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Everything posted by Alfndrate

  1. Doing well, I'm getting off my butt to paint my Viks crew, got the gun Vik finished last night, working on the swords Vik tonight, probably going to get done with her and Taylor done tonight. Paint Johan tomorrow, and maybe the Malifaux Child, possibly Sue. If I get those all done, all my Outcasts will be finished and ready for Demoing. Then I'll start on my Lynch and the Honeypot Casino crew. But that's probably weeks from now....
  2. Quality over quanity good sir... Your profs will forgive a "short" paper as long as it is good. Trust me, I didn't have a single paper of the "required" length, and I made Dean's list
  3. I liked writing college papers, something that you could bs and write in a night... far better than college exams Granted I was an English ed major
  4. I can't speak for others lol, but I've got 3 painted 40k armies... I don't need more >_<
  5. I don't have anyone to hold me to that pact... I just bought some ressers this weekend after seeing someone at my Malifaux night summon a Rogue Necro in a small Demo, Nicodem, Mortimer and a Punk Zombie vs. Justice and 3 Death Marshalls... He pulled three low crows for Mortimer's Exhume and cheated with a 5 of Crows the 4th time while he danced around the board with Justice. Dug up the 4th corpse counter, activated Nicodem afterwards, paralyzed Justice, Used Reanimator to bring out a Rogue Necro, Bolstered Undead, and survived the next activation and then had the Rogue Necro rip into Justice. The girl who was playing Justice thought she had it in the bag. It was a good demo. I love when wargamers get demos of Malifaux
  6. Thanks I bought her box for a few reasons, to show my local store how Henchmen work in the game, and to pick up some undead. I'm prepping my Neverborn for AdeptiCon, so I'll probably pick up Nicodem every few games or so. I'm not looking to be competitive with him, just to have fun. I do need a Grave Spirit though... I'm probably looking at something like this: Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap Nicodem, The Undertaker -- 7 Pool Grave Spirit [1ss] Bête Noire [9ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Mortimer, The Gravedigger [7ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] *shrugs* I will probably end up buying a bunch more Ressers lol. Usually I play the good guys in games... Malifaux has been like all "evil" my main faction being Neverborn, and now Ressers.
  7. So I've been playing a little bit more of Nicodem, and I picked up a Flesh Construct, Bette Noir, and a pack of Canine Remains. I know that I need to pick up at least 2 more Canine Remains (my flgs only had 1 blister), and Molly's Box. So how do the Molly Box work with Nicodem? I've proxied what was in my blisters, so I have experience with them, but not Molly's box (though a demo I gave on Friday had the Nicodem player get 4 corpse counters and he asked to look through my books and he summoned a Rogue Necromancy). So besides the extra corpse counter needed to summon him, how does Molly and or the Crooligans work with our Zombie Master?
  8. I'm finally getting around to painting up my Viktoria box. Bishop is done, but the rest of the box needs painting...
  9. Close it's about 10 lol but I use it for sensitive work... I don't have great brush control, something I've been working on, so a small brush does help me...
  10. I use Reaper's Kolinksy 0 and 10-0, I have 2 brushes of each size, one for metallics and one for non metallics, and they're holding up awesomely after 6 months of being beaten up.
  11. I painted my first and last finecast model :-\ What a piece of junk these models are. Though where the detail comes out nice, it is decently crisp...
  12. It goes, got upset at the lack of 32mm deer... went with polar bears... Too heavy lol
  13. I might have to check one of my flgs... Because based on your suggestion that you gave me a page ago, I've been thinking about adding 8 little critters...
  14. Hey Ed (or anyone else for that matter) Do you have an idea of who might make 28 or 32mm deer...
  15. It's a special limited edition, you should still be able to get it off of GW's site, but I believe it only comes with the giant red paint station.
  16. It's a local philly parade... I've never heard of this...
  17. .... >_> No I don't lol, I'm very new to Dreamer, I've played maybe 4 games with him, and I don't have Alps yet... they're probably going to be on my next purchase. I've got my 3rd teddy coming from the birthday sale, so I can have fun with that goofy list too. What did they do before they were cuddled?
  18. Would those two effects stack? Like if I have three little alps bugging a model and they gain terrifying from Dreamer before that model activates, would it have to take the the 3 terrifying tests and the one from Smother?
  19. Yes it would, which means, you can either 1) Spend it with friends and ring in the new year and celebrate a new year of life with the wife, or 2)treat it as a quiet evening with the missus....
  20. On of my co-workers is getting married that day. It's kind of funny because we still have work that day, so she invited us to the reception (wedding is small) which will lead into the new years celebrations...
  21. Okay, is the white veil falling on Jan 1? Or just around that time?
  22. The Event? You're not talking about The Event from book 2/3 right?
  23. Dang, we just extended the entry period too :'( I feel like I can't compete with the Infinity group on Dakka :'(
  24. No I didn't >_< I should! frick... the bed is painted already too...
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