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Posts posted by Regnak

  1. Reg, not creepy are you sure about that?

    Hey! She said I'm NOT creepy! That the closest thing to a compliment I've had from Fell! :)

    *Prints out Fells comment, Frames it and hands it over the fireplace*

    ---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

    Maybe it was a mix up in word order and should have been:

    Hey! *Throws a piglet at Steam*


  2. Ok, you have some cool choices..never pegged you as having Raspy top though..I knew you were a finger waggler but for some reason thought you liked Ramos!

    And reasons..ok, will go back and edit mine!

    Lady J - Cause shes ginger and I love gingers?! There, thats your first description sorted! :)

  3. Orks are cool....

    I really like the new stormboyz models, and the nobz, and the bikers....


    So, out of interest folks, what would be your favourite 3 Malifaux Masters?

    This could be decided on Fluff, the minis, how they play, anything!

    Mine would most likely be:

    1. Lady Justice

    2. Lilith

    3. Seamus

    1. Molly (Does she count as a master for this?) Like her character fluff and also the mini

    2. The Viks Don't own the models but like the story behind the "twin"

    3. Seamus love the fluff! :)

    But agree with Steam... we need way more fluff. I know theres alot of characters but some of them seem to be neglected after the initial mini push...

  4. I've an exceptionally strong neck! :)

    Well, today I shall be working on some 40k stuff while watching some Netflix. Got to get some paint on more Death Korps and also may start painting up some Black Reach Orks that I've had for years....Should have enough ORks for a 500point list.. thinking of picking up a Weirdboy for fun.. so can have another 500point army to play or let another friend use (trying to get other friends into 40k).

  5. I know, shocking isn't it?

    Mind you, we have lost a few:

    Chocobo has gone AWOL

    Hayzel has all but disappeared

    Sketch doesn't even post, guessing too busy now lol

    Fell's post count has slowed since her move

    KArn is still on the periphery, but nowhere near as prolific.

    Spoon has loped off

    Edonil seems to have vanished

    Yazza, Lobostele and Hatchethead haven't posted in aeons!

    But all is not lost, Regnak is as handsome and witty as always. Without him I don't think anyone would post on this forum

    The list probably goes on....

    ---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------

    *shakes head*

    I'll get the coffee and sarnies on!

    Awwww.. thanks Abs *Blushes* :)

    ---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ----------

    Morning Reg Fans...

    how are you fine fellows this morning? Today is my last day off before work begins... and a horrible shift of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to look forward to :(

  6. Fantastic, but you must be very patient lol!

    And a metre rule...good idea...At least it'll keep Regnak that far away from us!

    ---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------

    Wow, thats the best joke I've heard all day!

    And when I am king you can be my Jester :) I'll add some nice bells to your wheels. And think yourself lucky, you were originally going to be a porta potty! :)

    Since Fell no longer posts that much (Shes still embarrassed that I turn her down when she asked Regnak the mighty out on a date) I'm taking over! :) So fall in people, I am your Green Leader and you will obey! :)

  7. People got to arguing about how they did or didn't know better than everyone else. The usual stuff really!

    Are we talking a metre ruler to clonk people on the back of the head for being rude? :-P

    Well, that works also.... but I was referring more to... *puffs out chest*.. a symbol of Greatness... who happens to be green... and guess what lucky people, I'm both! :)

    And yes, I know, its a pleasure posting one the same forum as someone so great. :)

  8. I get what you're saying Dustcrusher and I do think that if kept on track, these sort of threads could be useful discussions.

    I have to say I'm not a fan of trying to put armies etc into tiers...To me, it seems like if you can put these forces into different levels then it shows the game is seriously unbalanced, or at least appears to be. I guess that is kind of the point but it just seems like a lot of effort for little or no reward....Unless the developers actually do something about it!

    I understand there are gamers out there who do it for the winning, and want to know the best armies and builds out there. But thats just not me, so all this discussion of 'this army is broken' etc just washes over me..I f I'm unfortunate enough to meet one of these WAAC armies and get trounced, I get trounced. the issue is when the game stops being fun.

    I guess I just don't get it really, not being involved in tournaments etc where I can see it not being fair if armies aren't balanced, or its the same lists turning up over and over.

    I just pick an army or force because I like the look of it..


    Hows things lol! ?

    Well said Sir! :)

    I'm the same. Its like my 500 point Death Korp army list I'm working on. My friend is doing a 500 point necron one and according to him and GW shop guys I'm likely to get my ass kicked. But you know what, I'm still getting them ready and am looking forward to the game. I do have enough to have a way bigger point game but my friend has only just got into 40k so doesn't have many models yet. I'm just a huge fluffy list fan. Keeping things fluffy may loose me every game I play but I'd damn sure have more fun than fielding a "Leaf Blower" list and winning every game I play...

