pics are work blocked
  13. I picked up Nightmare Teddy, I need something to distinguish my neverborn from our influx of neverborn players lol...
  14. Mmmm Wrecks, on wreck, on wrecks? 30 minutes before go home time
  15. Wish I could read that, blogspot and wordpress are blocked for me here at work...
  16. Lol, Nick is still on the staff. Emily is their official head of PR, and it seems Marketing, etc.. too lol. Idk what the policy on pimping other games is... but OTL is selling 100 resource Brushfire armies for roughly 100 bucks (some of them are like 48 to 36 dollar savings ) until December 14th.... Makeo, sorry, not a new head. I had another company's skirmish models chilling in my Malifaux bag while it still had the space for it, last night I assembled a bunch, and still have my Tina box to assemble.
  17. Can't complain Mako, finally got the rest of my Book 4 Neverborn assembled, AND found my head to Lynch while I was cleaning out my Malifaux case (had nasty 3rd party models )
  18. PR guy is a girl I feel ya on the new game thing though. I recently picked up some FoW stuff and realized I have to make a choice between either Malifaux on my regular Malifaux nights or some other game (Flames being a big possible choice because one of my regulars gave me a FoW demo). Brushfire is an interesting game and could easily be proxied with 28 or 32mm historical figs around the same time period. Though I have far less involvement with that game.
  19. Yeah, I know the On the Lamb team through DakkaDakka, met them in Orlando after getting off of a cruise and spent an afternoon playing their main game Brushfire while waiting for my flight back to Ohio, met with them at GenCon, and shortly after they mentioned a little more work going into EFT, I said I'd help in however I could, since I was part of their Warden program (not official yet lol :-D), and the next thing I know, I'm designing classes and monsters . If you look at the pdf, I'm Tom under the written by. As to MAGfest, I'll talk to them about it. I know me personally, I'm only able to make it to Origins, AdeptiCon, and GenCon... If we could find someone in the DC area that would be willing to run some tables, we would appreciate that...
  20. My Thief/Assassin used a bow mostly, with 2 swords whenever I wanted a rampage.
  21. My Thief/Assassin used a bow mostly, with 2 swords whenever I wanted a rampage.
  22. I couldn't get into 3, I never had the ammo to sustain my pistolero shenanigans. And I maintain that melee combat in Bethesda games is terrible, so much so I almost didn't buy Skyrim until I played a bit on it. I was hoping for some magical form of V.A.T.S so I wouldn't have to swing all the time, and could just do it via V.A.T.S... Oh well, Skyrim was still a good game
  23. Hehe during my training they gave me the program, and said, "Make it as deadly as possible so you can see what a sheet really looks like."
  24. Specifically we create and maintain a program that manages and authors safety data sheets... Working on Endless: Fantasy Tactics is far more enjoyable, but doesn't pay the bills.
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