    ---------- Post added at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------

    I think the discussion of a tier list has merit, even if it's to say that Malifaux is too complex to have one. Hatchethead and msgfree and I among others were trying to steer things back on-topic and then a couple of people come out of left field and restart the fire. :facepalm:

    Race and political baiting on a forum about toy soldiers? I come here to forget about reality for a while, fer cryin' out loud. I hope a certain person *who shall remain nameless* got a stern warning. I would've banned him for a week- it's sad that the classic Penny Arcade axiom still applies today.

    On a much more fun note, my LGS owner says I should have new shineys coming in tomorrow- if I had to guess, probably Taelor, the Ronin, and maybe a Desperate Merc or two.

    Wowsers... what happened?

    I don't know, I leave you guys alone for a while and things get out of hand... see... you need a ruler! :)

  9. Help yourselves, plenty to go around.

    Well, I have an outline idea of how my space pups project is going to be; now to fine tweak the list, and see how many points my wants come to, then adjust as necessary! It started out as a 1000pt list, but i think it will be more like 1500pts now...

    Then once I'm happy with the list, i'll purchase the complete force and build it in one sitting! probably the end of MArch....then try and get it on the table top in a friendly game or two..

    Thats the plan, but we all know how plans work out!

    Based on ragnar Blackmane, but making my own model out of the SW bits rather than that god awful figure they have already...

    Well, we need to think up a Space Wolf name for you... how about "Abs Wolfbottom"? :P

    Morning All. Today I will be working on my Death Korps once again... its one of those armies that you spend a whole day painting and look up to realiSe there is loads more to paint and what you've done hardly makes a dent! :(

    Oh and "Abs Wolfbottom", let me know what old 40k figures you fished out of the lost, might be interested in a few.... dozen! :) Really got the urge to get some of the old figures I had when I was younger..

  10. Morning..sandwich for me and probably coffee, as my eyes do not seem to want to open.

    *walks into door*

    HAHA! Abs 0 Door 1 :)

    Morning Reg fans! :) Today it will be hobby day. One of my friends is coming round who just got the 40k bug and picked up NEcron codex and also a command barge thingy so will help him put it together and also talk about paint schemes. I still have my Krieg to get painted....

  11. Death Korps..that'll be costly....I know what you mean about the 40k bug..thinking of starting pups...Some fantastic minis available!

    O.O Feeling quite guilty for selling you the bugger now!

    ---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 PM ----------

    Hey Munkey...hows the accommodation/Insurance situation going?

    Good news on both fronts I hope!

    *crosses fingers*

    Yeah, also got a Space Wolves army. Working on those also. Doing a 13th Company type thing. Lots of Chaos bits and Wulfen ;) Not to mention starting up an Iron Warriors army... lots if projects... none finished! :(

  12. I've no idea how they are...since the guild rounded them up for target practice!

    You are obviously a marine veteran Regnak...

    ---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------

    Its a regnak thing....much worse! ;)

    Don't make me start up the whole candy thing again?! ;)

    Working out a list for my Death Korps atm... my friend has just got the 40k bug and is picking up some NEcrons. Starting out with a 500 point list..

  13. Reg... I'm from Wales as well you know MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    I rest my case! :P

    ---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 PM ----------

    lol, I was going to do something along those lines, but thought i'd be a bit more reserved, so as not to make regnak feel isolated! ;)

    ---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

    I think we scared him off....

    ---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

    Lunchtime! Back in a bit!

    *runs off to hijack the sandwich cart*

    You'll never get rid of me! ;)

    Oh, thanks Abs... the parcel arrived! :) I love the way you have incorporated some old take away packaging in the parcel! :) Nah, thanks alot sir. Very well packaged and I'm currently eating the heart-shaped candy you added :)

  14. Reg ya Green Meanie, I ordered the game so you should be happy. Playing it will let me complain more about Ultra Smurfs, lol! Plus when I finally get Live I can join ye in kicking some bum on it ;)

    Right, time to go do something else, like assemble models maybe (I have quite the backlog with many dating back to this time last year) or do some more painting, or maybe watch some more Harold Lloyd (on disc 9 now!).

    Thats step one done :)

    Now all you need is a gold account ;) Plus it takes some time to build up the levels... higher level better weapon options...

  15. shush now...people may talk!

    And only a bit left..in a thread in the trading forum..mainly neverborn now i think..

    pish...you like to mix with the common folk because it highers your standing!

    Pah, big talk from a man with wheels! :)

    Right, I'm gonna try Space Marine one last time else will take a break from it for a while... You guys need to pick it up ASAP!

  16. Gah!!!!!!!!! This Blood game. Playing the Chaos addon for Space Marine. Twice today we have made it to the bonus round and done really well to find the server glitches. First time it spawned about 300 rocket boyz.... and the second play through it spawned about 60 Killercans..... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Damn game.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

    *Throws piglets about*

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